Friday, January 31, 2020

CJD TSE Prion Blood Products, iatrogenic transmission, Confucius is confused again, WHAT IF? Docket Number: FDA-2012-D-0307

CJD TSE Prion Blood Products, iatrogenic transmission, Confucius is confused again, WHAT IF? Docket Number: FDA-2012-D-0307

''In the 2016 guidance, we recommended that prospective blood donors should be indefinitely deferred if they report having a blood relative with CJD. However, almost all cases reported are sCJD, not a genetic form of CJD. Blood relatives of individuals with sCJD are not at increased risk of developing the disease. The rare genetic forms of CJD (e.g., fCJD, GSS, FFI) share pathophysiological features with sCJD, and the transmission risk by blood components remains theoretical. Consequently, we recommend that establishments may stop asking prospective donors about having blood relatives with CJD.''

Confucius is confused again?

''The rare genetic forms of CJD (e.g., fCJD, GSS, FFI) share pathophysiological features with sCJD, and the transmission risk by blood components remains theoretical. Consequently, we recommend that establishments may stop asking prospective donors about having blood relatives with CJD.''

YET, vpspr, sporadic FFI, sporadic GSS, or the pending cases that can't be identified, are all now listed as sporadic CJD.

WHAT IF, sGSS, sFFI, are of an iatrogenic event from iatrogenic donor being from GSS or FFI?

what if vpspr is another strain of a different sporadic CJD, or familial? see;

7Includes 21 (21 from 2019) cases with type determination pending in which the diagnosis of vCJD has been excluded. 

8The sporadic cases include 3831 cases of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD), 67 cases of Variably Protease-Sensitive Prionopathy (VPSPr) and 35 cases of sporadic Fatal Insomnia (sFI). 

9Total does not include 264 Familial cases diagnosed by blood test only.

under new proposed guidelines ''we recommend that establishments may stop asking prospective donors about having blood relatives with CJD'' (of which i strongly oppose due to the fact sporadic cjd is not a single entity or a spontaneous event, never which have been proven), but under these guidelines, you will miss the vpspr, sgss, and sffi, because they are under sporadic cjd terminology, would you not?

The occurrence of the disease in a patient who had contact with cases of familial C.J.D., but was not genetically related, has been described in Chile (Galvez et al., 1980) and in France (Brown et al., 1979b). In Chile the patient was related by marriage, but with no consanguinity, and had social contact with subsequently affected family members for 13 years before developing the disease. The contact case in France also married into a family in which C.J.D. was prevalent and had close contact with an affected member. In neither instance did the spouse of the non-familial case have the disease. The case described in this report was similarly related to affected family members and social contact had occurred for 20 years prior to developing C.J.D. If contact transmission had occurred, the minimum transmission period would be 11 years. Contact between sporadic cases has not been described and it is remarkable that possible contact transmissions have all been with familial cases. No method of transmission by casual social contact has been suggested.


***The occurrence of contact cases raises the possibility that transmission in families may be effected by an unusually virulent strain of the agent.

snip...see full text here;

Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in a Woman Married Into a Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker Family: An Investigation of Prions Transmission via Microchimerism 

Aušrinė Areškevičiūtė, MSc, Linea Cecilie Melchior, PhD, Helle Broholm, MD, Lars-Henrik Krarup, MD, PhD, Suzanne Granhøj Lindquist, MD, PhD, Peter Johansen, PhD, Neil McKenzie, PhD, Alison Green, PhD, Jørgen Erik Nielsen, MD, PhD, Henning Laursen, Dr.Med, Eva Løbner Lund, MD, PhD Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, Volume 77, Issue 8, August 2018, Pages 673–684, Published: 07 June 2018


This is the first report of presumed sporadic CJD occurring in a person who married into a GSS family. The estimated prevalence of GSS is in the range of 2–5 per 100 million people worldwide, and the annual mortality rate for sCJD in Denmark is 1.46 per 1 million people (31). The population of Denmark consists of 5 740 185 individuals, and there are 2 registered GSS cases that belong to the same family. The Danish GSS family is only the thirty-fourth known GSS family in the world (32). One could assume that the risk for a Danish man with GSS to have a wife or a mother who would develop CJD in her seventies is as high as for any other man. On the basis of the mortality rate for sCJD, and assuming that the incidence of sCJD is the same among married and unmarried people, we could state that 1 man out of 684 932 men has a risk of marrying a woman who would develop CJD. However, in this case, the man a priori had GSS, which means that it would take 1 man out of 684 932 men with GSS for such a pairing to occur. Considering the worldwide rarity of GSS cases, the likelihood for co-occurrence of GSS and sCJD in one family is hence very low and warrants an investigation for the possible transmission of prions routes.

Volume 25, Number 1—January 2019


Variable Protease-Sensitive Prionopathy Transmission to Bank Vol

Romolo Nonno1, Silvio Notari1, Michele Angelo Di Bari, Ignazio Cali, Laura Pirisinu, Claudia d’Agostino, Laura Cracco, Diane Kofskey, Ilaria Vanni, Jody Lavrich, Piero Parchi, Umberto Agrimi, and Pierluigi GambettiComments to Author 

Author affiliations: Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy (R. Nonno, M.A. Di Bari, L. Pirisinu, C. d’Agostino, I. Vanni, U. Agrimi); Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA (S. Notari, I. Cali, L. Cracco, D. Kofskey, J. Lavrich, P. Gambetti); University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy (P. Parchi); Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna, Bologna (P. Parchi)

***> However, the VPSPr prion shares the multiplicity of the resPrPD electrophoretic bands with prions from a subset of inherited prion diseases referred to as Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease (GSS), prompting the suggestion that VPSPr is the sporadic form of GSS (7,10). Furthermore, the presence of small amounts of sCJD-like 3-band resPrPD has also been signaled in VPSPr (6,11,12).


vpspr, sgss, sffi, TSE, an iatrogenic by-product of gss, ffi, familial type prion disease, what it ???

Greetings Friends, Neighbors, and Colleagues,

vpspr, sgss, sffi, TSE, an iatrogenic by-product of gss, ffi, familial type prion disease, what it ???

Confucius is confused again.

I was just sitting and thinking about why there is no genetic link to some of these TSE prion sGSS, sFFi, and it’s really been working on my brain, and then it hit me today.
what if, vpspr, sgss, sffi, TSE prion disease, was a by-product from iatrogenic gss, ffi, familial type prion disease ???
it could explain the cases of no genetic link to the gss, ffi, familial type prion disease, to the family.
sporadic and familial is a red herring, in my opinion, and underestimation is spot on, due to the crude prehistoric diagnostic procedures and criteria and definition of a prion disease.
I say again, what if, iatrogenic, what if, with all these neurological disorders, with a common denominator that is increasingly showing up in the picture, called the prion.
I urge all scientist to come together here, with this as the utmost of importance about all these neurological disease that are increasingly showing up as a prion mechanism, to put on the front burners, the IATROGENIC aspect and the potential of transmission there from, with diseases/disease??? in question.
by definition, could they be a Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy TSE prion type disease, and if so, what are the iatrogenic chances of transmission?
this is very important, and should be at the forefront of research, and if proven, could be a monumental breakthrough in science and battle against the spreading of these disease/diseases.

sporadic CJD, along with new TSE prion disease in humans, of which the young are dying, of which long duration of illness from onset of symptoms to death have been documented, only to have a new name added to the pot of prion disease i.e. sporadic GSS, sporadic FFI, and or VPSPR. I only ponder how a familial type disease could be sporadic with no genetic link to any family member? when the USA is the only documented Country in the world to have documented two different cases of atypical H-type BSE, with one case being called atypical H-G BSE with the G meaning Genetic, with new science now showing that indeed atypical H-type BSE is very possible transmitted to cattle via oral transmission (Prion2014). sporadic CJD and VPSPR have been rising in Canada, USA, and the UK, with the same old excuse, better surveillance. You can only use that excuse for so many years, for so many decades, until one must conclude that CJD TSE prion cases are rising. a 48% incease in CJD in Canada is not just a blip or a reason of better surveillance, it is a mathematical rise in numbers. More and more we are seeing more humans exposed in various circumstance in the Hospital, Medical, Surgical arenas to the TSE Prion disease, and at the same time in North America, more and more humans are becoming exposed to the TSE prion disease via consumption of the TSE prion via deer and elk, cattle, sheep and goats, and for those that are exposed via or consumption, go on to further expose many others via the iatrogenic modes of transmission of the TSE prion disease i.e. friendly fire. I pondered this mode of transmission via the victims of sporadic FFI, sporadic GSS, could this be a iatrogenic event from someone sub-clinical with sFFI or sGSS ? what if?

Thursday, March 8, 2018 

Familial human prion diseases associated with prion protein mutations Y226X and G131V are transmissible to transgenic mice expressing human prion protein

Furthermore, GSS A117V infected vole brains were able to induce the same disease phenotype in recipient voles within 3–4 months after challenge, proving that a prion agent propagated in the brains of infected animals. These findings imply that brains of GSS patients harbor infectious prions with transmissibility features similar to those found in other human and animal TSEs.

*** Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease to a chimpanzee by electrodes contaminated during neurosurgery *** 

Gibbs CJ Jr, Asher DM, Kobrine A, Amyx HL, Sulima MP, Gajdusek DC. 

Laboratory of Central Nervous System Studies, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892. Stereotactic multicontact electrodes used to probe the cerebral cortex of a middle aged woman with progressive dementia were previously implicated in the accidental transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) to two younger patients. The diagnoses of CJD have been confirmed for all three cases. More than two years after their last use in humans, after three cleanings and repeated sterilisation in ethanol and formaldehyde vapour, the electrodes were implanted in the cortex of a chimpanzee. Eighteen months later the animal became ill with CJD. This finding serves to re-emphasise the potential danger posed by reuse of instruments contaminated with the agents of spongiform encephalopathies, even after scrupulous attempts to clean them. 

to date, the claim that 85% + of all human TSE Prion are spontaneous/sporadic event that just happens, in my opinion, has never been proven to date. it's a myth, just like the UKBSEnvCJD only there, where only typical c-BSE UK mad cow, is transmissible to humans, and all the rest is old cow disease or old people disease. remember, nvcjd has been documented in very old people as well, plus, it was postulated at the BSE Inquiry that, some farmers are heterozygous for the methionine/valine variant at codon 129, and their lymphoreticular system (LRS) does not contain the high levels of PrPSc found in vCJD. It remains a remote possibility that when older people contract CJD from BSE the resulting phenotype is like sporadic CJD and is distinct from the vCJD phenotype in younger people, and indeed today we find that;

SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 2018 

Diagnosis of Methionine/Valine Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease by Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification Volume 24, Number 7—July 2018


''In particular the US data do not clearly exclude the possibility of human (sporadic or familial) TSE development due to consumption of venison. The Working Group thus recognizes a potential risk to consumers if a TSE would be present in European cervids.'' Scientific opinion on chronic wasting disease (II)

EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ) Antonia Ricci Ana Allende Declan Bolton Marianne Chemaly Robert Davies Pablo Salvador Fernández Escámez ... See all authors 

First published: 17 January 2018 ; 

also, see; 

8. Even though human TSE‐exposure risk through consumption of game from European cervids can be assumed to be minor, if at all existing, no final conclusion can be drawn due to the overall lack of scientific data. 

***> In particular the US data do not clearly exclude the possibility of human (sporadic or familial) TSE development due to consumption of venison. 

The Working Group thus recognizes a potential risk to consumers if a TSE would be present in European cervids. It might be prudent considering appropriate measures to reduce such a risk, e.g. excluding tissues such as CNS and lymphoid tissues from the human food chain, which would greatly reduce any potential risk for consumers.. However, it is stressed that currently, no data regarding a risk of TSE infections from cervid products are available. 


The tissue distribution of infectivity in CWD‐infected cervids is now known to extend beyond CNS and lymphoid tissues. While the removal of these specific tissues from the food chain would reduce human dietary exposure to infectivity, exclusion from the food chain of the whole carcass of any infected animal would be required to eliminate human dietary exposure. 

 ***Moreover, sporadic disease has never been observed in breeding colonies or primate research laboratories, most notably among hundreds of animals over several decades of study at the National Institutes of Health25, and in nearly twenty older animals continuously housed in our own facility.***

Even if the prevailing view is that sporadic CJD is due to the spontaneous formation of CJD prions, it remains possible that its apparent sporadic nature may, at least in part, result from our limited capacity to identify an environmental origin.


Iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease with Amyloid-β pathology: an international study

Re-Evidence for human transmission of amyloid-β pathology and cerebral amyloid angiopathy 

Nature 525, 247?250 (10 September 2015) doi:10.1038/nature15369 Received 26 April 2015 Accepted 14 August 2015 Published online 09 September 2015 Updated online 11 September 2015 Erratum (October, 2015) 

snip...see full Singeltary Nature comment here; 

Alzheimer's disease

let's not forget the elephant in the room. curing Alzheimer's would be a great and wonderful thing, but for starters, why not start with the obvious, lets prove the cause or causes, and then start to stop that. think iatrogenic, friendly fire, or the pass it forward mode of transmission. think medical, surgical, dental, tissue, blood, related transmission. think transmissible spongiform encephalopathy aka tse prion disease aka mad cow type disease... 

Commentary: Evidence for human transmission of amyloid-β pathology and cerebral amyloid angiopathy

Self-Propagative Replication of Ab Oligomers Suggests Potential Transmissibility in Alzheimer Disease 

*** Singeltary comment PLoS *** 

Alzheimer’s disease and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy prion disease, Iatrogenic, what if ? 

Posted by flounder on 05 Nov 2014 at 21:27 GMT 




[9. Whilst this matter is not at the moment directly concerned with the iatrogenic CJD cases from hgH, there remains a possibility of litigation here, and this presents an added complication. 

There are also results to be made available shortly 

(1) concerning a farmer with CJD who had BSE animals, 

(2) on the possible transmissibility of Alzheimer’s and 

(3) a CMO letter on prevention of iatrogenic CJD transmission in neurosurgery, all of which will serve to increase media interest.]

snip...see full Singeltary Nature comment here; 

re-Evidence for human transmission of amyloid-? pathology and cerebral amyloid angiopathy Nature 525, 247?250 (10 September 2015) doi:10.1038/nature15369 Received 26 April 2015 Accepted 14 August 2015 Published online 09 September 2015 Updated online 11 September 2015 Erratum (October, 2015)

I would kindly like to comment on the Nature Paper, the Lancet reply, and the newspaper articles.

First, I applaud Nature, the Scientist and Authors of the Nature paper, for bringing this important finding to the attention of the public domain, and the media for printing said findings.

Secondly, it seems once again, politics is getting in the way possibly of more important Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy TSE Prion scientific findings. findings that could have great implications for human health, and great implications for the medical surgical arena. but apparently, the government peer review process, of the peer review science, tries to intervene again to water down said disturbing findings.

where have we all heard this before? it's been well documented via the BSE Inquiry. have they not learned a lesson from the last time?

we have seen this time and time again in England (and other Country's) with the BSE mad cow TSE Prion debacle.

That 'anonymous' Lancet editorial was disgraceful. The editor, Dick Horton is not a scientist.

The pituitary cadavers were very likely elderly and among them some were on their way to CJD or Alzheimer's. Not a bit unusual. Then the recipients, who got pooled extracts injected from thousands of cadavers, were 100% certain to have been injected with both seeds. No surprise that they got both diseases going after thirty year incubations.

That the UK has a "system in place to assist science journalists" to squash embargoed science reports they find 'alarming' is pathetic.

Sounds like the journalists had it right in the first place: 'Alzheimer's may be a transmissible infection' in The Independent to 'You can catch Alzheimer's' in The Daily Mirror or 'Alzheimer's bombshell' in The Daily Express

if not for the journalist, the layperson would not know about these important findings.

where would we be today with sound science, from where we were 30 years ago, if not for the cloak of secrecy and save the industry at all cost mentality?

when you have a peer review system for science, from which a government constantly circumvents, then you have a problem with science, and humans die.

to date, as far as documented body bag count, with all TSE prion named to date, that count is still relatively low (one was too many in my case, Mom hvCJD), however that changes drastically once the TSE Prion link is made with Alzheimer's, the price of poker goes up drastically.

so, who makes that final decision, and how many more decades do we have to wait?

the iatrogenic mode of transmission of TSE prion, the many routes there from, load factor, threshold from said load factor to sub-clinical disease, to clinical disease, to death, much time is there to spread a TSE Prion to anywhere, but whom, by whom, and when, do we make that final decision to do something about it globally? how many documented body bags does it take? how many more decades do we wait? how many names can we make up for one disease, TSE prion?

Professor Collinge et al, and others, have had troubles in the past with the Government meddling in scientific findings, that might in some way involve industry, never mind human and or animal health.

FOR any government to continue to circumvent science for monetary gain, fear factor, or any reason, shame, shame on you.

in my opinion, it's one of the reasons we are at where we are at to date, with regards to the TSE Prion disease science i.e. money, industry, politics, then comes science, in that order.

greed, corporate, lobbyist there from, and government, must be removed from the peer review process of sound science, it's bad enough having them in the pharmaceutical aspect of healthcare policy making, in my opinion.

my mother died from confirmed hvCJD, and her brother (my uncle) Alzheimer's of some type (no autopsy?). just made a promise, never forget, and never let them forget, before I do.

I kindly wish to remind the public of the past, and a possible future we all hopes never happens again. ...


Alzheimer’s disease and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy prion disease, Iatrogenic, what if ?


Alzheimer’s disease and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy disease have both been around a long time, and was discovered in or around the same time frame, early 1900’s. Both diseases are incurable and debilitating brain disease, that are in the end, 100% fatal, with the incubation/clinical period of the Alzheimer’s disease being longer (most of the time) than the TSE prion disease. Symptoms are very similar, and pathology is very similar.


Through years of research, as a layperson, of peer review journals, transmission studies, and observations of loved ones and friends that have died from both Alzheimer’s and the TSE prion disease i.e. Heidenhain Variant Creutzfelt Jakob Disease CJD.


I propose that Alzheimer’s is a TSE disease of low dose, slow, and long incubation disease, and that Alzheimer’s is Transmissible, and is a threat to the public via the many Iatrogenic routes and sources. It was said long ago that the only thing that disputes this, is Alzheimer’s disease transmissibility, or the lack of. The likelihood of many victims of Alzheimer’s disease from the many different Iatrogenic routes and modes of transmission as with the TSE prion disease.


There should be a Global Congressional Science round table event set up immediately to address these concerns from the many potential routes and sources of the TSE prion disease, including Alzheimer’s disease, and a emergency global doctrine put into effect to help combat the spread of Alzheimer’s disease via the medical, surgical, dental, tissue, and blood arena’s. All human and animal TSE prion disease, including Alzheimer’s should be made reportable in every state, and Internationally, WITH NO age restrictions. Until a proven method of decontamination and autoclaving is proven, and put forth in use universally, in all hospitals and medical, surgical arena’s, or the TSE prion agent will continue to spread. IF we wait until science and corporate politicians wait until politics lets science _prove_ this once and for all, and set forth regulations there from, we will all be exposed to the TSE Prion agents, if that has not happened already.


Alzheimer’s disease and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy prion disease, Iatrogenic, what if ?

source references ...end...tss 

Hello Nicole,

by all means, please do use my poster. but I thought this was already taken care of, and I could not attend for my poster presentation, therefore, it was not going to be presented. I have some health issues and could not make the trip.

please see old correspondence below...

From: Nicole Sanders Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 5:37 PM To: Terry S. Singeltary Sr. Subject: RE: re-submission

Dear Terry,

The decline of proposal number 30756 is registered in the system. Thank you for your consideration.

Best Regards,


Nicole Sanders

Senior Specialist, Membership & Conference Programming


From: xxxx 

To: Terry Singeltary 

Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 9:09 AM 

Subject: 14th ICID - abstract accepted for 'International Scientific Exchange'

Your preliminary abstract number: 670

Dear Mr. Singeltary,

On behalf of the Scientific Committee, I am pleased to inform you that your abstract

'Transmissible Spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) animal and human TSE in North America update October 2009'

WAS accepted for inclusion in the INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC EXCHANGE (ISE) section of the 14th International Congress on Infectious Diseases. Accordingly, your abstract will be included in the "Intl. Scientific Exchange abstract CD-rom" of the Congress which will be distributed to all participants.

Abstracts accepted for INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC EXCHANGE are NOT PRESENTED in the oral OR poster sessions.

Your abstract below was accepted for: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC EXCHANGE

#0670: Transmissible Spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) animal and human TSE in North America update October 2009

Author: T. Singeltary; Bacliff, TX/US

Topic: Emerging Infectious Diseases Preferred type of presentation: International Scientific Exchange

This abstract has been ACCEPTED.

#0670: Transmissible Spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) animal and human TSE in North America update October 2009

Authors: T. Singeltary; Bacliff, TX/US

Title: Transmissible Spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) animal and human TSE in North America update October 2009

Body: Background

An update on atypical BSE and other TSE in North America. Please remember, the typical U.K. c-BSE, the atypical l-BSE (BASE), and h-BSE have all been documented in North America, along with the typical scrapie's, and atypical Nor-98 Scrapie, and to date, 2 different strains of CWD, and also TME. All these TSE in different species have been rendered and fed to food producing animals for humans and animals in North America (TSE in cats and dogs ?), and that the trading of these TSEs via animals and products via the USA and Canada has been immense over the years, decades.


12 years independent research of available data


I propose that the current diagnostic criteria for human TSEs only enhances and helps the spreading of human TSE from the continued belief of the UKBSEnvCJD only theory in 2009. With all the science to date refuting it, to continue to validate this old myth, will only spread this TSE agent through a multitude of potential routes and sources i.e. consumption, medical i.e., surgical, blood, dental, endoscopy, optical, nutritional supplements, cosmetics etc.


I would like to submit a review of past CJD surveillance in the USA, and the urgent need to make all human TSE in the USA a reportable disease, in every state, of every age group, and to make this mandatory immediately without further delay. The ramifications of not doing so will only allow this agent to spread further in the medical, dental, surgical arena's. Restricting the reporting of CJD and or any human TSE is NOT scientific. Iatrogenic CJD knows NO age group, TSE knows no boundaries.

I propose as with Aguzzi, Asante, Collinge, Caughey, Deslys, Dormont, Gibbs, Gajdusek, Ironside, Manuelidis, Marsh, et al and many more, that the world of TSE Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy is far from an exact science, but there is enough proven science to date that this myth should be put to rest once and for all, and that we move forward with a new classification for human and animal TSE that would properly identify the infected species, the source species, and then the route.

Keywords: Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease Prion

page 114 ;


Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease CJD National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center Cases Examined to December 14, 2017

Tuesday, December 12, 2017 

Neuropathology of iatrogenic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and immunoassay of French cadaver-sourced growth hormone batches suggest possible transmission of tauopathy and long incubation periods for the transmission of Abeta pathology


Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease United States of America USA and United Kingdom UK Increasing and Zoonotic Pontential From Different Species


*** Monitoring the occurrence of emerging forms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the United States revisited 2017

Singeltary et al

SUNDAY, APRIL 8, 2018 

Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy TSE Prion Disease Global Pandemic Urgent Update April 9, 2018


Heidenhain Variant Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease hvCJD, sporadic spontaneous CJD and the TSE Prion December 14, 2019


Variant CJD 18 years of research and surveillance


Three Cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease with Visual Disturbances as Initial Manifestation

Friday, September 27, 2019

Prion disease and recommended procedures for flexible endoscope reprocessing – a review of policies worldwide and proposal for a simplified approach


Veterinary Biologics Guideline 3.32E: Guideline for minimising the risk of introducing transmissible spongiform encephalopathy prions and other infectious agents through veterinary biologics


National Variability in Prion Disease–Related Safety Policies for Neurologic Procedures

Wednesday, September 11, 2019 

Is the re-use of sterilized implant abutments safe enough? (Implant abutment safety) iatrogenic TSE Prion


Disinfection of Multi-Use Ocular Equipment for Ophthalmological Procedures: A Review of Clinical Effectiveness, Cost-Effectiveness, and Guidelines


Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease CJD, TSE, Prion, Surveillance Update August 2019

SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 2019 

National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center Cases Examined¹ Updated Feb 1, 2019 Variably protease-sensitive prionopathy VPSPr

***> In conclusion, sensory symptoms and loss of reflexes in Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome can be explained by neuropathological changes in the spinal cord. We conclude that the sensory symptoms and loss of lower limb reflexes in Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome is due to pathology in the caudal spinal cord. <***

***> The clinical and pathological presentation in macaques was mostly atypical, with a strong emphasis on spinal cord pathology.<*** 

***> The notion that CWD can be transmitted orally into both new-world and old-world non-human primates asks for a careful reevaluation of the zoonotic risk of CWD. <***

***> All animals have variable signs of prion neuropathology in spinal cords and brains and by supersensitive IHC, reaction was detected in spinal cord segments of all animals.<*** 

***> In particular the US data do not clearly exclude the possibility of human (sporadic or familial) TSE development due to consumption of venison. The Working Group thus recognizes a potential risk to consumers if a TSE would be present in European cervids.'' Scientific opinion on chronic wasting disease (II) <***


Enhanced detection of prion infectivity from blood by preanalytical enrichment with peptoid-conjugated beads

Simone HornemannID1 *, Petra Schwarz1 , Elisabeth J. Rushing1 , Michael D. Connolly3 , Ronald N. Zuckermann3 , Alice Y. Yam2¤ , Adriano AguzziID1 * 1 Institute of Neuropathology, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2 Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Inc., Emeryville, California, United States of America, 3 Biological Nanostructures Facility, The Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, United States of America ¤ Current address: Sutro Biopharma, San Francisco, California, United States of America * (AA); (SH)


Prions cause transmissible infectious diseases in humans and animals and have been found to be transmissible by blood transfusion even in the presymptomatic stage. However, the concentration of prions in body fluids such as blood and urine is extremely low; therefore, direct diagnostic tests on such specimens often yield false-negative results. Quantitative preanalytical prion enrichment may significantly improve the sensitivity of prion assays by concentrating trace amounts of prions from large volumes of body fluids. Here, we show that beads conjugated to positively charged peptoids not only captured PrP aggregates from plasma of prion-infected hamsters, but also adsorbed prion infectivity in both the symptomatic and preclinical stages of the disease. Bead absorbed prion infectivity efficiently transmitted disease to transgenic indicator mice. We found that the readout of the peptoidbased misfolded protein assay (MPA) correlates closely with prion infectivity in vivo, thereby validating the MPA as a simple, quantitative, and sensitive surrogate indicator of the presence of prions. The reliable and sensitive detection of prions in plasma will enable a wide variety of applications in basic prion research and diagnostics.


Docket Number: FDA-2012-D-0307 Recommendations to Reduce the Possible Risk of Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease by Blood and Blood Components; Draft Guidance for Industry Draft Guidance for Industry Singeltary Submission

Tables of Cases Examined

National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center Cases Examined¹ Updated December 9, 2019

Year Total Referrals² Prion Disease Sporadic Familial Iatrogenic vCJD

1999 & earlier 380 230 200 27 3 0

2000 145 102 90 12 0 0

2001 209 118 110 8 0 0

2002 241 144 124 18 2 0

2003 259 160 137 21 2 0

2004 316 181 164 16 0 1³

2005 327 178 156 21 1 0

2006 365 179 159 17 1 2⁴

2007 374 210 191 19 0 0

2008 384 221 205 16 0 0

2009 398 232 210 21 1 0

2010 401 246 218 28 0 0

2011 392 238 214 24 0 0

2012 413 244 221 23 0 0

2013 416 258 223 34 1 0

2014 355 208 185 21 1 1⁵

2015 402 264 244 20 0 0

2016 396 277 248 29 0 0

2017 375 266 247 19 0 0

2018 309 223 204 18 1 0

2019 351 220 183 16 0 0

TOTAL 72086 4399⁷ 3933⁸ 428⁹ 13 4

1Listed based on the year of death or, if not available, on year of referral; 

2Cases with suspected prion disease for which brain tissue was submitted; 

3Disease acquired in the United Kingdom; 

4Disease acquired in the United Kingdom in one case and in Saudi Arabia in the other; 

5Disease possibly acquired in a Middle Eastern or Eastern European country; 

6Includes 20 cases in which the diagnosis is pending, and 19 inconclusive cases; 

7Includes 21 (21 from 2019) cases with type determination pending in which the diagnosis of vCJD has been excluded. 

8The sporadic cases include 3831 cases of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD), 67 cases of Variably Protease-Sensitive Prionopathy (VPSPr) and 35 cases of sporadic Fatal Insomnia (sFI). 

9Total does not include 264 Familial cases diagnosed by blood test only.

Terry S. Singeltary Sr.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Docket Number: FDA-2012-D-0307 Recommendations to Reduce the Possible Risk of Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease by Blood and Blood Components; Draft Guidance for Industry Draft Guidance for Industry Singeltary Submission

Docket Number: FDA-2012-D-0307 Recommendations to Reduce the Possible Risk of Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease by Blood and Blood Components; Draft Guidance for Industry Draft Guidance for Industry Singeltary Submission


Recommendations to Reduce the Possible Risk of Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease by Blood and Blood Components; Draft Guidance for Industry Draft Guidance for Industry



Not for implementation. Contains non-binding recommendations.

Docket Number: FDA-2012-D-0307

Issued by: Office of Medical Products and Tobacco, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research

We, FDA, are issuing this guidance document to provide you, blood establishments that collect blood and blood components, with revised recommendations intended to reduce the possible risk of transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) by blood and blood components. The recommendations in this guidance apply to the collection of Whole Blood and blood components intended for transfusion or for use in further manufacturing, including Source Plasma. We are revising or removing our recommendations to screen blood donors for: 1) geographic risk of possible exposure to bovine spongiform encephalopathy, including time spent on United States (U.S.) military bases in Europe; 2) receipt of a blood transfusion in certain vCJD risk countries; 3) risk factors for iatrogenic CJD (i.e., a history of taking human cadaveric pituitary-derived growth hormone (hGH)); 4) having blood relatives with CJD; and 5) a history of injecting bovine insulin. These changes are summarized in the Appendix of this guidance.


In the 2016 guidance, we recommended that prospective blood donors should be indefinitely deferred if they report having a blood relative with CJD. However, almost all cases reported are sCJD, not a genetic form of CJD. Blood relatives of individuals with sCJD are not at increased risk of developing the disease. The rare genetic forms of CJD (e.g., fCJD, GSS, FFI) share pathophysiological features with sCJD, and the transmission risk by blood components remains theoretical. Consequently, we recommend that establishments may stop asking prospective donors about having blood relatives with CJD.

Submit Comments

You can submit online or written comments on any guidance at any time (see 21 CFR 10.115(g)(5))

If unable to submit comments online, please mail written comments to:

Dockets Management Food and Drug Administration 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm 1061 Rockville, MD 20852

All written comments should be identified with this document's docket number: FDA-2012-D-0307.


Office of Communication, Outreach and Development (OCOD)

Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Food and Drug Administration 10903 New Hampshire Ave WO71-3128 Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002 (800) 835-4709 (240) 402-8010


Contains Nonbinding Recommendations Draft – Not for Implementation


Recommendations to Reduce the Possible Risk of Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease by Blood and Blood Components

Draft Guidance for Industry

This draft guidance, when finalized, will represent the current thinking of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) on this topic. It does not establish any rights for any person and is not binding on FDA or the public. You can use an alternative approach if it satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations. To discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for this guidance as listed on the title page.


We, FDA, are issuing this guidance document to provide you, blood establishments that collect blood and blood components, with revised recommendations intended to reduce the possible risk of transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) by blood and blood components. The recommendations in this guidance apply to the collection of Whole Blood and blood components intended for transfusion or for use in further manufacturing, including Source Plasma. We are revising or removing our recommendations to screen blood donors for: 1) geographic risk of possible exposure to bovine spongiform encephalopathy, including time spent on United States (U.S.) military bases in Europe; 2) receipt of a blood transfusion in certain vCJD risk countries; 3) risk factors for iatrogenic CJD (i.e., a history of taking human cadaveric pituitary-derived growth hormone (hGH)); 4) having blood relatives with CJD; and 5) a history of injecting bovine insulin. These changes are summarized in the Appendix of this guidance.

This guidance replaces the document entitled “Amendment to ‘Revised Preventive Measures to Reduce the Possible Risk of Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Variant CreutzfeldtJakob Disease by Blood and Blood Products,’” dated December 2017, and when finalized, will supersede the document entitled “Revised Preventive Measures to Reduce the Possible Risk of Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease by Blood and Blood Products, Guidance for Industry” dated May 2010 and updated January 2016 (2016 guidance) (Refs. 1 and 2).

FDA’s guidance documents, including this guidance, do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities. Instead, guidances describe the FDA’s current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of the word should in FDA’s guidances means that something is suggested or recommended, but not required.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations Draft – Not for Implementation



A. CJD and vCJD

CJD is a rare, but invariably fatal degenerative disease of the central nervous system, belonging to a group of diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) or prion diseases (Refs. 3-10). TSEs are believed to be caused by an abnormal isoform of a cellular glycoprotein known as the prion protein (Refs. 3-6). The general term CJD comprises sporadic (classic) CJD (sCJD), iatrogenic CJD (iCJD), and genetic CJD. The most common form, sCJD, accounts for about 85-95% of CJD cases, with an estimated annual incidence of one case per million population worldwide (Ref. 3). Genetic forms of CJD account for about 5-15% of CJD cases inherited as mutations in the prion protein gene (PRNP), including familial CJD (fCJD), Gerstmann-SträusslerScheinker (GSS), and fatal familial insomnia (FFI) (Ref. 7). There are an estimated 56 GSS families and 27 FFI families worldwide (Ref. 4). Finally, a small percentage (less than 1%) of CJD cases are iatrogenic (iCJD) and are acquired through transplantation of dura mater or cornea allografts from donors with CJD or through injections of human cadaveric pituitary-derived growth hormone (hGH) from contaminated preparations (Refs. 8-10). 33 cases of iCJD were reported among the nearly 7,700 people in the U.S. who received hGH prior to 1977 (Ref. 9). Clinical latency for iCJD following exposure to infectious material is typically 5-15 years, but it has also exceeded 30 years in case reports (Ref. 10). CJD is rapidly progressive, with a median duration of illness of 4-5 months from onset of symptoms (Ref. 3). Clinically, CJD is usually suspected on the basis of rapidly progressive dementia, neuropsychiatric signs, and death usually within a year of symptom onset; however, definitive diagnosis requires neuropathologic examination of brain tissue (Ref. 3).

In 1996, the United Kingdom (U.K.) reported a previously unrecognized TSE, now designated as vCJD (Refs. 11-13). Distinct from CJD, vCJD is a prion disease related to bovine spongiform encephalophy (BSE, sometimes referred to as “mad cow disease”) that is likely acquired from consuming contaminated beef products (Ref. 12). BSE was first recognized in the U.K. in 1985 and subsequently spread to many European countries and worldwide. Cases of BSE in the U.K. peaked in 1992, but subsequently fell to low levels by 1996 as a result of control measures. vCJD is distinguished from CJD by differences in clinical presentation, cerebral imaging, and neuropathological changes (Refs. 3 and 14). Although definitive diagnosis requires neuropathologic examination of brain tissue, the following notable features distinguish vCJD from CJD and form the basis of a clinical diagnosis of suspected vCJD (

1. Current age or age at death <55 span="" years.="">

2. Psychiatric symptoms at illness onset and/or persistent painful sensory symptoms (frank pain and/or dysesthesia).

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations Draft – Not for Implementation


3. Dementia and development ≥4 months after illness onset of at least two of the following five neurologic signs: poor coordination, myoclonus, chorea, hyperreflexia, or visual signs.

4. A normal or an abnormal EEG, but not the diagnostic EEG changes often seen in classic CJD.

5. Duration of illness of over 6 months.

6. Routine investigations of the patient do not suggest an alternative, non-CJD diagnosis.

7. No history of iatrogenic exposure to CJD, such as receipt of cadaveric human pituitary growth hormone or an allogeneic dura mater graft.

8. No history of CJD in a first degree relative or prion protein gene mutation in the patient.

The incidence of vCJD in the U.K. peaked at 29 cases in 1999 and has decreased each year since (Refs. 15 and 16). The last two reported deaths from vCJD in the U.K. were in 2013 and 2016 (Refs. 15 and 16). To date, there is no evidence of a second wave of vCJD cases in the U.K. (Ref. 17). As of October 8, 2019, there has been a total of 232 cases of vCJD worldwide, with 178 in the U.K., 28 in France, 4 in Ireland, 4 in the U.S., and 18 cases in 8 other countries (Refs. 15 and 16).

Of the four cases of vCJD in the U.S., two were reported in former residents of the U.K.; one in a former resident of Saudi Arabia; and one in a former resident of Kuwait, Russia and Lebanon (Ref. 14). None of these patients had donated blood in the U.S.

B. TSE Agents and Blood

Among the 178 vCJD cases in the U.K., 18 were individuals who donated blood components that were traced to 67 transfusion recipients (Ref. 18). There have been four documented vCJD cases in this cohort that were likely transfusion transmitted. Of these cases, three deaths from vCJD were linked to blood transfusions between 1996-1999 of non-leukocyte reduced red blood cells (RBC) collected from two blood donors who died from vCJD within 1-3 years of their donations (Refs. 18-21). The fourth possible case was a latent transmission to a patient who died 5 years after the implicated transfusion without symptoms of vCJD, but who had abnormal prion accumulation in the spleen at autopsy (Ref. 20). The U.K. has also reported one possible latent transmission of vCJD by plasma-derived Factor VIII to an asymptomatic 73-year-old patient with hemophilia, based on postmortem findings (Ref. 22).

In contrast to vCJD, no transfusion-transmitted cases of CJD have been described to date, and the risk remains theoretical. The evidence base supporting the improbability of transfusion transmission includes five case-control studies of over 600 CJD cases, two autopsy studies of patients with hemophilia, and two ongoing lookback studies tracing recipients of components collected from donors later found to have CJD (Refs. 18 and 23-30). The U.K. lookback study includes 29 sCJD blood donors with transfusions to 211 recipients, and 4 fCJD blood donors with transfusions to 15 recipients (Ref. 18). The 

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations Draft – Not for Implementation 4

U.S. lookback study includes 63 sCJD blood donors with transfusions to 817 recipients; 1 iCJD donor linked to 8 recipients; and 1 fCJD donor linked to 1 recipient (Ref. 30). These studies have investigated the reported causes of death and have continued the surveillance of surviving transfusion recipients. Many recipients lived 5 or more years after transfusion (76 recipients in the U.K. study; 264 recipients in the U.S. study), which likely would allow sufficient time to recognize cases should they occur (Refs. 18, 30). The U.S. study also describes 414 recipients who received transfusion within 5 years of the donors’ CJD diagnosis or symptom onset, of which, 105 of those recipients survived more than 5 years (Ref. 30). Both studies have concluded that there have been no cases of any type of CJD identified among the transfusion recipients to date.

Differences between CJD and vCJD are also apparent in experimental studies with respect to prion protein detection in blood, the extent of replication in lymphoid tissues and infectivity through blood exposure in animal studies (Refs. 31 and 32). Abnormal prion protein accumulates in lymphoid tissues in persons with vCJD, but not in persons with sCJD or genetic CJD, possibly reflecting the different propensity for detection of the agent in blood and transmission of vCJD by blood transfusion (Ref. 18).

Correspondingly, a recent study demonstrated that the prion protein was detected in the blood of all 14 patients with vCJD tested, but not in any of the 16 patients with sCJD or in 137 controls who were either healthy or had other neurological diseases (Ref. 32).

C. FDA Regulatory History on CJD and vCJD and Blood Donation

In 1987, FDA first issued recommendations in a memorandum to blood establishments for deferral of individuals who received human cadaveric pituitary growth hormone injections to reduce the possible risk of transmission of CJD by blood and blood products. In 1999, FDA issued the first guidance with recommendations for CJD and vCJD. FDA held several Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies Advisory Committee (TSEAC) meetings between 1995 and 2015 to review the available scientific evidence and the risk assessment of geographic donor deferrals and transfusiontransmitted vCJD. As the number of issues requiring Committee advice declined, the Committee meetings occurred infrequently and, in 2016, FDA terminated TSEAC.


A. Rationale for Revised CJD Recommendations

Based on the available scientific data and on public comments, FDA is revising its recommendations on reducing the possible risk of transmission of CJD and vCJD transmission by blood and blood components.

There is currently no screening measure that can identify individuals who will later develop CJD. Exposure of transfusion recipients to blood from asymptomatic CJD donors has been demonstrated; however, no transfusion-transmitted cases of CJD have been reported, and the risk of such transmission remains theoretical. Standard procedures 

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations Draft – Not for Implementation 5

are already in place to assure that donors are healthy at the time of donation and serve as an effective safeguard against collecting blood or blood components from a donor after the onset of clinical symptoms of CJD. As a precaution, we recommend that any donor suspected of having CJD or any other TSE is permanently deferred. In addition, we recommend that establishments quarantine and retrieve blood and blood components collected from donors with CJD based on post-donation information.

1. Donor Deferral for Receipt of Human Growth Hormone (hGH) In the 2016 guidance, we recommended that individuals who report having received hGH should be permanently deferred from blood donation. Human cadaveric pituitary-derived hGH was available in the U.S. from 1958 to 1985. All associated cases of iCJD in the U.S. resulted from exposure to hGH prior to 1977 (Ref. 9). The national program to communicate annually with hGH recipients ended in June 1999, although surveillance activities continue (Ref. 9). The average incubation period for iCJD from hGH treatment is 15 years (Refs. 8). Because the risk exposures to hGH occurred prior to 1977, it is unlikely that any additional cases of iCJD will occur in this cohort. Therefore, we recommend that establishments may remove hGH from their medication deferral lists used in donor screening.

We recommend that donors previously deferred for receiving hGH are not eligible for reentry.

2. Donor Deferral for Having a Blood Relative with CJD

In the 2016 guidance, we recommended that prospective blood donors should be indefinitely deferred if they report having a blood relative with CJD. However, almost all cases reported are sCJD, not a genetic form of CJD. Blood relatives of individuals with sCJD are not at increased risk of developing the disease. The rare genetic forms of CJD (e.g., fCJD, GSS, FFI) share pathophysiological features with sCJD, and the transmission risk by blood components remains theoretical. Consequently, we recommend that establishments may stop asking prospective donors about having blood relatives with CJD.

As a precaution, however, individuals who volunteer that they have blood relatives known to have a genetic form of CJD (e.g., fCJD, GSS or FFI) should be deferred. Establishments should also quarantine and retrieve in-date blood and blood components upon receipt of post-donation information about a known family history of CJD.

We recommend that donors that have one or more family members with genetic CJD (e.g. fCJD, GSS or FFI) are not eligible for reentry. 

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations Draft – Not for Implementation 6

3. Donor Deferral for Receipt of a Dura Mater Transplant We are not changing our recommendation to defer donors who receive human (cadaveric) dura mater allografts because such transplantation is still performed in the U.S. and presents a remote risk of iCJD.

B. Rationale for Revised vCJD Recommendations

We are recommending changes to the geographic deferrals for vCJD risk based on the findings of our risk assessment that the revised recommendations will achieve a similar reduction of vCJD risk exposure while simplifying the donor screening process and potentially allowing more donors to donate.

1. Donor Deferral for Geographic Risk of BSE Exposure

FDA developed a quantitative risk assessment based on a global geographic riskranking model (Ref. 33) that estimated the contributions of donors potentially

exposed to BSE in various countries. The model evaluated both risk reduction and donor loss resulting from the current geographic donor deferral policy compared with alternative deferral options. The model also evaluated the potential additional risk reduction afforded by leukocyte reduction of RBC. The model indicated that U.K., Ireland, and France, the three countries with the most attributed vCJD cases and BSE-related risk, contributed 95% of the total risk exposure in the U.S. Estimating that about 95% of RBC currently transfused in the U.S. are leukocyte reduced, the model predicted that deferring donors only for time spent in the U.K., Ireland, and France would maintain a predicted level of blood safety similar to that achieved with the current policy (Ref. 33). Based on these results, we are now recommending indefinite deferral only of donors who spent time in the U.K., Ireland, and France.

We are maintaining the recommendation in the 2016 guidance to defer prospective donors who report receiving a blood transfusion in France or the U.K. We are also recommending deferral for transfusion in Ireland from 1980-present to align the deferrals for blood transfusion with the geographic deferrals for time spent in the U.K., France, and Ireland (Ref. 33).

We recommend that donors previously deferred for geographic risk for time spent in other European countries can be assessed for requalification using the revised recommendations for vCJD geographic deferrals and may be eligible for reentry.

2. Donor Deferral for Potential Exposure to U.K.-Sourced Beef on U.S. Military Bases

In the 2016 guidance, we recommended that prospective donors should be deferred based on cumulative time spent on U.S. military bases in Europe from 

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations Draft – Not for Implementation 7

1980-1996. The deferrals were first recommended in 2001 because some U.S. military bases in Northern Europe sourced beef from the U.K. between 1980 and 1990 and military bases elsewhere in Europe between 1980 to 1996 (Ref. 34). During this time, over 4.4 million military personnel and civilians might have ingested beef obtained from the U.K. on military bases in Europe; however, there have been no reported cases of vCJD in the intervening 20 years. This observation supports that the risk associated with time spent on U.S. military bases in Europe is different from the country-based risk calculations for time spent in the U.K., France, and Ireland that was based on the number of BSErelated vCJD cases in those countries. Therefore, FDA is no longer recommending deferral of individuals for time spent on U.S. military bases in Europe.

We recommend that donors previously deferred for time spent on military bases in Europe can be assessed for requalification and may be eligible for reentry.

3. Donor Deferral for Injection of Bovine Insulin Since 1980 In the 2016 guidance, we recommended that prospective donors should be deferred if they report injecting bovine insulin, which may have been manufactured after 1980 from cattle in the U.K. However, no cases of transmission of vCJD have been reported in recipients of bovine insulin or other injectable products manufactured in BSE-affected countries. Therefore, establishments may remove bovine insulin from their medication deferral lists used in donor screening.

We recommend that donors previously deferred for injecting bovine insulin can be assessed for requalification and may be eligible for reentry.


A. Blood Donor Screening and Management The following recommendations apply to the collection of Whole Blood and blood components intended for transfusion or for use in further manufacturing, including Source Plasma.

1. Donor History Questionnaire We recommend that blood collection establishments update their donor history questionnaires (DHQ), including full-length and abbreviated DHQ and accompanying materials (e.g., flow chart, medication deferral list), and processes to incorporate the revised recommendations provided in this guidance. 

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations Draft – Not for Implementation 8

We recommend that the updated DHQ and accompanying materials include the following elements:

a. Assess donors for a history of ever receiving a human cadaveric (allogeneic) dura mater transplant.

b. Assess donors for cumulative time spent in the U.K. (i.e., England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Gibraltar or the Falkland Islands) between 1980 to 1996.

c. Assess donors for cumulative time spent in France or Ireland from 1980 to 2001. Note that this assessment does not include time spent in the U.K, which is evaluated separately in section IV.A.1.b. of this guidance.

d. Assess donors for a history of ever receiving a blood transfusion in the U.K. (i.e., England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Gibraltar or the Falkland Islands), France, or Ireland from 1980 to the present.

2. Donor Deferral

a. Defer permanently a donor who has been diagnosed with vCJD, CJD or any other TSE or who has a blood relative diagnosed with genetic CJD (e.g., fCJD, GSS, or FFI). 1

b. Defer permanently a donor who has received a human cadaveric (allogeneic) dura mater transplant.

c. Defer indefinitely a donor who has spent three months or more cumulatively in the U.K. (i.e., England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Gibraltar or the Falkland Islands) from 1980 to 1996.

d. Defer indefinitely a donor who has spent five years or more cumulatively in France or Ireland from 1980 to 2001. Note that this assessment does not include time spent in the U.K, which is evaluated separately in section IV.A.1.b. of this guidance.

e. Defer indefinitely a donor with a history of blood transfusion in the U.K. (i.e., England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Gibraltar or the Falkland Islands), France, or Ireland from 1980 to the present.

3. Donor Requalification

Under 21 CFR 630.35, you may determine a deferred donor to be eligible if, at the time of the current collection, the criteria that were the basis for the previous deferral are no longer applicable. For donors deferred for reasons other than reactive screening test results for relevant transfusion-transmitted infections under 1 We do not recommend asking donors for a history of vCJD, CJD or any TSE or for family history of genetic CJD (e.g., fCJD, GSS, FFI). However, donors that volunteer such information should be permanently deferred. 

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations Draft – Not for Implementation 9

21 CFR 610.41(a), you must determine that the donor has met the criteria for requalification by a method or process found acceptable for such purposes by FDA under 21 CFR 630.35(b).

Accordingly, donors who were previously deferred for certain risk factors for vCJD and CJD may now be eligible based on the revised recommendations in section IV of this guidance, except as follows:

• Donors previously deferred for receiving hGH are not eligible for reentry.

• Donors that have one or more family members with genetic CJD (e.g. fCJD, GSS or FFI) are not eligible for reentry.

Donors previously deferred for having a family member with CJD can be reentered if the family member was not diagnosed with genetic CJD (e.g., fCJD, GSS, or FFI). If the donor does not know these terms, the donor is eligible for reentry.

B. Product Retrieval and Quarantine; Notification of Consignees of Blood and Blood Components

1. Blood and Blood Components Collected from Donors with CJD, Risk Factors Related to CJD, or Geographic Risk Factors for vCJD If you collected blood or blood components intended for transfusion or further manufacture from a donor who has been diagnosed with CJD, who has a blood relative diagnosed with genetic CJD (e.g., fCJD, GSS, or FFI), or who should have been deferred for risk factors for CJD or geographic risk factors for vCJD as described in section IV.A.2. of this guidance, we recommend the following:

a. Quarantine all undistributed in-date blood and blood components from such a donor.

b. If you distributed blood or blood components intended for transfusion or for further manufacture from such a donor, we recommend that you notify consignees to retrieve and quarantine the in-date blood and blood components. If the blood components were transfused, we do not recommend tracing and notification of recipients of prior donations.

c. We do not recommend retrieval or quarantine of plasma components that have been pooled for further manufacture or plasma derivatives manufactured from the plasma of such a donor. 

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations Draft – Not for Implementation 10

Blood components from donors with CJD, or from donors with risk factors for CJD or geographic risk factors for vCJD may be used in laboratory research. You should label these products with the following statements:

• “Biohazard;”

• “Collected from a donor determined to be at risk for CJD;” or “Collected from a donor diagnosed with CJD;” or “Collected from a donor with potential risk of exposure to variant CJD;” and

• “Caution: For laboratory research use only.”

2. Blood and Blood Components Collected from Donors with vCJD, Donors Suspected of Having vCJD or Under Investigation for vCJD We recommend you contact FDA2 as soon as possible upon learning that you collected blood or blood components from a donor later determined to have vCJD, a donor suspected of having vCJD or under investigation for vCJD (i.e., CJD diagnosis and age younger than 55 years). In addition, you should consider identifying state and local public health authorities.

a. If you collected blood or blood components from such a donor, you should immediately quarantine all undistributed in-date blood and blood components held at your establishments and notify consignees to retrieve and quarantine all in-date components from that donor. If such blood components were transfused, you should consider identifying the transfusion recipient’s physician of record, so that notification and counseling may be performed as appropriate.

b. You should immediately retrieve and quarantine plasma components that have been pooled for further manufacture and plasma derivatives manufactured from such a donor. We recommend you contact FDA regarding a donor’s diagnosis of CJD when less than 55 years old. Our recommendations regarding product disposition of plasma derivatives from such donors will depend upon results of the investigation.

c. Blood components from donors with vCJD or suspected vCJD may be used in laboratory research on vCJD by qualified laboratories. You should label these products with the following statements: 2 Contact CBER’s Office of Communication, Outreach and Development (OCOD) by calling 1-800-835-4709 or 240-402-8010. After regular business hours and on weekends, call the FDA emergency number: 1-866-300-4374.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations Draft – Not for Implementation 11

• “Biohazard;”

• “Collected from a donor with variant CJD” or “Collected from a donor with suspected variant CJD;” and

• “Caution: Only for laboratory research on variant CJD.” C. Circular of Information

For Whole Blood and blood components intended for transfusion, the circular of information should include the following warning statement:

“Because Whole Blood and blood components are made from human blood, they may carry a risk of transmitting infectious agents (e.g., viruses, bacteria, parasites, the variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) agent and, theoretically, the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease agent (CJD).”


NOTE: This draft guidance is for comment purposes only. Implementation of the recommendations is not recommended at this time.

When this guidance is finalized, you may implement the recommendations once you have revised your DHQ, including the full-length and abbreviated DHQ, and accompanying materials to reflect the new donor deferral recommendations.

Licensed blood establishments must report the revisions to FDA in the following manner (21 CFR 601.12):

1. Revision of your own DHQ and accompanying materials is considered a major change that has a substantial potential to have an adverse effect on the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of the product as they may relate to the safety or effectiveness of the product. Therefore, licensed blood establishments must submit a Prior Approval Supplement (PAS) to FDA under 21 CFR 601.12(b).

2. Revision of a previously FDA accepted DHQ and accompanying materials is considered a major change that has a substantial potential to have an adverse effect on the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of the product as they may relate to the safety or effectiveness of the product. Therefore, licensed blood establishments must submit a PAS to FDA under 21 CFR 601.12(b).

We recommend that you include the following in the PAS submission: a. Form FDA 356h “Application to Market a New or Abbreviated New Drug, or Biologic for Human Use,” which may be obtained at 

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations Draft – Not for Implementation 12 ult.htm;

b. A cover letter describing the request and the contents of the submission; and

c. The DHQ and accompanying document(s). Please highlight the modifications.

3. If the current version of the DHQ and accompanying materials prepared by the AABB Donor History Task Force or the Plasma Proteins Therapeutic Association (PPTA) is revised to contain the recommendations in this guidance and are found acceptable by FDA, we consider the implementation of the DHQ and accompanying materials to be a minor change if implemented without modification and in their entirety as a complete process for administering questions to donors. The implementation is considered a minor change that has a minimal potential to have an adverse effect on the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of the product as they may relate to the safety or effectiveness of the product. Therefore, licensed establishments must report such a change to FDA in your annual report under 21 CFR 601.12(d), noting the date the process was implemented. 

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations Draft – Not for Implementation 13



''In the 2016 guidance, we recommended that prospective blood donors should be indefinitely deferred if they report having a blood relative with CJD. However, almost all cases reported are sCJD, not a genetic form of CJD. Blood relatives of individuals with sCJD are not at increased risk of developing the disease. The rare genetic forms of CJD (e.g., fCJD, GSS, FFI) share pathophysiological features with sCJD, and the transmission risk by blood components remains theoretical. Consequently, we recommend that establishments may stop asking prospective donors about having blood relatives with CJD.''

Greetings FDA et al, 

I would again kindly like to comment on Docket Number: FDA-2012-D-0307, Docket Number: FDA-2012-D-0307 Recommendations to Reduce the Possible Risk of Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease by Blood and Blood Components; Draft Guidance for Industry Draft Guidance for Industry.

I still believe, that it is extremely dangerous to continue to base the safety of blood from the TSE Prion, by only believing the nvcjd only theory. 

TSE Prion disease have expanded to other species i.e. the camel, and we now know that cwd and scrapie will transmit to pigs by oral routes. 

Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion in cervid has exploded across the USA, Canada, Mexico has now clue, Norway, Sweden, Finland, S. Korea, and we know that cwd is detected in the blood of cervid. CWD TSE Prion is highly infectious, and the risk factors from blood there from are very real.

we also know that all iatrogenic CJD is, is sporadic CJD, until the iatrogenic event is discovered, traced back, proven, documented in the academic domain, and finally the public domain, which very seldom happens due to lack of trace back efforts, thus, all iatrogeic events stay as sporadic cjd.

with the blood of cervid and cwd tse prion being detected there from, the science showing that cwd zoonotic potential is now real, the many different strains of cwd to date, with no real factor of how many different strains there are, with science now showing that indeed BSE, Scrapie, and CWD, both typical and atypical strains, showing scientific links to sporadic cjd, and that cwd in humans would would NOT look like nvcjd, but science shows that it would look like sporadic cjd, therefore, iatrogenic cjd from human cwd exposure is very real threat, i find these weakening of rules for blood risk factors from all the different strains of sporadic cjd very worrisome, especially now that officials are classifying vpspr, sgss, sffi, as sporadic cjd cases. we have no clue whether or not these are from iatrogenic events or not. this will be a foolish move if we put once again, corporate interest over human and animal health, but does not surprise me. 

THIS will be very dangerous, and a foolish move for people who need blood, and for the medical and surgical theaters, and humans there from, and simply are not based on sound science imo, but are based on corporate greed. 

WE KNOW now that the real statistics on human TSE Prion IS NOT one in a million, but data now shows that sporadic CJD, 85%+ of all human TSE Prion, the read statistics now show that those figures are one in 5,000. and sporadic cjd is NOT a single strain, but many, many, different strains, and the routes and sources are simply unknown. 

NO WHERE IN SCIENCE LITERATURE HAS THE SPONTANEOUS CJD EVER BEEN PROVEN, without route and source, a happenstance of bad luck, this is simply wishful thinking$ 

TO weaken, instead of enhance and strengthen the risk of sporadic CJD tse prion from blood products by this Docket Number FDA-2012-D-0307 Recommendations, will only enhance the risk of TSE Prion to hemophiliacs, the medical and surgical arenas around the globe

yes, human tse prion are now 1 in 5,000. let that sink in. 


sporadic CJD one in a million, FAKE NEWS PEOPLE!

this myth has been incorrect for decades, and had been stated as such by a few, but again, the media is too lazy to do it's job and print the facts.


186. Serial detection of hematogenous prions in CWD-infected deer Amy V. Nalls, Erin E. McNulty, Nathaniel D. Denkers, Edward A. Hoover and Candace K. Mathiason

Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA

CONTACT Amy V. Nalls


Blood contains the infectious agent associated with prion disease affecting several mammalian species, including humans, cervids, sheep, and cattle. It has been confirmed that sufficient prion agent is present in the blood of both symptomatic and asymptomatic carriers to initiate the amyloid templating and accumulation process that results in this fatal neurodegenerative disease. Yet, to date, the ability to detect blood-borne prions by in vitro methods remains difficult.

We have capitalized on blood samples collected from longitudinal chronic wasting disease (CWD) studies in the native white-tailed deer host to examine hematogenous prion load in blood collected minutes, days, weeks and months post exposure. Our work has focused on refinement of the amplification methods RT-QuIC and PMCA. We demonstrate enhanced in vitro detection of amyloid seeding activity (prions) in blood cell fractions harvested from deer orally-exposed to 300 ng CWD positive brain or saliva.

These findings permit assessment of the role hematogenous prions play in the pathogenesis of CWD and provide tools to assess the same for prion diseases of other mammalian species.

P74 High Prevalence of CWD prions in male reproductive samples 

Carlos Kramm (1,2), Ruben Gomez-Gutierrez (1,3), Tracy Nichols (4), Claudio Soto (1) and Rodrigo Morales (1) (1) Mitchell Center for Alzheimer´s disease and Related Brain Disorders, Dept. of Neurology, University of Texas Houston Medical School, Houston, TX 77030, USA (2) Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Medicina, Av. San Carlos de Apoquindo 2200, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile (3) Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain (4) National Wildlife Research Center, United States Department of Agriculture, Fort Collins, CO 80521, USA. 

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a highly infectious and fatal illness affecting captive and free-ranging cervids. Mother-to-offspring prion transmission has been described in some animal prion diseases, including CWD. However, few studies have been performed to analyze the prevalence of CWD prions in reproductive male tissues and fluids. Here, we optimized the Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification (PMCA) assay for the efficient detection of CWD prions in these samples. This study was done in collaboration with United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists who provided blindly field-collected testes, epididymis and seminal fluid samples from 21 white-tailed deer that were analyzed for prion infection by post-mortem histological studies in brain stem and lymphoid tissues. The results showed positive CWD prion detection in testes, epididymis and seminal fluid samples. A high prevalence of CWD-PrPSc was found in samples collected at the late-presymptomatic stage of the disease. Our results showed a correlation between the presence of CWD-PrPSc in male reproductive organs and blood. These findings demonstrate a high efficiency of CWD prion detection by PMCA in testes, epididymis and seminal fluid, and offer a possibility for a routine screening of semen samples to be commercially distributed for artificial insemination. Our results may uncover new opportunities to understand the mechanisms of CWD spreading and decrease putative inter-individual transmission associated to insemination using CWD contaminated specimens.


In Vitro detection of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) prions in semen and reproductive tissues of white tailed deer bucks (Odocoileus virginianus 

Biol. Rev. (2019), pp. 000–000. 1 doi: 10.1111/brv.12568

The ecology of chronic wasting disease in wildlife

Luis E. Escobar1,∗,† , Sandra Pritzkow2,†, Steven N. Winter1 , Daniel A. Grear3, Megan S. Kirchgessner4, Ernesto Dominguez-Villegas5, Gustavo Machado6 , A. Townsend Peterson7,† and Claudio Soto2,†



Experimental studies have shown that infectious prions can enter the environment through saliva, faeces, urine, blood, antler velvet, or placenta tissue from infected animals, and carcasses (Angers et al., 2009; Zabel & Ortega, 2017). Importantly, CWD contamination of the environment via prion shedding in cervid excreta occurs many months before the onset of clinical disease (Mathiason et al., 2009; Plummer et al., 2017). Prions are hardy in the environment, are resistant to most general disinfectants (e.g. heating, most disinfectant chemicals, ultraviolet and ionizing radiation), and can remain infective for years to decades (Georgsson, Sigurdarson & Brown, 2006; Seidel et al., 2007; Smith, Booth & Pedersen, 2011). We recently reported that plants efficiently bind, uptake, retain, and transport infectious prions (Pritzkow et al., 2015). Other natural or man-made components of the environment, such as soil, rocks, wood, metals, and plastic, bind prions and do not diminish infectivity to susceptible species (Pritzkowet al., 2018). While oral ingestion is the most common route of exposure for prion disease, infectious scrapie prions caused 100% mortality via airborne transmission in a laboratory challenge of mice (Haybaeck et al., 2011). One report suggested that prions bound to soil are more infective than free prions, so soil may serve both as an environmental reservoir and a facilitator of CWD prion transmission (Johnson et al., 2007). Soils of different texture, mineralogy, and organic content appear to bind differently to prions and show distinct infectivity rates via oral or aerosolized transmission (Johnson et al., 2007). For example, soils with high organic material content (e.g. high concentration of humic acid) appear to degrade CWD prions faster (Kuznetsova et al., 2018).

Direct exposure of non-cervid animals to CWD-infected cervids could help to spread CWD. For example, hawks, owls, crows, dogs, cats, coyotes, raccoons, skunks, mink, foxes, and opossums that consume deer carcasses could act as spillover hosts and potentially vector spreaders of CWD (Bunk, 2004; Jennelle et al., 2009), although there has been no detection of CWD in any of these species (Fig. 2). Additionally, supplemental wildlife feeding can increase disease transmission by exacerbating deer densities, increasing contact rates, altering normal behaviour, and prolonging exposure to potentially contaminated areas (Thompson, Samuel & Van Deelen, 2008). For example, feeding grounds used to subsidize wild elk during the winter (e.g. in Wyoming) increase the risk of disease transmission (Creech et al., 2012). Similarly, recent detection of CWD PrPSc in ecologically relevant environments, such as natural mineral licks where wildlife obtain minerals from soil and water consumption, suggests a key role of landscape features in CWD transmission risk (Plummer et al., 2018). Thus, identifying where and when CWD occurs in a timely fashion can help inform policies regarding baiting and supplemental feeding of cervids and to consider direct habitat modification with the aim of reducing infectious contact (Sorensen, van Beest & Brook, 2014). Identifying the environmental conditions that facilitate or limit CWD infectivity, as well as the relative importance of CWD transmission from environmental reservoirs versus direct animal–animal transmission, may help to identify potential control methods (Grear et al., 2010).


Infectious Prions in the Saliva and Blood of Deer with Chronic Wasting Disease

Candace K. Mathiason1, Jenny G. Powers3, Sallie J. Dahmes4, David A. Osborn5, Karl V. Miller5, Robert J. Warren5, Gary L. Mason1, Sheila A. Hays1, Jeanette Hayes-Klug1, Davis M. Seelig1, Margaret A. Wild3, Lisa L. Wolfe6, Terry R. Spraker1,2, Michael W. Miller6, Christina J. Sigurdson1, Glenn C. Telling7, Edward A. Hoover1,*

Science 06 Oct 2006: Vol. 314, Issue 5796, pp. 133-136 DOI: 10.1126/science.1132661 


A critical concern in the transmission of prion diseases, including chronic wasting disease (CWD) of cervids, is the potential presence of prions in body fluids. To address this issue directly, we exposed cohorts of CWD-naïve deer to saliva, blood, or urine and feces from CWD-positive deer. We found infectious prions capable of transmitting CWD in saliva (by the oral route) and in blood (by transfusion). The results help to explain the facile transmission of CWD among cervids and prompt caution concerning contact with body fluids in prion infections.


Deer cohorts 1 (blood), 2 (saliva), and 3 (urine and feces) were electively euthanized at 18 months pi to permit whole-body examination for PrPCWD. The greatest scrutiny was directed toward those tissues previously established to have highest frequency of PrPCWD deposition in infected deer and generally regarded as the most sensitive indicators of infection" medulla oblongata and other brainstem regions, tonsil, and retropharyngeal lymph node. We found unequivocal evidence of PrPCWD in brain and lymphoid tissue of all six tonsil biopsy positive deer in cohorts 1 (blood) and 2 (saliva), whereas all deer in cohorts 3 and 5 were negative for PrPCWD in all tissues (Table 2 and Figs. 1 and 2).

 The transmission of CWD by a single blood transfusion from two symptomatic and one asymptomatic CWDþ donor is important in at least three contexts: (i) It reinforces that no tissue from CWD-infected cervids can be considered free of prion infectivity; (ii) it poses the possibility of hematogenous spread of CWD, such as through insects; and (iii) it provides a basis for seeking in vitro assays sufficiently sensitive to demonstrate PrPCWD or alternate prion protein conformers in blood"one of the grails of prion biology and epidemiology. The identification of blood-borne prion transmission has been sought before with mixed results (911). Bovine spongiform encephalopathy and scrapie have been transmitted to naBve sheep through the transfer of 500 ml of blood or buffy coat white blood cells from infected sheep (12, 13). In addition, limited but compelling evidence argues for the transmission of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) through blood from asymptomatic donors (1416). Even in sporadic CJD, PrPres has been found in periph- eral organs of some patients (17). 

The present work helps establish that prion diseases can be transmitted through blood. The presence of infectious CWD prions in saliva may explain the facile transmission of CWD. Cervid-to-cervid interactions (SOM text), especially in high density and captive situations, would be expected to facilitate salivary crosscontact (11, 18, 19). Salivary dissemination of prions may not be limited to CWD. Proteaseresistant prion protein has been demonstrated in the oral mucosa, taste buds, lingual epithelium, vomeronasal organ, and olfactory mucosa of hamsters infected with transmissible mink encephalopathy (19) and ferrets infected with CWD (20). Although no instance of CWD transmission to humans has been detected, the present results emphasize the prudence of using impervious gloves during contact with saliva or blood of cervids that may be CWD-infected. Environmental contamination by excreta from infected cervids has traditionally seemed the most plausible explanation for the dissemination of CWD (21). However, we could not detect PrPCWD in cohort 3 deer inoculated repeatedly with urine and feces from CWDþ deer and examined up to 18 months pi (Table 2). 

There are several reasons to view this negative finding cautiously, including small sample size, elective preclinical termination, and potential variation in individual susceptibility that may be associated with the 96 G/S polymorphism in the PRNP gene (7, 22). Although no genotype of white-tailed deer is resistant to CWD infection, PRNP genotypes S/S or G/S at codon 96 appear to have reduced susceptibility manifest by longer survival (7). Both deer in cohort 3 (urine and feces) were subsequently shown to be of the PRNP 96 G/S genotype. Thus, it is possible, although we think unlikely, that these deer had a prolonged incubation period (918 months pi) before the amplification of PrPCWD became detectable in tissues. Recent studies have shown that PrPres is poorly preserved after incubation with intestinal or fecal content (23, 24). Further research using cervid and surrogate cervid PrP transgenic mice (25) are indicated to continue to address the presence of infectious CWD prions in excreta of CWDþ deer and to provide a more substantial basis for reconsideration of the assumption that excreta are the chief vehicle for CWDdissemination and transmission. 

The results reported here provide a plausible basis for the efficient transmission of CWD in nature. We demonstrate that blood and saliva in particular are able to transmit CWD to naBve deer and produce incubation periods consistent with those observed in naturally acquired infections (3, 26). The time from exposure to first detection of PrPCWD by tonsil biopsy was variable"as short as 3 months but as long as 18 months (likely underestimates due to sampling frequency). The results also reinforce a cautious view of the exposure risk presented by body fluids, excreta, and all tissues from CWDþ cervids. ... 


Utah donor illness spurs blood quarantine 16 Dec 98 Deseret News by Lois M. Collins Deseret News staff writer Blood products have been quarantined after discovery that a 30-year-old blood donor has a brain disease that is distantly related to Mad Cow Disease.

Doug McEwen of Kaysville was diagnosed with CJD, a rare member of the Transmissable Spongiform Encephalopathy family that causes rapid progressive dementia and is always fatal. [Other reports state that McEwen was an avid hunter and ate deer and elk meat twice a week. This, plus disease onset in his 20's, and geographical proximity to CWD herds in Colorado raise the spectre that the victim contracted CWD. A Salt Lake City TV station reported that McEwen had brought back a deer from Wyoming. McEwen has no real known connection to the UK or British beef -- his LDS mission was in Canada. He never received growth hormone. The earliest symptoms, in retrospect, were noticed in June 1998. -- webmaster] 

The Utah Department of Health plans to require reporting of the disease, which after a public comment period could take effect in two or three months. Doctors, epidemiologists and scientists know a lot about the disease, which acts like the bovine strain that caused the Mad Cow Disease outbreak in Great Britain and Chronic Wasting Disease in deer, among others. But they know very little about how it is transmitted, Craig R. Nichols, state epidemiologist, told members of the governor's science and technology advisory board Tuesday.

McEwen was a regular plasma donor and continued to donate after the onset of his symptoms. A diagnosis wasn't made until last month, based on a brain biopsy, which aside from an autopsy is the only way to confirm CJD. [The diagnosis was reported back on 25 Nov 98; biopsies are not normally large enough to distinguish CJD from nvCJD. However the Gambetti lab was reportedly able to do a western blot (Collinge strain-typing); the glycoform ratio was apparently type 1 or 2, not nvCJD type. So this is stronger than not finding florid plaques. However, we do not know how cwdCJD or a hypothetical US strain of bseCJD would type out for purposes of comparison. Blood or blood fractions are reportedly being examined by Schmerr 's capillary electrophoresis (cIEF)method developed at NADC, Ames, Iowa for rogue prion protein. This method previously could detect 135 pg of sheep PrP-Sc.-- webmaster]

As a result, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration and the blood product manufacturer are studying blood-product manufacturing and distribution practices, Nichols said. And they have quarantined all of the blood product that contains McEwen's plasma donation since last January. Plasma donated before January is believed to have been already used.

The problem is, his plasma was "pooled" with other donations. Since blood products, which have many life-saving applications, are in short supply and it's unknown whether (but thought unlikely) blood can transmit CJD, they are trying to determine whether the pooled byproducts should be released or destroyed. And because it was pooled, it's hard to determine exactly how much blood byproduct is potentially damaged.

The state could not say how much has been quarantined. There's no way to test the blood products for the disease. Since 1980, 29 Utahns have died from CJD. Six cases were diagnosed in Utah last year. But it can take up to 30 years for symptoms to develop and they can last for as long as 12 years before the patient dies. That means that, if blood products can spread the disease - the great unknown factor - many people could be affected. And it's reportedly hard to kill the prion (a malfunctioning protein) believed responsible for infection.

Even testing for the disease is difficult. While an autopsy will reveal it, a brain biopsy in a living subject is only 60 percent effective, according to the state Department of Health. Nichols said the disease could benefit from a "good detective." It has an infectious component and a hereditary component. Direct exposure to infected brain tissue will do it. But much of the public policy surrounding CJD is based on speculation. And even a good detective might get bogged down in the various plot twists.

Because it is hard to diagnose, many people, including Steiger, whose wife died from CJD, believe that some people with dementia who are diagnosed as having Alzheimer's actually have CJD. That's significant because people with CJD are not allowed to donate blood or organs, since the risk isn't known. But people with Alzheimer's can. It makes proper diagnosis urgent, Steiger told the committee.

While Utah records list 16 people as having died of CJD from 1989 to early this year, 425 death certificates list dementia. The actual causes could be Alzheimer's or CJD, Steiger said, citing a Yale study that found 6 of 46 people who reportedly died from Alzheimer's actually had CJD. If you assume even 10 percent of Alzheimer's cases are actually CDC, he told the panel, then Utah would have 2,500 CJD cases.

The Health Department wants to take the possible risks seriously, but doesn't want to alarm the public unnecessarily, said department spokesman Ross Martin. "When people don't know what causes something, they take extraordinary measures to avoid getting (it)," he said. "It's a balancing of risks. We've never seen it spread by blood transmission," Nichols said. "But there hasn't been enough investigation to say for sure."

He said that the blood-products manufacturer, the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration all believe that there is time to conduct more studies [??? webmaster] before a decision has to be made about the blood-products' fate. But the country can ill afford to destroy it if it doesn't have to, since the products are needed so urgently. "I don't care if only 240 people die annually (from CJD)," said McEwen's wife, Tracie, in tearful comments made to the committee. "If you add in the family and friends, potentially hundreds of thousands of people are affected."

Further details on Utah case 18 Dec 98 By Norma Wagner The Salt Lake Tribune ��� ��� ��� Utah's most recent sufferer of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease as a frequent plasma donor, so federal agencies are studying whether the prion protein associated with the fatal cousin of mad-cow disease can be transmitted through blood. ��� Meanwhile, the national company that received the units from the Kaysville man -- and possibly pooled them with thousands of other units of plasma -- has agreed to quarantine its supplies dating back to January until the federal government determines whether they should be destroyed. State officials refused to identify the company. ��� The investigation was revealed Tuesday by state epidemiologist Craig Nichols during a meeting of the State Advisory Council on Science and Technology. ��� ``There have been no cases reported of [CJD] infection by blood transfusion or use of blood products,'' Nichols said. ``We do not believe blood products contain the prion protein, but it is prudent the blood be held until that is proven.'' ���

The victim, Doug McKuen, and his wife, Tracie, attended the meeting, where she made a tearful plea to make the rare illness a reportable disease in Utah so state officials can determine how prevalent it is. So far this year, six Utahns have either been diagnosed or died of CJD. State officials plan to begin requiring notification of a CJD diagnosis within the next six months. ���

``Over the last several months, I've watched my husband forget the names of his children, forget how to drive a car, how to dress himself, how to bathe himself,'' Tracie McKuen said. ``I don't care if [nationally] only 240 people are dying of this annually. You are talking about 240 families who are devastated, who are in pain. This needs to be made reportable.'' ���

CJD is a little-understood neurological disorder where the brain is literally eaten away. It is incurable, with symptoms growing increasingly worse until its victim goes into a coma, then dies. Researchers don't know how it is transmitted, but the most accepted theory is that CJD is caused by abnormal proteins -- called prions -- in brain cells. If there is a mutation in the prion gene, abnormally shaped prions are produced. The rogue prions then convert normal prions, accelerating the disease. ���

State officials grew concerned when McKuen was diagnosed with the disease on Nov. 25 because he was only 30 years old. Most U.S. victims are 55 and older; they either inherit CJD or get it for no apparent reason. ��� Nichols feared that McKuen might be the first U.S. case of a variant form of CJD, known as mad-cow disease in Great Britain, that is believed to be caused by eating contaminated beef. So his epidemiology department teamed up with the University of Utah Medical Center and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta to begin an investigation. ���

Analysis of a biopsy of McKuen's brain showed he had the classic strain of the disease, not the mad-cow variant. Further questioning revealed that McKuen had been donating plasma once or twice a month since January and during his early symptoms of forgetfulness. [Other reports state that the victim donated plasma in earlier years as well -- webmaster] Plasma is the liquid component of blood made up largely of water and proteins and small amounts of fats, sugars and minerals that is most oft-en transfused into patients for treatment of shock, severe burns and open-heart surgery. ���

Because so little is known about the transmission of CJD, the CDC and the federal Food and Drug Administration are now studying whether the ``fractionation'' processing of plasma -- in which products like immune globulin and plasma protein are separated out -- is successful in removing abnormal prion proteins. ��� ``They'll do that by putting prions into the blood, running it through the fractionation process and see what happens -- if it reduces the levels of prions to be non-existent or non-infectious,'' Nichols said. ���

Federal investigators also will discuss whether modifications to the blood-screening process need to be made, such as asking more questions about medical history, more sophisticated testing of blood and tighter requirements for processing plasma.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013 

*** Detection of Infectivity in Blood of Persons with Variant and Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease *** 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013 


Tuesday, March 15, 2016 

Docket No. FDA-2016-N-0321 Risk Assessment of Foodborne Illness Associated with Pathogens from Produce Grown in Fields Amended with Untreated Biological Soil Amendments of Animal Origin; Request for Comments, Scientific Data, and Information Singeltary Submission 

Saturday, April 16, 2016 

APHIS [Docket No. APHIS-2016-0029] Secretary's Advisory Committee on Animal Health; Meeting May 2, 2016, and June 16, 2016 Singeltary Submission 


Blood transmission studies of prion infectivity in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus): the Baxter study 


Blood transmission studies of prion infectivity in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus): the Baxter study 

Diane L. Ritchie1,*, Susan V. Gibson2,†, Christian R. Abee3, Thomas R. Kreil4, James W. Ironside1 and Paul Brown5 Article first published online: 23 NOV 2015 DOI: 10.1111/trf.13422 © 2015 AABB Issue Cover image for Vol. 55 Issue 11 Transfusion Early View (Online Version of Record published before inclusion in an issue) 

Abstract BACKGROUND Four secondary transmissions of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) infectivity have been associated with the transfusion of nonleukoreduced red blood cells collected from vCJD patients during the asymptomatic phase of the disease. Establishing efficient experimental models for assessing the risk of future transmissions of vCJD infectivity via blood transfusion is of paramount importance in view of a study of archived appendix samples in which the prevalence of asymptomatic vCJD infection in the United Kingdom was estimated at approximately 1 in 2000 of the population. In this study, we investigated transmission of vCJD and sporadic CJD (sCJD) infectivity from blood using the squirrel monkey, which is highly susceptible to experimental challenge with human prion disease. 

STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS Whole blood collected from vCJD- and sCJD-infected squirrel monkeys was transfused at multiple time points into recipient squirrel monkeys. Blood recipients were euthanized approximately 7 years after their first blood transfusion. 

RESULTS No clinical or pathologic signs of a prion disease were observed in either the sCJD- or the vCJD-transfused monkeys, and immunohistochemistry and biochemical investigations showed no PrPTSE in central nervous system or lymphoreticular tissues. Similarly, monkeys inoculated intracerebrally (IC) and intravenously (IV) with either buffy coat or plasma from vCJD and sCJD patients failed to develop disease. However, white blood cells from a chimpanzee-passaged strain of human Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker (GSS) disease transmitted autopsy-proven disease to two IC-inoculated monkeys after incubation periods of 34 and 39 months. 

CONCLUSION Blood transmits GSS but not sCJD or vCJD infectivity to IC- or IV-inoculated squirrel monkeys within a 7-year observation period. 


*** RE-P.164: Blood transmission of prion infectivity in the squirrel monkey: The Baxter study 

***suggest that blood donations from cases of GSS (and perhaps other familial forms of TSE) carry more risk than from vCJD cases, and that little or no risk is associated with sCJD. 

*** P.164: Blood transmission of prion infectivity in the squirrel monkey: The Baxter study 

Paul Brown1, Diane Ritchie2, James Ironside2, Christian Abee3, Thomas Kreil4, and Susan Gibson5 1NIH (retired); Bethesda, MD USA; 2University of Edinburgh; Edinburgh, UK; 3University of Texas; Bastrop, TX USA; 4Baxter Bioscience; Vienna, Austria; 5University of South Alabama; Mobile, AL USA 

Five vCJD disease transmissions and an estimated 1 in 2000 ‘silent’ infections in UK residents emphasize the continued need for information about disease risk in humans. A large study of blood component infectivity in a non-human primate model has now been completed and analyzed. Among 1 GSS, 4 sCJD, and 3 vCJD cases, only GSS leukocytes transmitted disease within a 5–6 year surveillance period. A transmission study in recipients of multiple whole blood transfusions during the incubation and clinical stages of sCJD and vCJD in ic-infected donor animals was uniformly negative. These results, together with other laboratory studies in rodents and nonhuman primates and epidemiological observations in humans, suggest that blood donations from cases of GSS (and perhaps other familial forms of TSE) carry more risk than from vCJD cases, and that little or no risk is associated with sCJD. The issue of decades-long incubation periods in ‘silent’ vCJD carriers remains open.


Saturday, May 30, 2015 



Could Insulin be contaminated with and potentially spread, Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy TSE Prion, what if?

2020 Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy TSE Prion





United States wildlife and wildlife product imports from 2000–2014 and TSE PRION aka Mad Cow Type Disease 


***> I urge every Country around the Globe to Declare an Extraordinary Emergency Due To A Foreign Animal Disease Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion from the USA, Canada, and Mexico (they have no clue), all of North America should have this Declaration of Emergency against them, just like the one called way back when the shoe was on the other foot with the mad sheep of mad river valley, except this time, it's not a wag the dog false flag, this is for real...terry


Pennsylvania CWD TSE Prion 2019-20 hunting seasons as of January 14, 148 of the samples had tested positive for CWD in Wild Deer


Pennsylvania Steady Climb of CWD TSE Prion Confirms 250 Positive To Date In Wild Cervid As At September 12, 2019 

Pennsylvania Captive Cervid Industry Total CWD TSE Prion ??? anyone's guess...


Michigan CWD TSE Prion MDARD 3 positive white-tailed deer from a Newaygo County deer farm depopulation and quarantine efforts update?


Michigan Total CWD TSE Prion Positive Suspect-Positive Deer Jump To 174 confirmed to date


Michigan MDARD has confirmed chronic wasting disease (CWD) in 3 white-tailed deer from a Newaygo County deer farm


Tennessee 2019-20 deer season 462 CWD TSE Prion Confirmed To Date


Wyoming Game & Fish Discovers CWD-Positive Mule Deer in Pinedale, Discourages Feeding of Wildlife

''As of September 2019, CWD has been identified in 31 of 37 (84%) Wyoming mule deer herds, nine of 36 (25%) elk herds, and generally wherever white-tailed deer occur. Increasing prevalence and distribution of CWD has the potential to cause widespread and long-term negative impacts to Wyoming’s cervid populations. Prevalence of this disease in chronically infected Wyoming deer herds has exceeded 40%, with one elk herd exhibiting nearly 15% prevalence.''

''for the first time, there is clear evidence that CWD is adversely affecting the overall health and viability of some herds.''


Arkansas Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion FY2020 211 Positive Cases as of January 17, 2020


Arkansas Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion 2019 to 2020 Totals As Of December 3, 2019 399 Confirmed with more pending results


Utah CWD TSE Prion Since July 1, 2019, the DWR confirmed 16 positive deer statewide Six of those, including Coal, were in the La Sal Unit, 59 test pending


North Dakota 11 Positive Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion detected since Sept 1, 2019


Minnesota CWD update test results from deer harvested in the 2019 hunting season and the special hunts have returned 27 wild deer tested positive for CWD all from the southeast DMZ


Minnesota Investigation leads to additional CWD positive deer on Pine County farm


Wisconsin Confirms CWD Detected In Marquette and Marathon County


Wisconsin Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion Positives in Farm-raised Deer in 2019 

The majority of the positives have come after 2013 when DATCP began letting some deer farms and hunting ranches continue operating after CWD was detected on their property.


Oklahoma Farmed Elk Lincoln County CWD Depopulation 3 Positive Elk with 1 Additional Dead Trace Out Confirmed Positive


TEXAS Val Verde County White-tailed Deer Tests Positive for Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion State Positive NOW at 147 Confirmed


Texas TAHC, Administrative Code, Title 4, Part 2, Chapter 40, Chronic Wasting Disease Amendments Open For Comment beginning December 20, 2019 thru January 20, 2020 Terry Singeltary Comments Submission



TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2019 In Vitro detection of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) prions in semen and reproductive tissues of white tailed deer bucks (Odocoileus virginianus 

SUNDAY, AUGUST 02, 2015  TEXAS CWD, Have you been ThunderStruck, deer semen, straw bred bucks, super ovulation, and the potential TSE Prion connection, what if? 


Mississippi MDWFP North MS CWD Management Zone Since October 2019, 25 CWD-positive deer have been detected from this zone


Mississippi CWD TOTALS JUST ABOUT DOUBLE Since October 1, 2019 To Date Statewide Total is 37 Confirmed


Missouri CWD TSE Prion 2019-2020 SAMPLING RESULTS TO DATE 25 Positive


Missouri MDC officially reports more than 20 new cases of Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion


Montana Moose Tests Positive for Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE PRION in Libby Area

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks 2019 CWD Surveillance Hunter Test Results CWD TSE PRION LOOKS LIKE 136 POSITIVE SO FAR, count them up...


Montana 16 more deer positive for CWD first time positive hunting district 705 in southeast


Illinois CWD TSE Prion 90 CWD-positive deer with 826 confirmed positive Total positives through June 30, 2019


Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has updated the following chapter of the Accredited Veterinarian's Manual: Chapter 13 Chronic Wasting Disease Herd Certification Programs



Colorado Chronic Wasting Disease Response Plan December 2018

I. Executive Summary Mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk and moose are highly valued species in North America. Some of Colorado’s herds of these species are increasingly becoming infected with chronic wasting disease (CWD). As of July 2018, at least 31 of Colorado's 54 deer herds (57%), 16 of 43 elk herds (37%), and 2 of 9 moose herds (22%) are known to be infected with CWD. Four of Colorado's 5 largest deer herds and 2 of the state’s 5 largest elk herds are infected. Deer herds tend to be more heavily infected than elk and moose herds living in the same geographic area. Not only are the number of infected herds increasing, the past 15 years of disease trends generally show an increase in the proportion of infected animals within herds as well. Of most concern, greater than a 10-fold increase in CWD prevalence has been estimated in some mule deer herds since the early 2000s; CWD is now adversely affecting the performance of these herds.


(the map on page 71, cwd marked in red, is shocking...tss)



*** Spraker suggested an interesting explanation for the occurrence of CWD. The deer pens at the Foot Hills Campus were built some 30-40 years ago by a Dr. Bob Davis. At or abut that time, allegedly, some scrapie work was conducted at this site. When deer were introduced to the pens they occupied ground that had previously been occupied by sheep. 


ALSO, one of the most, if not the most top TSE Prion God in Science today is Professor Adriano Aguzzi, and he recently commented on just this, on a cwd post on my facebook page August 20 at 1:44pm, quote;

''it pains me to no end to even contemplate the possibility, but it seems entirely plausible that CWD originated from scientist-made spread of scrapie from sheep to deer in the colorado research facility. If true, a terrible burden for those involved.'' August 20 at 1:44pm ...end

”The occurrence of CWD must be viewed against the contest of the locations in which it occurred. It was an incidental and unwelcome complication of the respective wildlife research programmes. Despite it’s subsequent recognition as a new disease of cervids, therefore justifying direct investigation, no specific research funding was forthcoming. The USDA viewed it as a wildlife problem and consequently not their province!” page 26.

Subject: CWD TSE Prion better bust a move

Folks, the Cervid, and more, are in dire straits if we don’t bust a move now, I’m telling you, it’s going to take all hands on deck, to combat the cwd tse prion, and you will have to hit it from all sides, everything we have, you are either all in, or, you are part of the problem. You let this cwd tse PrP saturate the environment, strains mutate, tse jumps species become zoonotic, if that has not already happened. Some recent video presentations on cwd, and my submission today, to TAHC, for anyone interested, it’s just science 🧬


Dr. Mckenzie and CIDRAP on CWD TSE Prion

122: Prions and Chronic Wasting Disease with Jason Bartz

Texas CWD Symposium: Transmission by Saliva, Feces, Urine & Blood

the other part, these tissues and things in the body then shed or secrete prions which then are the route to other animals into the environment, so in particular, the things, the secretions that are infectious are salvia, feces, blood and urine. so pretty much anything that comes out of a deer is going to be infectious and potential for transmitting disease.

''On January 21, 2017 a tornado took down thousands of feet of fence for a 420-acre illegal deer enclosure in Lamar County that had been subject to federal and state investigation for illegally importing white-tailed deer into Mississippi from Texas (a CWD positive state). Native deer were free to move on and off the property before all of the deer were able to be tested for CWD. Testing will be made available for a period of three years for CWD on the property and will be available for deer killed within a 5-mile radius of the property on a voluntary basis. ''

Texas Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion Symposium 2018 posted January 2019 VIDEO SET 18 CLIPS

See Wisconsin update...terrible news, right after Texas updated map around 5 minute mark...


cwd update on Wisconsin from Tammy Ryan...

Wyoming CWD Dr. Mary Wood

''first step is admitting you have a problem''

''Wyoming was behind the curve''

wyoming has a problem...

TEXAS BREEDER DEER ESCAPEE WITH CWD IN THE WILD, or so the genetics would show?

OH NO, please tell me i heard this wrong, a potential Texas captive escapee with cwd in the wild, in an area with positive captive cwd herd?

apparently, no ID though. tell me it ain't so please...

23:00 minute mark

''Free Ranging Deer, Dr. Deyoung looked at Genetics of this free ranging deer and what he found was, that the genetics on this deer were more similar to captive deer, than the free ranging population, but he did not see a significant connection to any one captive facility that he analyzed, so we believe, Ahhhhhh, this animal had some captive ahhh, whatnot.''

Wyoming CWD Dr. Mary Wood

''first step is admitting you have a problem''

''Wyoming was behind the curve''

wyoming has a problem...

the other part, these tissues and things in the body then shed or secrete prions which then are the route to other animals into the environment, so in particular, the things, the secretions that are infectious are salvia, feces, blood and urine. so pretty much anything that comes out of a deer is going to be infectious and potential for transmitting disease.

Texas Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion Symposium 2018 posted January 2019 VIDEO SET 18 CLIPS See Wisconsin update...terrible news, right after Texas updated map around 5 minute mark...


Texas Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion Symposium 2018 posted January 2019 VIDEO SET 18 CLIPS

Texas TAHC, Administrative Code, Title 4, Part 2, Chapter 40, Chronic Wasting Disease Amendments Open For Comment beginning December 20, 2019 thru January 20, 2020 Terry Singeltary Comments Submission

Greetings TAHC et al, 

Thank You Kindly for letting me comment again on cwd tse prion. 

My comments 1-8 with updated science in references to back all my concerns up with...




4. ALL CAPTIVE FARMING CERVID MUST BE TESTED ANNUALLY LIVE AND DEAD AND VERIFIED, THAT OLD BSe of ''just another escapee' does not cut it anymore, see why here;


Wisconsin Two deer that escaped farm had chronic wasting disease CWD 

436 Deer Have Escaped From Farms to Wild

Tuesday, 18 March 2003 00:00

As the DNR prepared to hand over authority for overseeing game farms to the agriculture department, it sent 209 conservation wardens to 550 farms to collect information, attempt to pinpoint the source of the disease and to learn whether other deer had been exposed to it. The audit found that most farms were in compliance, but the DNR found many violations and instances of poor record keeping. Also in numerous instances, fences did not stop wild and captive deer from intermingling. see;

436 Deer Have Escaped From Farms to Wild

Tuesday, 18 March 2003 00:00

TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2015

TWO Escaped Captive Deer on the loose in Eau Claire County Wisconsin CWD postive farm Yellow ear tag






In the USA, under the Food and Drug Administration's BSE Feed Regulation (21 CFR 589.2000) most material (exceptions include milk, tallow, and gelatin) from deer and elk is prohibited for use in feed for ruminant animals. With regards to feed for non-ruminant animals, under FDA law, CWD positive deer may not be used for any animal feed or feed ingredients. For elk and deer considered at high risk for CWD, the FDA recommends that these animals do not enter the animal feed system. However, this recommendation is guidance and not a requirement by law.

Animals considered at high risk for CWD include:

1) animals from areas declared to be endemic for CWD and/or to be CWD eradication zones and

2) deer and elk that at some time during the 60-month period prior to slaughter were in a captive herd that contained a CWD-positive animal.

Therefore, in the USA, materials from cervids other than CWD positive animals may be used in animal feed and feed ingredients for non-ruminants.

The amount of animal PAP that is of deer and/or elk origin imported from the USA to GB can not be determined, however, as it is not specified in TRACES. It may constitute a small percentage of the 8412 kilos of non-fish origin processed animal proteins that were imported from US into GB in 2011.

Overall, therefore, it is considered there is a __greater than negligible risk___ that (nonruminant) animal feed and pet food containing deer and/or elk protein is imported into GB.

There is uncertainty associated with this estimate given the lack of data on the amount of deer and/or elk protein possibly being imported in these products.


***> cattle, pigs, sheep, cwd, tse, prion, oh my! 

***> In contrast, cattle are highly susceptible to white-tailed deer CWD and mule deer CWD in experimental conditions but no natural CWD infections in cattle have been reported (Sigurdson, 2008; Hamir et al., 2006). 

Sheep and cattle may be exposed to CWD via common grazing areas with affected deer but so far, appear to be poorly susceptible to mule deer CWD (Sigurdson, 2008). In contrast, cattle are highly susceptible to white-tailed deer CWD and mule deer CWD in experimental conditions but no natural CWD infections in cattle have been reported (Sigurdson, 2008; Hamir et al., 2006). It is not known how susceptible humans are to CWD but given that the prion can be present in muscle, it is likely that humans have been exposed to the agent via consumption of venison (Sigurdson, 2008). Initial experimental research suggests that human susceptibility to CWD is low and there may be a robust species barrier for CWD transmission to humans (Sigurdson, 2008), however the risk appetite for a public health threat may still find this level unacceptable. 

cwd scrapie pigs oral routes 

***> However, at 51 months of incubation or greater, 5 animals were positive by one or more diagnostic methods. Furthermore, positive bioassay results were obtained from all inoculated groups (oral and intracranial; market weight and end of study) suggesting that swine are potential hosts for the agent of scrapie. <*** 

>*** Although the current U.S. feed ban is based on keeping tissues from TSE infected cattle from contaminating animal feed, swine rations in the U.S. could contain animal derived components including materials from scrapie infected sheep and goats. These results indicating the susceptibility of pigs to sheep scrapie, coupled with the limitations of the current feed ban, indicates that a revision of the feed ban may be necessary to protect swine production and potentially human health. <*** 

***> Results: PrPSc was not detected by EIA and IHC in any RPLNs. All tonsils and MLNs were negative by IHC, though the MLN from one pig in the oral <6 5="" 6="" at="" by="" detected="" eia.="" examined="" group="" in="" intracranial="" least="" lymphoid="" month="" months="" of="" one="" pigs="" positive="" prpsc="" quic="" the="" tissues="" was="">6 months group, 5/6 pigs in the oral <6 4="" and="" group="" months="" oral="">6 months group. Overall, the MLN was positive in 14/19 (74%) of samples examined, the RPLN in 8/18 (44%), and the tonsil in 10/25 (40%). 

***> Conclusions: This study demonstrates that PrPSc accumulates in lymphoid tissues from pigs challenged intracranially or orally with the CWD agent, and can be detected as early as 4 months after challenge. CWD-infected pigs rarely develop clinical disease and if they do, they do so after a long incubation period. This raises the possibility that CWD-infected pigs could shed prions into their environment long before they develop clinical disease. Furthermore, lymphoid tissues from CWD-infected pigs could present a potential source of CWD infectivity in the animal and human food chains. 

***> In summary, our results establish aerosols as a surprisingly efficient modality of prion transmission. This novel pathway of prion transmission is not only conceptually relevant for the field of prion research, but also highlights a hitherto unappreciated risk factor for laboratory personnel and personnel of the meat processing industry. In the light of these findings, it may be appropriate to revise current prion-related biosafety guidelines and health standards in diagnostic and scientific laboratories being potentially confronted with prion infected materials. While we did not investigate whether production of prion aerosols in nature suffices to cause horizontal prion transmission, the finding of prions in biological fluids such as saliva, urine and blood suggests that it may be worth testing this possibility in future studies.

Adriano Aguzzi ''We even showed that a prion AEROSOL will infect 100% of mice within 10 seconds of exposure''


Rabbits are not resistant to prion infection

Francesca Chianinia,1, Natalia Fernández-Borgesb,c,1, Enric Vidald , Louise Gibbarda , Belén Pintadoe , Jorge de Castroc , Suzette A. Priolaf , Scott Hamiltona , Samantha L. Eatona , Jeanie Finlaysona , Yvonne Panga , Philip Steelea , Hugh W. Reida , Mark P. Dagleisha , and Joaquín Castillab,c,g,2 a

Moredun Research Institute, Penicuik, Near Edinburgh EH26 0PZ, Scotland, United Kingdom; b CIC bioGUNE, Derio 48160, Bizkaia, Spain; g IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Bilbao 48011, Bizkaia, Spain; c Department of Infectology, Scripps Florida, Jupiter, FL 33458; f Laboratory of Persistent Viral Diseases, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Hamilton, MT 59840; d Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA), UAB-IRTA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain; and e Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB), 28049 Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain

Edited by Reed B. Wickner, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and approved February 16, 2012 (received for review December 6, 2011)

The ability of prions to infect some species and not others is determined by the transmission barrier. This unexplained phenomenon has led to the belief that certain species were not susceptible to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) and therefore represented negligible risk to human health if consumed. Using the protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) technique, we were able to overcome the species barrier in rabbits, which have been classified as TSE resistant for four decades. Rabbit brain homogenate, either unseeded or seeded in vitro with disease-related prions obtained from different species, was subjected to serial rounds of PMCA. De novo rabbit prions produced in vitro from unseeded material were tested for infectivity in rabbits, with one of three intracerebrally challenged animals succumbing to disease at 766 d and displaying all of the characteristics of a TSE, thereby demonstrating that leporids are not resistant to prion infection. Material from the brain of the clinically affected rabbit containing abnormal prion protein resulted in a 100% attack rate after its inoculation in transgenic mice overexpressing rabbit PrP. Transmissibility to rabbits (>470 d) has been confirmed in 2 of 10 rabbits after intracerebral challenge. Despite rabbits no longer being able to be classified as resistant to TSEs, an outbreak of “mad rabbit disease” is unlikely.


In summary, after 3 y postchallenge with three different rabbitderived inocula, we have obtained one positive clinical case, one possible preclinical case, two intercurrent deaths, and six animals that have remained healthy. Although the incubation periods do not directly correlate with the degree of susceptibility, these data might indicate that rabbits are poorly susceptible to prion infection. Although the rabbits used in this study were not inbred, they all had identical full-length PrP sequences and, to date, no difference has been detected in the ORF PrP sequence in any other published rabbit PrP sequence placed in GenBank. To further investigate this, two types of second passage experiment were performed; three raPrPTg mice and 10 rabbits were all intracerebrally inoculated using brain homogenate from the clinically affected rabbit. In contrast to 100% of the de novo RaPrPSc-inoculated transgenic mice having succumbed to a standard clinical prion disease and thereby demonstrating a high rate of transmissibility in vivo, two of 10 rabbits developed a TSE (477 and 540 dpi, respectively) to date. A plausible explanation for the evident differences between these two transmission studies would be the high level of rabbit PrPC expression (4- to 6-fold) in the murine model. In addition, it is well known that even if overexpression does not increase susceptibility, it can significantly reduce the incubation time of disease (2). However, the two positive TSE cases in the second rabbit passage, even though 8 rabbits remained clinically normal at 560 dpi, have led us to conclude that rabbits can no longer be considered a prionresistant species. The long incubation times, even after a second passage, might be due to the presence of some unknown, and probably rare, susceptibility factor in rabbits, which may also be present, for example, in equids and canids.

To critically evaluate this risk, several experiments are currently underway to characterize this new prion disease in rabbits and other species to examine its ability to cross the species barrier. In addition, supplementary experiments have been initiated in rabbits and also in transgenic mice that overexpress rabbit PrPC, to evaluate their susceptibilities to other important prion diseases including CWD and BSE. There are several factors that any potential new TSE epidemic would require: (i) the new prion should be efficiently transmitted through the homologous species; (ii) animals should be edible by humans and should be slaughtered at an age at which the disease has developed, thereby increasing the chance that prions have replicated (especially for those prions that require long incubation times); and (iii) the meat and bone meal should be recycled and fed to new members of the same species. In the light of these data and taking into account the previous three factors, it is unlikely there will be an outbreak of “mad rabbit disease,” and consumers of rabbit meat face much less of a risk than consumers of cattle or sheep products.


Raccoons accumulate PrPSc after intracranial inoculation with the agents of chronic wasting disease (CWD) or transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) but not atypical scrapie

Friday, December 14, 2012 

DEFRA U.K. What is the risk of Chronic Wasting Disease CWD being introduced into Great Britain? A Qualitative Risk Assessment October 2012 


In the USA, under the Food and Drug Administration's BSE Feed Regulation (21 CFR 589.2000) most material (exceptions include milk, tallow, and gelatin) from deer and elk is prohibited for use in feed for ruminant animals. With regards to feed for non-ruminant animals, under FDA law, CWD positive deer may not be used for any animal feed or feed ingredients. For elk and deer considered at high risk for CWD, the FDA recommends that these animals do not enter the animal feed system. However, this recommendation is guidance and not a requirement by law. Animals considered at high risk for CWD include: 

1) animals from areas declared to be endemic for CWD and/or to be CWD eradication zones and 

2) deer and elk that at some time during the 60-month period prior to slaughter were in a captive herd that contained a CWD-positive animal. 

Therefore, in the USA, materials from cervids other than CWD positive animals may be used in animal feed and feed ingredients for non-ruminants. 

The amount of animal PAP that is of deer and/or elk origin imported from the USA to GB can not be determined, however, as it is not specified in TRACES. 

It may constitute a small percentage of the 8412 kilos of non-fish origin processed animal proteins that were imported from US into GB in 2011. 

Overall, therefore, it is considered there is a __greater than negligible risk___ that (nonruminant) animal feed and pet food containing deer and/or elk protein is imported into GB. 

There is uncertainty associated with this estimate given the lack of data on the amount of deer and/or elk protein possibly being imported in these products. 


36% in 2007 (Almberg et al., 2011). In such areas, population declines of deer of up to 30 to 50% have been observed (Almberg et al., 2011). In areas of Colorado, the prevalence can be as high as 30% (EFSA, 2011). The clinical signs of CWD in affected adults are weight loss and behavioural changes that can span weeks or months (Williams, 2005). In addition, signs might include excessive salivation, behavioural alterations including a fixed stare and changes in interaction with other animals in the herd, and an altered stance (Williams, 2005). These signs are indistinguishable from cervids experimentally infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Given this, if CWD was to be introduced into countries with BSE such as GB, for example, infected deer populations would need to be tested to differentiate if they were infected with CWD or BSE to minimise the risk of BSE entering the human food-chain via affected venison. snip..... The rate of transmission of CWD has been reported to be as high as 30% and can approach 100% among captive animals in endemic areas (Safar et al., 2008). 


In summary, in endemic areas, there is a medium probability that the soil and surrounding environment is contaminated with CWD prions and in a bioavailable form. In rural areas where CWD has not been reported and deer are present, there is a greater than negligible risk the soil is contaminated with CWD prion. snip..... In summary, given the volume of tourists, hunters and servicemen moving between GB and North America, the probability of at least one person travelling to/from a CWD affected area and, in doing so, contaminating their clothing, footwear and/or equipment prior to arriving in GB is greater than negligible... For deer hunters, specifically, the risk is likely to be greater given the increased contact with deer and their environment. However, there is significant uncertainty associated with these estimates. 


Therefore, it is considered that farmed and park deer may have a higher probability of exposure to CWD transferred to the environment than wild deer given the restricted habitat range and higher frequency of contact with tourists and returning GB residents. 



BSE TESTING (failed terribly and proven to be a sham) 

BSE SURVEILLANCE (failed terribly and proven to be a sham) 

BSE 589.2001 FEED REGULATIONS (another colossal failure, and proven to be a sham) 

these are facts folks. trump et al just admitted it with the feed ban. 


FDA Reports on VFD Compliance 

John Maday 

August 30, 2019 09:46 AM VFD-Form 007 (640x427) 

Before and after the current Veterinary Feed Directive rules took full effect in January, 2017, the FDA focused primarily on education and outreach. ( John Maday ) Before and after the current Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) rules took full effect in January, 2017, the FDA focused primarily on education and outreach to help feed mills, veterinarians and producers understand and comply with the requirements. Since then, FDA has gradually increased the number of VFD inspections and initiated enforcement actions when necessary. On August 29, FDA released its first report on inspection and compliance activities. The report, titled “Summary Assessment of Veterinary Feed Directive Compliance Activities Conducted in Fiscal Years 2016 – 2018,” is available online.


***> FDA Reports on VFD Compliance 

TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 2017 




Docket No. APHIS-2018-0011 Chronic Wasting Disease Herd Certification Program Standards Singeltary

View Attachment:View as format pdf


United States wildlife and wildlife product imports from 2000–2014 and TSE PRION aka Mad Cow Type Disease 


***> I urge every Country around the Globe to Declare an Extraordinary Emergency Due To A Foreign Animal Disease Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion from the USA, Canada, and Mexico (they have no clue), all of North America should have this Declaration of Emergency against them, just like the one called way back when the shoe was on the other foot with the mad sheep of mad river valley, except this time, it's not a wag the dog false flag, this is for real...terry

THE TSE Prion aka mad cow type disease is not your normal pathogen.

The TSE prion disease survives ashing to 600 degrees celsius, that’s around 1112 degrees farenheit.

you cannot cook the TSE prion disease out of meat.

you can take the ash and mix it with saline and inject that ash into a mouse, and the mouse will go down with TSE.

Prion Infected Meat-and-Bone Meal Is Still Infectious after Biodiesel Production as well.

the TSE prion agent also survives Simulated Wastewater Treatment Processes.

IN fact, you should also know that the TSE Prion agent will survive in the environment for years, if not decades.

you can bury it and it will not go away.

The TSE agent is capable of infected your water table i.e. Detection of protease-resistant cervid prion protein in water from a CWD-endemic area.

it’s not your ordinary pathogen you can just cook it out and be done with. that’s what’s so worrisome about Iatrogenic mode of transmission, a simple autoclave will not kill this TSE prion agent.

snip...see full text submission;


Texas TAHC, Administrative Code, Title 4, Part 2, Chapter 40, Chronic Wasting Disease Amendments Open For Comment beginning December 20, 2019 thru January 20, 2020 Terry Singeltary Comments Submission


TSE surveillance statistics exotic species and domestic cats Update December 2019


The emergence of classical BSE from atypical/Nor98 scrapie


Estimating relative CWD susceptibility and disease progression in farmed white-tailed deer with rare PRNP alleles


Review: Update on Classical and Atypical Scrapie in Sheep and Goats


Sheep Are Susceptible to the Bovine Adapted Transmissible Mink Encephalopathy agent by Intracranial Inoculation and Have Evidence of Infectivity in Lymphoid Tissues

***> ''indicating that sheep inoculated with the bovine TME agent harbor infectivity in their lymph nodes despite a lack of detection with conventional immunoassays.''


Southwest Wisconsin CWD, Deer and Predator Study


EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ) Update on chronic wasting disease (CWD) III


Australia Assessment of bulk wheat from Canada Part B: Animal biosecurity risk advice, CWD TSE Prion concerns are mounting 

FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2019 

Assessing chronic wasting disease strain differences in free-ranging cervids across the United States

MONDAY, MAY 20, 2019 

APHIS, USDA, Announces the Finalized Chronic Wasting Disease Herd Certification Program Standards Singeltary Submissions


New Outbreak of TSE Prion in NEW LIVESTOCK SPECIES

Mad Camel Disease

Volume 24, Number 6—June 2018 Research 

Prion Disease in Dromedary Camels, Algeria Abstract

Prions cause fatal and transmissible neurodegenerative diseases, including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, scrapie in small ruminants, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). After the BSE epidemic, and the associated human infections, began in 1996 in the United Kingdom, general concerns have been raised about animal prions. We detected a prion disease in dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) in Algeria. Symptoms suggesting prion disease occurred in 3.1% of dromedaries brought for slaughter to the Ouargla abattoir in 2015–2016. We confirmed diagnosis by detecting pathognomonic neurodegeneration and disease-specific prion protein (PrPSc) in brain tissues from 3 symptomatic animals. Prion detection in lymphoid tissues is suggestive of the infectious nature of the disease. PrPSc biochemical characterization showed differences with BSE and scrapie. Our identification of this prion disease in a geographically widespread livestock species requires urgent enforcement of surveillance and assessment of the potential risks to human and animal health.


The possibility that dromedaries acquired the disease from eating prion-contaminated waste needs to be considered.

Tracing the origin of prion diseases is challenging. In the case of CPD, the traditional extensive and nomadic herding practices of dromedaries represent a formidable factor for accelerating the spread of the disease at long distances, making the path of its diffusion difficult to determine. Finally, the major import flows of live animals to Algeria from Niger, Mali, and Mauritania (27) should be investigated to trace the possible origin of CPD from other countries. Camels are a vital animal species for millions of persons globally. The world camel population has a yearly growth rate of 2.1% (28). In 2014, the population was estimated at ≈28 million animals, but this number is probably underestimated.. Approximately 88% of camels are found in Africa, especially eastern Africa, and 12% are found in Asia. Official data reported 350,000 dromedaries in Algeria in 2014 (28).

On the basis of phenotypic traits and sociogeographic criteria, several dromedary populations have been suggested to exist in Algeria (29). However, recent genetic studies in Algeria and Egypt point to a weak differentiation of the dromedary population as a consequence of historical use as a cross-continental beast of burden along trans-Saharan caravan routes, coupled with traditional extensive/nomadic herding practices (30).

Such genetic homogeneity also might be reflected in PRNP. Studies on PRNP variability in camels are therefore warranted to explore the existence of genotypes resistant to CPD, which could represent an important tool for CPD management as it was for breeding programs for scrapie eradication in sheep. In the past 10 years, the camel farming system has changed rapidly, with increasing setup of periurban dairy farms and dairy plants and diversification of camel products and market penetration (13). This evolution requires improved health standards for infectious diseases and, in light of CPD, for prion diseases.

The emergence of another prion disease in an animal species of crucial importance for millions of persons worldwide makes it necessary to assess the risk for humans and develop evidence-based policies to control and limit the spread of the disease in animals and minimize human exposure. The implementation of a surveillance system for prion diseases would be a first step to enable disease control and minimize human and animal exposure. Finally, the diagnostic capacity of prion diseases needs to be improved in all countries in Africa where dromedaries are part of the domestic livestock. ;



SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 2020 2019 

USAHA-AAVLD Annual Meeting October 24-30, 2019 Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy TSE Prion CWD, Scrapie UPDATE


Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) and Government Response Congressional Research Service May 17, 2019


Chronic Wasting Disease In Cervids: Prevalence, Impact And Management Strategies

Subcommittee Hearing: Chronic Wasting Disease: The Threats to Wildlife, Public Lands, Hunting, and Health
CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE CONGRESS Serial No. 107-117 May 16, 2002
May 16, 2002
Serial No. 107-117
Mr. MCINNIS. Today, this joint Subcommittee hearing will explore an issue of immeasurable importance to the growing number of communities in wide-ranging parts of this country, the growing incidence of Chronic Wasting Disease in North America’s wild and captive deer and elk populations. In a matter of just a few months, this once parochial concern has grown into something much larger and much more insidious than anyone could have imagined or predicted.
As each day passes, this problem grows in its size, scope, and consequence. One thing becomes clear. Chronic Wasting Disease is not a Colorado problem. It is a Wisconsin problem or a Nebraska or Wyoming problem. It is a national problem and anything short of a fully integrated, systematic national assault on this simply will not do, which is precisely why we brought our group together here today.
So this is a disease that is spreading throughout the continent and it is going to require a national response as well as the efforts that are currently taking place in States like Wisconsin, Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, the interest they now have down in Texas and some of the neighboring States that have large white-tailed deer population and also elk.
This is a huge issue for us, Mr. Chairman, in the State of Wisconsin. I want to commend Governor McCallum and your staff and the various agencies for the rapid response that you have shown, given the early detection of CWD after the last deer hunting season. The problem that we have, though, is just a lack of information, good science in regards to what is the best response, how dangerous is this disease. We cannot close the door, quite frankly, with the paucity of scientific research that is out there right now in regards to how the disease spreads, the exposure of other livestock herds—given the importance of our dairy industry in the State, that is a big issue—and also the human health effects.

Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion VACCINE UPDATE


Inactivation of chronic wasting disease prions using sodium hypochlorite

i think some hunters that don't read this carefully are going to think this is a cure all for cwd tse contamination. IT'S NOT!

first off, it would take a strong bleach type sodium hypochlorite, that is NOT your moms bleach she uses in her clothes, and store bought stuff.

Concentrated bleach is an 8.25 percent solution of sodium hypochlorite, up from the “regular bleach” concentration of 5.25 percent.Nov 1, 2013

second off, the study states plainly;

''We found that a five-minute treatment with a 40% dilution of household bleach was effective at inactivating CWD seeding activity from stainless-steel wires and CWD-infected brain homogenates. However, bleach was not able to inactivate CWD seeding activity from solid tissues in our studies.''

''We initially tested brains from two CWD-infected mice and one uninfected mouse using 40% bleach for 5 minutes. The results from these experiments showed almost no elimination of prion seeding activity (Table 4). We then increased the treatment time to 30 minutes and tested 40% and 100% bleach treatments. Again, the results were disappointing and showed less than a 10-fold decrease in CWD-seeding activity (Table 4). Clearly, bleach is not able to inactivate prions effectively from small brain pieces under the conditions tested here.''

''We found that both the concentration of bleach and the time of treatment are critical for inactivation of CWD prions. A 40% bleach treatment for 5 minutes successfully eliminated detectable prion seeding activity from both CWD-positive brain homogenate and stainless-steel wires bound with CWD. However, even small solid pieces of CWD-infected brain were not successfully decontaminated with the use of bleach.''

i think with all the fear from recent studies, and there are many, of potential, or likelihood of zoonosis, if it has not already happened as scjd, i think this study came out to help out on some of that fear, that maybe something will help, but the study plainly states it's for sure not a cure all for exposure and contamination of the cwd tse prion on surface materials. imo...terry


* 1: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1994 Jun;57(6):757-8
Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease to a chimpanzee by electrodes contaminated during neurosurgery.
Gibbs CJ Jr, Asher DM, Kobrine A, Amyx HL, Sulima MP, Gajdusek DC.
Laboratory of Central Nervous System Studies, National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD 20892.
Stereotactic multicontact electrodes used to probe the cerebral cortex of a middle aged woman with progressive dementia were previously implicated in the accidental transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) to two younger patients. The diagnoses of CJD have been confirmed for all three cases. More than two years after their last use in humans, after three cleanings and repeated sterilisation in ethanol and formaldehyde vapour, the electrodes were implanted in the cortex of a chimpanzee. Eighteen months later the animal became ill with CJD. This finding serves to re-emphasise the potential danger posed by reuse of instruments contaminated with the agents of spongiform encephalopathies, even after scrupulous attempts to clean them.
PMID: 8006664 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Wednesday, September 11, 2019 
Is the re-use of sterilized implant abutments safe enough? (Implant abutment safety) iatrogenic TSE Prion

172. Establishment of PrPCWD extraction and detection methods in the farm soil

Kyung Je Park, Hoo Chang Park, In Soon Roh, Hyo Jin Kim, Hae-Eun Kang and Hyun Joo Sohn
Foreign Animal Disease Division, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Gimcheon, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea
Introduction: Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder, which is so-called as prion diseases due to the causative agents (PrPSc). TSEs are believed to be due to the template-directed accumulation of disease-associated prion protein, generally designated PrPSc. Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is the prion disease that is known spread horizontally. CWD has confirmed last in Republic of Korea in 2016 since first outbreak of CWD in 2001. The environmental reservoirs mediate the transmission of this disease. The significant levels of infectivity have been detected in the saliva, urine, and faeces of TSE-infected animals. Soil can serve as a stable reservoir for infectious prion proteins. We found that PrPCWD can be extracted and detected in CWD contaminated soil which has kept at room temperature until 4 years after 0.001 ~ 1% CWD exposure and natural CWD-affected farm soil through PBS washing and sPMCAb.
Materials and Methods: Procedure of serial PMCAb. CWD contaminated soil which has kept at room temperature (RT) for 1 ~ 4 year after 0.001%~1% CWD brain homogenates exposure for 4 months collected 0.14 g. The soil was collected by the same method once of year until 4 year after stop CWD exposure. We had conducted the two steps. There are two kinds of 10 times washing step and one amplification step. The washing step was detached PrPSc from contaminated soil by strong vortex with maximum rpm. We harvest supernatant every time by 10 times. As the other washing step, the Washed soil was made by washing 10 times soil using slow rotator and then harvest resuspended PBS for removing large impurity material. Last step was prion amplification step for detection of PrPCWD in soil supernatant and the washed soil by sPMCAb. Normal brain homogenate (NBH) was prepared by homogenization of brains with glass dounce in 9 volumes of cold PBS with TritonX-100, 5 mM EDTA, 150 mM NaCl and 0.05% Digitonin (sigma) plus Complete mini protease inhibitors (Roche) to a final concentration of 5%(w/v) NBHs were centrifuged at 2000 g for 1 min, and supernatant removed and frozen at −70 C for use. CWD consisted of brain from natural case in Korea and was prepared as 10%(w/v) homogenate. Positive sample was diluted to a final dilution 1:1000 in NBH, with serial 3:7 dilutions in NBH. Sonication was performed with a Misonix 4000 sonicator with amplitude set to level 70, generating an average output of 160W with two teflon beads during each cycle. One round consisted of 56 cycles of 30 s of sonication followed 9 min 30 s of 37°C incubation. Western Blotting (WB) for PrPSc detection. The samples (20 µL) after each round of amplification were mixed with proteinase K (2 mg/ml) and incubated 37°C for 1 h. Samples were separated by SDS-PAGE and transferred onto PVDF membrane. After blocking, the membrane was incubated for 1 h with 1st antibody S1 anti rabbit serum (APQA, 1:3000) and developed with enhanced chemiluminescence detection system.
Results: We excluded from first to third supernatant in view of sample contamination. It was confirmed abnormal PrP amplification in all soil supernatants from fourth to tenth. From 0.01% to 1% contaminated washed soils were identified as abnormal prions. 0.001% contaminated washed soil did not show PrP specific band (Fig 1). The soil was collected by the same method once of year until 4 year after stop CWD exposure. After sPMCAb, there were no PrPCWD band in from second to fourth year 0.001% washed soil. but It was confirmed that the abnormal prion was amplified in the washing supernatant which was not amplified in the washed soil. we have decided to use soil supernatant for soil testing (Fig. 2). After third rounds of amplification, PrPSc signals observed in three out of four sites from CWD positive farm playground. No signals were observed in all soil samples from four CWD negative farm (Fig. 3).
Conclusions: Our studies showed that PrPCWD persist in 0.001% CWD contaminated soil for at least 4 year and natural CWD-affected farm soil. When cervid reintroduced into CWD outbreak farm, the strict decontamination procedures of the infectious agent should be performed in the environment of CWD-affected cervid habitat.

186. Serial detection of hematogenous prions in CWD-infected deer

Amy V. Nalls, Erin E. McNulty, Nathaniel D. Denkers, Edward A. Hoover and Candace K. Mathiason
Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA
CONTACT Amy V. Nalls
Blood contains the infectious agent associated with prion disease affecting several mammalian species, including humans, cervids, sheep, and cattle. It has been confirmed that sufficient prion agent is present in the blood of both symptomatic and asymptomatic carriers to initiate the amyloid templating and accumulation process that results in this fatal neurodegenerative disease. Yet, to date, the ability to detect blood-borne prions by in vitro methods remains difficult.
We have capitalized on blood samples collected from longitudinal chronic wasting disease (CWD) studies in the native white-tailed deer host to examine hematogenous prion load in blood collected minutes, days, weeks and months post exposure. Our work has focused on refinement of the amplification methods RT-QuIC and PMCA. We demonstrate enhanced in vitro detection of amyloid seeding activity (prions) in blood cell fractions harvested from deer orally-exposed to 300 ng CWD positive brain or saliva.
These findings permit assessment of the role hematogenous prions play in the pathogenesis of CWD and provide tools to assess the same for prion diseases of other mammalian species.
Considering the oral secretion of prions, saliva from CWD-infected deer was shown to transmit disease to other susceptible naïve deer when harvested from the animals in both the prions in the saliva and blood of deer with chronic wasting disease
 and preclinical stages69
 of infection, albeit within relatively large volumes of saliva (50 ml). In sheep with preclinical, natural scrapie infections, sPMCA facilitated the detection of PrPSc within buccal swabs throughout most of the incubation period of the disease with an apparent peak in prion secretion around the mid-term of disease progression.70
 The amounts of prion present in saliva are likely to be low as indicated by CWD-infected saliva producing prolonged incubation periods and incomplete attack rates within the transgenic mouse bioassay.41
Indeed, it has also been shown that the scrapie and CWD prions are excreted in urine, feces and saliva and are likely to be excreted from skin. While levels of prion within these excreta/secreta are very low, they are produced throughout long periods of preclinical disease as well as clinical disease. Furthermore, the levels of prion in such materials are likely to be increased by concurrent inflammatory conditions affecting the relevant secretory organ or site. Such dissemination of prion into the environment is very likely to facilitate the repeat exposure of flockmates to low levels of the disease agent, possibly over years.
Given the results with scrapie-contaminated milk and CWD-contaminated saliva, it seems very likely that these low levels of prion in different secreta/excreta are capable of transmitting disease upon prolonged exposure, either through direct animal-to-animal contact or through environmental reservoirs of infectivity.
the other part, these tissues and things in the body then shed or secrete prions which then are the route to other animals into the environment, so in particular, the things, the secretions that are infectious are salvia, feces, blood and urine. so pretty much anything that comes out of a deer is going to be infectious and potential for transmitting disease.
***>>> Recently, we have been using PMCA to study the role of environmental prion contamination on the horizontal spreading of TSEs. These experiments have focused on the study of the interaction of prions with plants and environmentally relevant surfaces. Our results show that plants (both leaves and roots) bind tightly to prions present in brain extracts and excreta (urine and feces) and retain even small quantities of PrPSc for long periods of time. Strikingly, ingestion of prioncontaminated leaves and roots produced disease with a 100% attack rate and an incubation period not substantially longer than feeding animals directly with scrapie brain homogenate. Furthermore, plants can uptake prions from contaminated soil and transport them to different parts of the plant tissue (stem and leaves). Similarly, prions bind tightly to a variety of environmentally relevant surfaces, including stones, wood, metals, plastic, glass, cement, etc. Prion contaminated surfaces efficiently transmit prion disease when these materials were directly injected into the brain of animals and strikingly when the contaminated surfaces were just placed in the animal cage. These findings demonstrate that environmental materials can efficiently bind infectious prions and act as carriers of infectivity, suggesting that they may play an important role in the horizontal transmission of the disease.


Since its invention 13 years ago, PMCA has helped to answer fundamental questions of prion propagation and has broad applications in research areas including the food industry, blood bank safety and human and veterinary disease diagnosis. 


* 1: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1994 Jun;57(6):757-8
Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease to a chimpanzee by electrodes contaminated during neurosurgery.
Gibbs CJ Jr, Asher DM, Kobrine A, Amyx HL, Sulima MP, Gajdusek DC.
Laboratory of Central Nervous System Studies, National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD 20892.
Stereotactic multicontact electrodes used to probe the cerebral cortex of a middle aged woman with progressive dementia were previously implicated in the accidental transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) to two younger patients. The diagnoses of CJD have been confirmed for all three cases. More than two years after their last use in humans, after three cleanings and repeated sterilisation in ethanol and formaldehyde vapour, the electrodes were implanted in the cortex of a chimpanzee. Eighteen months later the animal became ill with CJD. This finding serves to re-emphasise the potential danger posed by reuse of instruments contaminated with the agents of spongiform encephalopathies, even after scrupulous attempts to clean them.
PMID: 8006664 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 

Is the re-use of sterilized implant abutments safe enough? (Implant abutment safety) iatrogenic TSE Prion


Medical Devices Containing Materials Derived from Animal Sources (Except for In Vitro Diagnostic Devices) Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff Document issued on March 15, 2019 Singeltary Submission


***> Estimating the impact on food and edible materials of changing scrapie control measures: The scrapie control model

THE tse prion aka mad cow type disease is not your normal pathogen. 

The TSE prion disease survives ashing to 600 degrees celsius, that’s around 1112 degrees farenheit. 

you cannot cook the TSE prion disease out of meat. 

you can take the ash and mix it with saline and inject that ash into a mouse, and the mouse will go down with TSE. 

Prion Infected Meat-and-Bone Meal Is Still Infectious after Biodiesel Production as well. 

the TSE prion agent also survives Simulated Wastewater Treatment Processes. 

IN fact, you should also know that the TSE Prion agent will survive in the environment for years, if not decades. 

you can bury it and it will not go away. 

The TSE agent is capable of infected your water table i.e. Detection of protease-resistant cervid prion protein in water from a CWD-endemic area. 

it’s not your ordinary pathogen you can just cook it out and be done with. 

***> that’s what’s so worrisome about Iatrogenic mode of transmission, a simple autoclave will not kill this TSE prion agent.

1: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1994 Jun;57(6):757-8 

***> Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease to a chimpanzee by electrodes contaminated during neurosurgery. 

Gibbs CJ Jr, Asher DM, Kobrine A, Amyx HL, Sulima MP, Gajdusek DC. 

Laboratory of Central Nervous System Studies, National Institute of 

Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, 

Bethesda, MD 20892. 

Stereotactic multicontact electrodes used to probe the cerebral cortex of a middle aged woman with progressive dementia were previously implicated in the accidental transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) to two younger patients. The diagnoses of CJD have been confirmed for all three cases. More than two years after their last use in humans, after three cleanings and repeated sterilisation in ethanol and formaldehyde vapour, the electrodes were implanted in the cortex of a chimpanzee. Eighteen months later the animal became ill with CJD. This finding serves to re-emphasise the potential danger posed by reuse of instruments contaminated with the agents of spongiform encephalopathies, even after scrupulous attempts to clean them. 

PMID: 8006664 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 

2018 - 2019

***> This is very likely to have parallels with control efforts for CWD in cervids.

Rapid recontamination of a farm building occurs after attempted prion removal

Kevin Christopher Gough, BSc (Hons), PhD1, Claire Alison Baker, BSc (Hons)2, Steve Hawkins, MIBiol3, Hugh Simmons, BVSc, MRCVS, MBA, MA3, Timm Konold, DrMedVet, PhD, MRCVS3 and Ben Charles Maddison, BSc (Hons), PhD2


The transmissible spongiform encephalopathy scrapie of sheep/goats and chronic wasting disease of cervids are associated with environmental reservoirs of infectivity. 

Preventing environmental prions acting as a source of infectivity to healthy animals is of major concern to farms that have had outbreaks of scrapie and also to the health management of wild and farmed cervids. 

Here, an efficient scrapie decontamination protocol was applied to a farm with high levels of environmental contamination with the scrapie agent. 

Post-decontamination, no prion material was detected within samples taken from the farm buildings as determined using a sensitive in vitro replication assay (sPMCA). 

A bioassay consisting of 25 newborn lambs of highly susceptible prion protein genotype VRQ/VRQ introduced into this decontaminated barn was carried out in addition to sampling and analysis of dust samples that were collected during the bioassay. 

Twenty-four of the animals examined by immunohistochemical analysis of lymphatic tissues were scrapie-positive during the bioassay, samples of dust collected within the barn were positive by month 3. 

The data illustrates the difficulty in decontaminating farm buildings from scrapie, and demonstrates the likely contribution of farm dust to the recontamination of these environments to levels that are capable of causing disease.


As in the authors' previous study,12 the decontamination of this sheep barn was not effective at removing scrapie infectivity, and despite the extra measures brought into this study (more effective chemical treatment and removal of sources of dust) the overall rates of disease transmission mirror previous results on this farm. With such apparently effective decontamination (assuming that at least some sPMCA seeding ability is coincident with infectivity), how was infectivity able to persist within the environment and where does infectivity reside? Dust samples were collected in both the bioassay barn and also a barn subject to the same decontamination regime within the same farm (but remaining unoccupied). Within both of these barns dust had accumulated for three months that was able to seed sPMCA, indicating the accumulation of scrapie-containing material that was independent of the presence of sheep that may have been incubating and possibly shedding low amounts of infectivity.

This study clearly demonstrates the difficulty in removing scrapie infectivity from the farm environment. Practical and effective prion decontamination methods are still urgently required for decontamination of scrapie infectivity from farms that have had cases of scrapie and this is particularly relevant for scrapiepositive goatherds, which currently have limited genetic resistance to scrapie within commercial breeds.24 This is very likely to have parallels with control efforts for CWD in cervids.

Acknowledgements The authors thank the APHA farm staff, Tony Duarte, Olly Roberts and Margaret Newlands for preparation of the sheep pens and animal husbandry during the study. The authors also thank the APHA pathology team for RAMALT and postmortem examination.

Funding This study was funded by DEFRA within project SE1865. 

Competing interests None declared. 

Saturday, January 5, 2019 

Rapid recontamination of a farm building occurs after attempted prion removal 


BSE infectivity survives burial for five years with only limited spread


P69 Experimental transmission of CWD from white-tailed deer to co-housed reindeer 

Mitchell G (1), Walther I (1), Staskevicius A (1), Soutyrine A (1), Balachandran A (1) 

(1) National & OIE Reference Laboratory for Scrapie and CWD, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) continues to be detected in wild and farmed cervid populations of North America, affecting predominantly white-tailed deer, mule deer and elk. Extensive herds of wild caribou exist in northern regions of Canada, although surveillance has not detected the presence of CWD in this population. Oral experimental transmission has demonstrated that reindeer, a species closely related to caribou, are susceptible to CWD. Recently, CWD was detected for the first time in Europe, in wild Norwegian reindeer, advancing the possibility that caribou in North America could also become infected. Given the potential overlap in habitat between wild CWD-infected cervids and wild caribou herds in Canada, we sought to investigate the horizontal transmissibility of CWD from white-tailed deer to reindeer. 

Two white-tailed deer were orally inoculated with a brain homogenate prepared from a farmed Canadian white-tailed deer previously diagnosed with CWD. Two reindeer, with no history of exposure to CWD, were housed in the same enclosure as the white-tailed deer, 3.5 months after the deer were orally inoculated. The white-tailed deer developed clinical signs consistent with CWD beginning at 15.2 and 21 months post-inoculation (mpi), and were euthanized at 18.7 and 23.1 mpi, respectively. Confirmatory testing by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and western blot demonstrated widespread aggregates of pathological prion protein (PrPCWD) in the central nervous system and lymphoid tissues of both inoculated white-tailed deer. Both reindeer were subjected to recto-anal mucosal associated lymphoid tissue (RAMALT) biopsy at 20 months post-exposure (mpe) to the white-tailed deer. The biopsy from one reindeer contained PrPCWD confirmed by IHC. This reindeer displayed only subtle clinical evidence of disease prior to a rapid decline in condition requiring euthanasia at 22.5 mpe. Analysis of tissues from this reindeer by IHC revealed widespread PrPCWD deposition, predominantly in central nervous system and lymphoreticular tissues. Western blot molecular profiles were similar between both orally inoculated white-tailed deer and the CWD positive reindeer. Despite sharing the same enclosure, the other reindeer was RAMALT negative at 20 mpe, and PrPCWD was not detected in brainstem and lymphoid tissues following necropsy at 35 mpe. Sequencing of the prion protein gene from both reindeer revealed differences at several codons, which may have influenced susceptibility to infection. 

Natural transmission of CWD occurs relatively efficiently amongst cervids, supporting the expanding geographic distribution of disease and the potential for transmission to previously naive populations. The efficient horizontal transmission of CWD from white-tailed deer to reindeer observed here highlights the potential for reindeer to become infected if exposed to other cervids or environments infected with CWD. 

***> Infectious agent of sheep scrapie may persist in the environment for at least 16 years

***> Nine of these recurrences occurred 14–21 years after culling, apparently as the result of environmental contamination, but outside entry could not always be absolutely excluded. 

Gudmundur Georgsson,1 Sigurdur Sigurdarson2 and Paul Brown3


Gudmundur Georgsson

1 Institute for Experimental Pathology, University of Iceland, Keldur v/vesturlandsveg, IS-112 Reykjavı´k, Iceland

2 Laboratory of the Chief Veterinary Officer, Keldur, Iceland

3 Bethesda, Maryland, USA

Received 7 March 2006 Accepted 6 August 2006

In 1978, a rigorous programme was implemented to stop the spread of, and subsequently eradicate, sheep scrapie in Iceland. Affected flocks were culled, premises were disinfected and, after 2–3 years, restocked with lambs from scrapie-free areas. Between 1978 and 2004, scrapie recurred on 33 farms. Nine of these recurrences occurred 14–21 years after culling, apparently as the result of environmental contamination, but outside entry could not always be absolutely excluded. Of special interest was one farm with a small, completely self-contained flock where scrapie recurred 18 years after culling, 2 years after some lambs had been housed in an old sheephouse that had never been disinfected. Epidemiological investigation established with near certitude that the disease had not been introduced from the outside and it is concluded that the agent may have persisted in the old sheep-house for at least 16 years.






Back around 2000, 2001, or so, I was corresponding with officials abroad during the bse inquiry, passing info back and forth, and some officials from here inside USDA aphis FSIS et al. In fact helped me get into the USA 50 state emergency BSE conference call way back. That one was a doozy. But I always remember what “deep throat” I never knew who they were, but I never forgot;

Some unofficial information from a source on the inside looking out -


As early as 1992-3 there had been long studies conducted on small pastures containing scrapie infected sheep at the sheep research station associated with the Neuropathogenesis Unit in Edinburgh, Scotland. Whether these are documented...I don't know. But personal recounts both heard and recorded in a daily journal indicate that leaving the pastures free and replacing the topsoil completely at least 2 feet of thickness each year for SEVEN years....and then when very clean (proven scrapie free) sheep were placed on these small pastures.... the new sheep also broke out with scrapie and passed it to offspring. I am not sure that TSE contaminated ground could ever be free of the agent!! A very frightening revelation!!!

---end personal email---end...tss

Infectivity surviving ashing to 600*C is (in my opinion) degradable but infective. based on Bown & Gajdusek, (1991), landfill and burial may be assumed to have a reduction factor of 98% (i.e. a factor of 50) over 3 years. CJD-infected brain-tissue remained infectious after storing at room-temperature for 22 months (Tateishi et al, 1988). Scrapie agent is known to remain viable after at least 30 months of desiccation (Wilson et al, 1950). and pastures that had been grazed by scrapie-infected sheep still appeared to be contaminated with scrapie agent three years after they were last occupied by sheep (Palsson, 1979).

Dr. Paul Brown Scrapie Soil Test BSE Inquiry Document


BSE infectivity survives burial for five years with only limited spread

Using in vitro Prion replication for high sensitive detection of prions and prionlike proteins and for understanding mechanisms of transmission. 

Claudio Soto Mitchell Center for Alzheimer's diseases and related Brain disorders, Department of Neurology, University of Texas Medical School at Houston. 

Prion and prion-like proteins are misfolded protein aggregates with the ability to selfpropagate to spread disease between cells, organs and in some cases across individuals. I n T r a n s m i s s i b l e s p o n g i f o r m encephalopathies (TSEs), prions are mostly composed by a misfolded form of the prion protein (PrPSc), which propagates by transmitting its misfolding to the normal prion protein (PrPC). The availability of a procedure to replicate prions in the laboratory may be important to study the mechanism of prion and prion-like spreading and to develop high sensitive detection of small quantities of misfolded proteins in biological fluids, tissues and environmental samples. Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification (PMCA) is a simple, fast and efficient methodology to mimic prion replication in the test tube. PMCA is a platform technology that may enable amplification of any prion-like misfolded protein aggregating through a seeding/nucleation process. In TSEs, PMCA is able to detect the equivalent of one single molecule of infectious PrPSc and propagate prions that maintain high infectivity, strain properties and species specificity. Using PMCA we have been able to detect PrPSc in blood and urine of experimentally infected animals and humans affected by vCJD with high sensitivity and specificity. Recently, we have expanded the principles of PMCA to amplify amyloid-beta (Aβ) and alphasynuclein (α-syn) aggregates implicated in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, respectively. Experiments are ongoing to study the utility of this technology to detect Aβ and α-syn aggregates in samples of CSF and blood from patients affected by these diseases.


***>>> Recently, we have been using PMCA to study the role of environmental prion contamination on the horizontal spreading of TSEs. These experiments have focused on the study of the interaction of prions with plants and environmentally relevant surfaces. Our results show that plants (both leaves and roots) bind tightly to prions present in brain extracts and excreta (urine and feces) and retain even small quantities of PrPSc for long periods of time. Strikingly, ingestion of prioncontaminated leaves and roots produced disease with a 100% attack rate and an incubation period not substantially longer than feeding animals directly with scrapie brain homogenate. Furthermore, plants can uptake prions from contaminated soil and transport them to different parts of the plant tissue (stem and leaves). Similarly, prions bind tightly to a variety of environmentally relevant surfaces, including stones, wood, metals, plastic, glass, cement, etc. Prion contaminated surfaces efficiently transmit prion disease when these materials were directly injected into the brain of animals and strikingly when the contaminated surfaces were just placed in the animal cage. These findings demonstrate that environmental materials can efficiently bind infectious prions and act as carriers of infectivity, suggesting that they may play an important role in the horizontal transmission of the disease.


Since its invention 13 years ago, PMCA has helped to answer fundamental questions of prion propagation and has broad applications in research areas including the food industry, blood bank safety and human and veterinary disease diagnosis. 

New studies on the heat resistance of hamster-adapted scrapie agent: Threshold survival after ashing at 600°C suggests an inorganic template of replication 

Prion Infected Meat-and-Bone Meal Is Still Infectious after Biodiesel Production 

Detection of protease-resistant cervid prion protein in water from a CWD-endemic area 

A Quantitative Assessment of the Amount of Prion Diverted to Category 1 Materials and Wastewater During Processing 

Rapid assessment of bovine spongiform encephalopathy prion inactivation by heat treatment in yellow grease produced in the industrial manufacturing process of meat and bone meals 


Survival and Limited Spread of TSE Infectivity after Burial 

Discussion Classical scrapie is an environmentally transmissible disease because it has been reported in naïve, supposedly previously unexposed sheep placed in pastures formerly occupied by scrapie-infected sheep (4, 19, 20). 

Although the vector for disease transmission is not known, soil is likely to be an important reservoir for prions (2) where – based on studies in rodents – prions can adhere to minerals as a biologically active form (21) and remain infectious for more than 2 years (22). 

Similarly, chronic wasting disease (CWD) has re-occurred in mule deer housed in paddocks used by infected deer 2 years earlier, which was assumed to be through foraging and soil consumption (23). 

Our study suggested that the risk of acquiring scrapie infection was greater through exposure to contaminated wooden, plastic, and metal surfaces via water or food troughs, fencing, and hurdles than through grazing. 

Drinking from a water trough used by the scrapie flock was sufficient to cause infection in sheep in a clean building. 

Exposure to fences and other objects used for rubbing also led to infection, which supported the hypothesis that skin may be a vector for disease transmission (9). 

The risk of these objects to cause infection was further demonstrated when 87% of 23 sheep presented with PrPSc in lymphoid tissue after grazing on one of the paddocks, which contained metal hurdles, a metal lamb creep and a water trough in contact with the scrapie flock up to 8 weeks earlier, whereas no infection had been demonstrated previously in sheep grazing on this paddock, when equipped with new fencing and field furniture. 

When the contaminated furniture and fencing were removed, the infection rate dropped significantly to 8% of 12 sheep, with soil of the paddock as the most likely source of infection caused by shedding of prions from the scrapie-infected sheep in this paddock up to a week earlier. 

This study also indicated that the level of contamination of field furniture sufficient to cause infection was dependent on two factors: stage of incubation period and time of last use by scrapie-infected sheep. 

Drinking from a water trough that had been used by scrapie sheep in the predominantly pre-clinical phase did not appear to cause infection, whereas infection was shown in sheep drinking from the water trough used by scrapie sheep in the later stage of the disease. 

It is possible that contamination occurred through shedding of prions in saliva, which may have contaminated the surface of the water trough and subsequently the water when it was refilled. 

Contamination appeared to be sufficient to cause infection only if the trough was in contact with sheep that included clinical cases. 

Indeed, there is an increased risk of bodily fluid infectivity with disease progression in scrapie (24) and CWD (25) based on PrPSc detection by sPMCA. 

Although ultraviolet light and heat under natural conditions do not inactivate prions (26), furniture in contact with the scrapie flock, which was assumed to be sufficiently contaminated to cause infection, did not act as vector for disease if not used for 18 months, which suggest that the weathering process alone was sufficient to inactivate prions. 

PrPSc detection by sPMCA is increasingly used as a surrogate for infectivity measurements by bioassay in sheep or mice. 

In this reported study, however, the levels of PrPSc present in the environment were below the limit of detection of the sPMCA method, yet were still sufficient to cause infection of in-contact animals. 

In the present study, the outdoor objects were removed from the infected flock 8 weeks prior to sampling and were positive by sPMCA at very low levels (2 out of 37 reactions). 

As this sPMCA assay also yielded 2 positive reactions out of 139 in samples from the scrapie-free farm, the sPMCA assay could not detect PrPSc on any of the objects above the background of the assay. 

False positive reactions with sPMCA at a low frequency associated with de novo formation of infectious prions have been reported (27, 28). 

This is in contrast to our previous study where we demonstrated that outdoor objects that had been in contact with the scrapie-infected flock up to 20 days prior to sampling harbored PrPSc that was detectable by sPMCA analysis [4 out of 15 reactions (12)] and was significantly more positive by the assay compared to analogous samples from the scrapie-free farm. 

This discrepancy could be due to the use of a different sPMCA substrate between the studies that may alter the efficiency of amplification of the environmental PrPSc. 

In addition, the present study had a longer timeframe between the objects being in contact with the infected flock and sampling, which may affect the levels of extractable PrPSc. 

Alternatively, there may be potentially patchy contamination of this furniture with PrPSc, which may have been missed by swabbing. 

The failure of sPMCA to detect CWD-associated PrP in saliva from clinically affected deer despite confirmation of infectivity in saliva-inoculated transgenic mice was associated with as yet unidentified inhibitors in saliva (29), and it is possible that the sensitivity of sPMCA is affected by other substances in the tested material. 

In addition, sampling of amplifiable PrPSc and subsequent detection by sPMCA may be more difficult from furniture exposed to weather, which is supported by the observation that PrPSc was detected by sPMCA more frequently in indoor than outdoor furniture (12). 

A recent experimental study has demonstrated that repeated cycles of drying and wetting of prion-contaminated soil, equivalent to what is expected under natural weathering conditions, could reduce PMCA amplification efficiency and extend the incubation period in hamsters inoculated with soil samples (30). 

This seems to apply also to this study even though the reduction in infectivity was more dramatic in the sPMCA assays than in the sheep model. 

Sheep were not kept until clinical end-point, which would have enabled us to compare incubation periods, but the lack of infection in sheep exposed to furniture that had not been in contact with scrapie sheep for a longer time period supports the hypothesis that prion degradation and subsequent loss of infectivity occurs even under natural conditions. 

In conclusion, the results in the current study indicate that removal of furniture that had been in contact with scrapie-infected animals should be recommended, particularly since cleaning and decontamination may not effectively remove scrapie infectivity (31), even though infectivity declines considerably if the pasture and the field furniture have not been in contact with scrapie-infected sheep for several months. As sPMCA failed to detect PrPSc in furniture that was subjected to weathering, even though exposure led to infection in sheep, this method may not always be reliable in predicting the risk of scrapie infection through environmental contamination. 

These results suggest that the VRQ/VRQ sheep model may be more sensitive than sPMCA for the detection of environmentally associated scrapie, and suggest that extremely low levels of scrapie contamination are able to cause infection in susceptible sheep genotypes. 

Keywords: classical scrapie, prion, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, sheep, field furniture, reservoir, serial protein misfolding cyclic amplification 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 

*** Objects in contact with classical scrapie sheep act as a reservoir for scrapie transmission *** 


CWD, TSE, PRION, MATERNAL mother to offspring, testes, epididymis, seminal fluid, and blood

Subject: Prion 2019 Conference

See full Prion 2019 Conference Abstracts

see scientific program and follow the cwd studies here;

Thursday, May 23, 2019 

Prion 2019 Emerging Concepts CWD, BSE, SCRAPIE, CJD, SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Schedule and Abstracts


TSE surveillance statistics exotic species and domestic cats Update December 2019


Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion aka mad cow type disease in cervid Zoonosis Update

***> ''In particular the US data do not clearly exclude the possibility of human (sporadic or familial) TSE development due to consumption of venison. The Working Group thus recognizes a potential risk to consumers if a TSE would be present in European cervids.'' Scientific opinion on chronic wasting disease (II) <***

What if?

> However, to date, no CWD infections have been reported in people.
key word here is ‘reported’. science has shown that CWD in humans will look like sporadic CJD. SO, how can one assume that CWD has not already transmitted to humans? they can’t, and it’s as simple as that. from all recorded science to date, CWD has already transmitted to humans, and it’s being misdiagnosed as sporadic CJD. …terry
*** These results would seem to suggest that CWD does indeed have zoonotic potential, at least as judged by the compatibility of CWD prions and their human PrPC target. Furthermore, extrapolation from this simple in vitro assay suggests that if zoonotic CWD occurred, it would most likely effect those of the PRNP codon 129-MM genotype and that the PrPres type would be similar to that found in the most common subtype of sCJD (MM1).***
Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion aka mad deer disease zoonosis
We hypothesize that:
(1) The classic CWD prion strain can infect humans at low levels in the brain and peripheral lymphoid tissues;
(2) The cervid-to-human transmission barrier is dependent on the cervid prion strain and influenced by the host (human) prion protein (PrP) primary sequence;
(3) Reliable essays can be established to detect CWD infection in humans; and
(4) CWD transmission to humans has already occurred. We will test these hypotheses in 4 Aims using transgenic (Tg) mouse models and complementary in vitro approaches.
Prion 2017 Conference
First evidence of intracranial and peroral transmission of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) into Cynomolgus macaques: a work in progress Stefanie Czub1, Walter Schulz-Schaeffer2, Christiane Stahl-Hennig3, Michael Beekes4, Hermann Schaetzl5 and Dirk Motzkus6 1 
University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/Canadian Food Inspection Agency; 2Universitatsklinikum des Saarlandes und Medizinische Fakultat der Universitat des Saarlandes; 3 Deutsches Primaten Zentrum/Goettingen; 4 Robert-Koch-Institut Berlin; 5 University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; 6 presently: Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Research Center; previously: Deutsches Primaten Zentrum/Goettingen 
This is a progress report of a project which started in 2009. 21 cynomolgus macaques were challenged with characterized CWD material from white-tailed deer (WTD) or elk by intracerebral (ic), oral, and skin exposure routes. Additional blood transfusion experiments are supposed to assess the CWD contamination risk of human blood product. Challenge materials originated from symptomatic cervids for ic, skin scarification and partially per oral routes (WTD brain). Challenge material for feeding of muscle derived from preclinical WTD and from preclinical macaques for blood transfusion experiments. We have confirmed that the CWD challenge material contained at least two different CWD agents (brain material) as well as CWD prions in muscle-associated nerves. 
Here we present first data on a group of animals either challenged ic with steel wires or per orally and sacrificed with incubation times ranging from 4.5 to 6.9 years at postmortem. Three animals displayed signs of mild clinical disease, including anxiety, apathy, ataxia and/or tremor. In four animals wasting was observed, two of those had confirmed diabetes. All animals have variable signs of prion neuropathology in spinal cords and brains and by supersensitive IHC, reaction was detected in spinal cord segments of all animals. Protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA), real-time quaking-induced conversion (RT-QuiC) and PET-blot assays to further substantiate these findings are on the way, as well as bioassays in bank voles and transgenic mice. 
At present, a total of 10 animals are sacrificed and read-outs are ongoing. Preclinical incubation of the remaining macaques covers a range from 6.4 to 7.10 years. Based on the species barrier and an incubation time of > 5 years for BSE in macaques and about 10 years for scrapie in macaques, we expected an onset of clinical disease beyond 6 years post inoculation. 
Oral transmission of CWD into Cynomolgus macaques: signs of atypical disease, prion conversion and infectivity in macaques and bio-assayed transgenic mice
Hermann M. Schatzl, Samia Hannaoui, Yo-Ching Cheng, Sabine Gilch (Calgary Prion Research Unit, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada) Michael Beekes (RKI Berlin), Walter Schulz-Schaeffer (University of Homburg/Saar, Germany), Christiane Stahl-Hennig (German Primate Center) & Stefanie Czub (CFIA Lethbridge).
To date, BSE is the only example of interspecies transmission of an animal prion disease into humans. The potential zoonotic transmission of CWD is an alarming issue and was addressed by many groups using a variety of in vitro and in vivo experimental systems. Evidence from these studies indicated a substantial, if not absolute, species barrier, aligning with the absence of epidemiological evidence suggesting transmission into humans. Studies in non-human primates were not conclusive so far, with oral transmission into new-world monkeys and no transmission into old-world monkeys. Our consortium has challenged 18 Cynomolgus macaques with characterized CWD material, focusing on oral transmission with muscle tissue. Some macaques have orally received a total of 5 kg of muscle material over a period of 2 years.
After 5-7 years of incubation time some animals showed clinical symptoms indicative of prion disease, and prion neuropathology and PrPSc deposition were detected in spinal cord and brain of some euthanized animals. PrPSc in immunoblot was weakly detected in some spinal cord materials and various tissues tested positive in RT-QuIC, including lymph node and spleen homogenates. To prove prion infectivity in the macaque tissues, we have intracerebrally inoculated 2 lines of transgenic mice, expressing either elk or human PrP. At least 3 TgElk mice, receiving tissues from 2 different macaques, showed clinical signs of a progressive prion disease and brains were positive in immunoblot and RT-QuIC. Tissues (brain, spinal cord and spleen) from these and pre-clinical mice are currently tested using various read-outs and by second passage in mice. Transgenic mice expressing human PrP were so far negative for clear clinical prion disease (some mice >300 days p.i.). In parallel, the same macaque materials are inoculated into bank voles.
Taken together, there is strong evidence of transmissibility of CWD orally into macaques and from macaque tissues into transgenic mouse models, although with an incomplete attack rate.
The clinical and pathological presentation in macaques was mostly atypical, with a strong emphasis on spinal cord pathology.
Our ongoing studies will show whether the transmission of CWD into macaques and passage in transgenic mice represents a form of non-adaptive prion amplification, and whether macaque-adapted prions have the potential to infect mice expressing human PrP.
The notion that CWD can be transmitted orally into both new-world and old-world non-human primates asks for a careful reevaluation of the zoonotic risk of CWD..
***> The notion that CWD can be transmitted orally into both new-world and old-world non-human primates asks for a careful reevaluation of the zoonotic risk of CWD. <***
P190 Human prion disease mortality rates by occurrence of chronic wasting disease in freeranging cervids, United States
Abrams JY (1), Maddox RA (1), Schonberger LB (1), Person MK (1), Appleby BS (2), Belay ED (1) (1) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Atlanta, GA, USA (2) Case Western Reserve University, National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center (NPDPSC), Cleveland, OH, USA..
SEEMS THAT THEY FOUND Highly endemic states had a higher rate of prion disease mortality compared to non-CWD
P172 Peripheral Neuropathy in Patients with Prion Disease
Wang H(1), Cohen M(1), Appleby BS(1,2) (1) University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio (2) National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center, Cleveland, Ohio..
IN THIS STUDY, THERE WERE autopsy-proven prion cases from the National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center that were diagnosed between September 2016 to March 2017,
included 104 patients. SEEMS THEY FOUND THAT The most common sCJD subtype was MV1-2 (30%), followed by MM1-2 (20%),
THAT The Majority of cases were male (60%), AND half of them had exposure to wild game.
see more on Prion 2017 Macaque study from Prion 2017 Conference and other updated science on cwd tse prion zoonosis below…terry

1. Interspecies transmission of the chronic wasting disease agent

Justin Greenlee

Virus and Prion Research Unit, National Animal Disease Center, USDA Agriculture Research Service


The presentation will summarize the results of various studies conducted at our research center that assess the transmissibility of the chronic wasting disease (CWD) agent to cattle, pigs, raccoons, goats, and sheep. This will include specifics of the relative attack rates, clinical signs, and microscopic lesions with emphasis on how to differentiate cross-species transmission of the CWD agent from the prion diseases that naturally occur in hosts such as cattle or sheep. Briefly, the relative difficulty of transmitting the CWD agent to sheep and goats will be contrasted with the relative ease of transmitting the scrapie agent to white-tailed deer.

53. Evaluation of the inter-species transmission potential of different CWD isolates

Rodrigo Moralesa, Carlos Kramma,b, Paulina Sotoa, Adam Lyona, Sandra Pritzkowa, Claudio Sotoa

aMitchell Center for Alzheimer’s disease and Related Brain Disorders, Dept. of Neurology, McGovern School of Medicine University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, TX, USA; bFacultad de Medicina, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile


Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has reached epidemic proportions in North America and has been identified in South Korea and Northern Europe. CWD-susceptible cervid species are known to share habitats with humans and other animals entering the human food chain. At present, the potential of CWD to infect humans and other animal species is not completely clear. The exploration of this issue acquires further complexity considering the differences in the prion protein sequence due to species-specific variations and polymorphic changes within species. While several species of cervids are naturally affected by CWD, white-tailed deer (WTD) is perhaps the most relevant due to its extensive use in hunting and as a source of food. Evaluation of inter-species prion infections using animals or mouse models is costly and time consuming. We and others have shown that the Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification (PMCA) technology reproduces, in an accelerated and inexpensive manner, the inter-species transmission of prions while preserving the strain features of the input PrPSc. In this work, we tested the potential of different WTD-derived CWD isolates to transmit to humans and other animal species relevant for human consumption using PMCA. For these experiments, CWD isolates homozygous for the most common WTD-PrP polymorphic changes (G96S) were used (96SS variant obtained from a pre-symptomatic prion infected WTD). Briefly, 96GG and 96SS CWD prions were adapted in homologous or heterologous substrate by PMCA through several (15) rounds. End products, as well as intermediates across the process, were tested for their inter-species transmission potentials. A similar process was followed to assess seed-templated misfolding of ovine, porcine, and bovine PrPC. Our results show differences on the inter-species transmission potentials of the four adapted materials generated (PrPC/PrPSc polymorphic combinations), being the homologous combinations of seed/substrate the ones with the greater apparent zoonotic potential. Surprisingly, 96SS prions adapted in homologous substrate were the ones showing the easiest potential to template PrPC misfolding from other animal species. In summary, our results show that a plethora of different CWD isolates, each comprising different potentials for inter-species transmission, may exist in the environment. These experiments may help to clarify an uncertain and potentially worrisome public health issue. Additional research in this area may be useful to advise on the design of regulations intended to stop the spread of CWD and predict unwanted zoonotic events.

56. Understanding chronic wasting disease spread potential for at-risk species

Catherine I. Cullingham, Anh Dao, Debbie McKenzie and David W. Coltman

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB, Canada

CONTACT Catherine I. Cullingham


Genetic variation can be linked to susceptibility or resistance to a disease, and this information can help to better understand spread-risk in a population. Wildlife disease incidence is increasing, and this is resulting in negative impacts on the economy, biodiversity, and in some instances, human health. If we can find genetic variation that helps to inform which individuals are susceptible, then we can use this information on at-risk populations to better manage negative consequences. Chronic wasting disease, a fatal, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy of cervids (both wild and captive), continues to spread geographically, which has resulted in an increasing host-range. The disease agent (PrPCWD) is a misfolded conformer of native cellular protein (PrPC). In Canada, the disease is endemic in Alberta and Saskatchewan, infecting primarily mule deer and white-tail deer, with a smaller impact on elk and moose populations. As the extent of the endemic area continues to expand, additional species will be exposed to this disease, including bison, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, and pronghorn antelope. To better understand the potential spread-risk among these species, we reviewed the current literature on species that have been orally exposed to CWD to identify susceptible and resistant species. We then compared the amino acid polymorphisms of PrPC among these species to determine whether any sites were linked to susceptibility or resistance to CWD infection. We sequenced the entire PrP coding region in 578 individuals across at-risk populations to evaluate their potential susceptibility. Three amino acid sites (97, 170, and 174; human numbering) were significantly associated with susceptibility, but these were not fully discriminating. All but one species among the resistant group shared the same haplotype, and the same for the susceptible species. For the at-risk species, bison had the resistant haplotype, while bighorn sheep and mountain goats were closely associated with the resistant type. Pronghorn antelope and a newly identified haplotype in moose differed from the susceptible haplotype, but were still closely associated with it. These data suggest pronghorn antelope will be susceptible to CWD while bison are likely to be resistant. Based on this data, recommendations can be made regarding species to be monitored for possible CWD infection.

KEYWORDS: Chronic wasting disease; Prnp; wildlife disease; population genetics; ungulates

Thursday, May 23, 2019 

Prion 2019 Emerging Concepts CWD, BSE, SCRAPIE, CJD, SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Schedule and Abstracts

see full Prion 2019 Conference Abstracts

Cervid to human prion transmission 5R01NS088604-04 Update
snip…full text;
Experts: Yes, chronic wasting disease in deer is a public health issue — for people

Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion and THE FEAST 2003 CDC an updated review of the science 2019


Six-year follow-up of a point-source exposure to CWD contaminated venison in an Upstate New York community: risk behaviours and health outcomes 2005–2011

Authors, though, acknowledged the study was limited in geography and sample size and so it couldn't draw a conclusion about the risk to humans. They recommended more study. Dr. Ermias Belay was the report's principal author but he said New York and Oneida County officials are following the proper course by not launching a study. "There's really nothing to monitor presently. No one's sick," Belay said, noting the disease's incubation period in deer and elk is measured in years. "

Transmission Studies

Mule deer transmissions of CWD were by intracerebral inoculation and compared with natural cases {the following was written but with a single line marked through it ''first passage (by this route)}....TSS

resulted in a more rapidly progressive clinical disease with repeated episodes of synocopy ending in coma. One control animal became affected, it is believed through contamination of inoculum (?saline). Further CWD transmissions were carried out by Dick Marsh into ferret, mink and squirrel monkey. Transmission occurred in ALL of these species with the shortest incubation period in the ferret.


Prion Infectivity in Fat of Deer with Chronic Wasting Disease▿ 

Brent Race#, Kimberly Meade-White#, Richard Race and Bruce Chesebro* + Author Affiliations

In mice, prion infectivity was recently detected in fat. Since ruminant fat is consumed by humans and fed to animals, we determined infectivity titers in fat from two CWD-infected deer. Deer fat devoid of muscle contained low levels of CWD infectivity and might be a risk factor for prion infection of other species. 

Prions in Skeletal Muscles of Deer with Chronic Wasting Disease 

Here bioassays in transgenic mice expressing cervid prion protein revealed the presence of infectious prions in skeletal muscles of CWD-infected deer, demonstrating that humans consuming or handling meat from CWD-infected deer are at risk to prion exposure. 

*** now, let’s see what the authors said about this casual link, personal communications years ago, and then the latest on the zoonotic potential from CWD to humans from the TOKYO PRION 2016 CONFERENCE.

see where it is stated NO STRONG evidence. so, does this mean there IS casual evidence ???? “Our conclusion stating that we found no strong evidence of CWD transmission to humans”


Date: September 30, 2002 at 7:06 am PST

From: "Belay, Ermias"

To: Cc: "Race, Richard (NIH)" ; ; "Belay, Ermias"

Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 9:22 AM


Dear Sir/Madam,

In the Archives of Neurology you quoted (the abstract of which was attached to your email), we did not say CWD in humans will present like variant CJD.. That assumption would be wrong. I encourage you to read the whole article and call me if you have questions or need more clarification (phone: 404-639-3091). Also, we do not claim that "no-one has ever been infected with prion disease from eating venison." Our conclusion stating that we found no strong evidence of CWD transmission to humans in the article you quoted or in any other forum is limited to the patients we investigated.

Ermias Belay, M.D. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

-----Original Message-----

From: Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 10:15 AM


Sunday, November 10, 2002 6:26 PM .......snip........end..............TSS

Thursday, April 03, 2008

A prion disease of cervids: Chronic wasting disease 2008 1: Vet Res. 2008 Apr 3;39(4):41 A prion disease of cervids: Chronic wasting disease Sigurdson CJ.


*** twenty-seven CJD patients who regularly consumed venison were reported to the Surveillance Center***,

snip... full text ; 

> However, to date, no CWD infections have been reported in people. 

sporadic, spontaneous CJD, 85%+ of all human TSE, just not just happen. never in scientific literature has this been proven.

if one looks up the word sporadic or spontaneous at pubmed, you will get a laundry list of disease that are classified in such a way;

key word here is 'reported'. science has shown that CWD in humans will look like sporadic CJD. SO, how can one assume that CWD has not already transmitted to humans? they can't, and it's as simple as that. from all recorded science to date, CWD has already transmitted to humans, and it's being misdiagnosed as sporadic CJD. ...terry 


*** These results would seem to suggest that CWD does indeed have zoonotic potential, at least as judged by the compatibility of CWD prions and their human PrPC target. Furthermore, extrapolation from this simple in vitro assay suggests that if zoonotic CWD occurred, it would most likely effect those of the PRNP codon 129-MM genotype and that the PrPres type would be similar to that found in the most common subtype of sCJD (MM1).*** 

FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2019 

Chronic Wasting Disease in Cervids: Implications for Prion Transmission to Humans and Other Animal Species



***> In conclusion, sensory symptoms and loss of reflexes in Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome can be explained by neuropathological changes in the spinal cord. We conclude that the sensory symptoms and loss of lower limb reflexes in Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome is due to pathology in the caudal spinal cord. <***

***> The clinical and pathological presentation in macaques was mostly atypical, with a strong emphasis on spinal cord pathology.<*** 

***> The notion that CWD can be transmitted orally into both new-world and old-world non-human primates asks for a careful reevaluation of the zoonotic risk of CWD. <***

***> All animals have variable signs of prion neuropathology in spinal cords and brains and by supersensitive IHC, reaction was detected in spinal cord segments of all animals.<*** 

***> In particular the US data do not clearly exclude the possibility of human (sporadic or familial) TSE development due to consumption of venison. The Working Group thus recognizes a potential risk to consumers if a TSE would be present in European cervids.'' Scientific opinion on chronic wasting disease (II) <***


Experts testify United States is underprepared for bioterrorism threats Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy TSE Prion disease 

 ***Moreover, sporadic disease has never been observed in breeding colonies or primate research laboratories, most notably among hundreds of animals over several decades of study at the National Institutes of Health25, and in nearly twenty older animals continuously housed in our own facility.***

Even if the prevailing view is that sporadic CJD is due to the spontaneous formation of CJD prions, it remains possible that its apparent sporadic nature may, at least in part, result from our limited capacity to identify an environmental origin. 

O.05: Transmission of prions to primates after extended silent incubation periods: Implications for BSE and scrapie risk assessment in human populations 
Emmanuel Comoy, Jacqueline Mikol, Valerie Durand, Sophie Luccantoni, Evelyne Correia, Nathalie Lescoutra, Capucine Dehen, and Jean-Philippe Deslys Atomic Energy Commission; Fontenay-aux-Roses, France 

Prion diseases (PD) are the unique neurodegenerative proteinopathies reputed to be transmissible under field conditions since decades. The transmission of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) to humans evidenced that an animal PD might be zoonotic under appropriate conditions. Contrarily, in the absence of obvious (epidemiological or experimental) elements supporting a transmission or genetic predispositions, PD, like the other proteinopathies, are reputed to occur spontaneously (atpical animal prion strains, sporadic CJD summing 80% of human prion cases). 

Non-human primate models provided the first evidences supporting the transmissibiity of human prion strains and the zoonotic potential of BSE. Among them, cynomolgus macaques brought major information for BSE risk assessment for human health (Chen, 2014), according to their phylogenetic proximity to humans and extended lifetime. We used this model to assess the zoonotic potential of other animal PD from bovine, ovine and cervid origins even after very long silent incubation periods. 

*** We recently observed the direct transmission of a natural classical scrapie isolate to macaque after a 10-year silent incubation period, 

***with features similar to some reported for human cases of sporadic CJD, albeit requiring fourfold long incubation than BSE. Scrapie, as recently evoked in humanized mice (Cassard, 2014), 

***is the third potentially zoonotic PD (with BSE and L-type BSE), 

***thus questioning the origin of human sporadic cases. 

We will present an updated panorama of our different transmission studies and discuss the implications of such extended incubation periods on risk assessment of animal PD for human health. 


***thus questioning the origin of human sporadic cases*** 


***our findings suggest that possible transmission risk of H-type BSE to sheep and human. Bioassay will be required to determine whether the PMCA products are infectious to these animals. 


***Transmission data also revealed that several scrapie prions propagate in HuPrP-Tg mice with efficiency comparable to that of cattle BSE. While the efficiency of transmission at primary passage was low, subsequent passages resulted in a highly virulent prion disease in both Met129 and Val129 mice. 

***Transmission of the different scrapie isolates in these mice leads to the emergence of prion strain phenotypes that showed similar characteristics to those displayed by MM1 or VV2 sCJD prion. 

***These results demonstrate that scrapie prions have a zoonotic potential and raise new questions about the possible link between animal and human prions. 


Saturday, April 23, 2016

SCRAPIE WS-01: Prion diseases in animals and zoonotic potential 2016

Prion. 10:S15-S21. 2016 ISSN: 1933-6896 printl 1933-690X online

Taylor & Francis

Prion 2016 Animal Prion Disease Workshop Abstracts

WS-01: Prion diseases in animals and zoonotic potential

Transmission of the different scrapie isolates in these mice leads to the emergence of prion strain phenotypes that showed similar characteristics to those displayed by MM1 or VV2 sCJD prion. 

These results demonstrate that scrapie prions have a zoonotic potential and raise new questions about the possible link between animal and human prions.

Title: Transmission of scrapie prions to primate after an extended silent incubation period) 

*** In complement to the recent demonstration that humanized mice are susceptible to scrapie, we report here the first observation of direct transmission of a natural classical scrapie isolate to a macaque after a 10-year incubation period. Neuropathologic examination revealed all of the features of a prion disease: spongiform change, neuronal loss, and accumulation of PrPres throughout the CNS. 

*** This observation strengthens the questioning of the harmlessness of scrapie to humans, at a time when protective measures for human and animal health are being dismantled and reduced as c-BSE is considered controlled and being eradicated. 

*** Our results underscore the importance of precautionary and protective measures and the necessity for long-term experimental transmission studies to assess the zoonotic potential of other animal prion strains.

1: J Infect Dis 1980 Aug;142(2):205-8

Oral transmission of kuru, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and scrapie to nonhuman primates.

Gibbs CJ Jr, Amyx HL, Bacote A, Masters CL, Gajdusek DC.

Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease of humans and scrapie disease of sheep and goats were transmitted to squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) that were exposed to the infectious agents only by their nonforced consumption of known infectious tissues. The asymptomatic incubation period in the one monkey exposed to the virus of kuru was 36 months; that in the two monkeys exposed to the virus of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease was 23 and 27 months, respectively; and that in the two monkeys exposed to the virus of scrapie was 25 and 32 months, respectively. Careful physical examination of the buccal cavities of all of the monkeys failed to reveal signs or oral lesions. One additional monkey similarly exposed to kuru has remained asymptomatic during the 39 months that it has been under observation.


The successful transmission of kuru, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and scrapie by natural feeding to squirrel monkeys that we have reported provides further grounds for concern that scrapie-infected meat may occasionally give rise in humans to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

PMID: 6997404

Recently the question has again been brought up as to whether scrapie is transmissible to man. This has followed reports that the disease has been transmitted to primates. One particularly lurid speculation (Gajdusek 1977) conjectures that the agents of scrapie, kuru, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and transmissible encephalopathy of mink are varieties of a single "virus". The U.S. Department of Agriculture concluded that it could "no longer justify or permit scrapie-blood line and scrapie-exposed sheep and goats to be processed for human or animal food at slaughter or rendering plants" (ARC 84/77)" The problem is emphasised by the finding that some strains of scrapie produce lesions identical to the once which characterise the human dementias"

Whether true or not. the hypothesis that these agents might be transmissible to man raises two considerations. First, the safety of laboratory personnel requires prompt attention. Second, action such as the "scorched meat" policy of USDA makes the solution of the acrapie problem urgent if the sheep industry is not to suffer grievously.



Nature. 1972 Mar 10;236(5341):73-4.

Transmission of scrapie to the cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis).

Gibbs CJ Jr, Gajdusek DC.

Nature 236, 73 - 74 (10 March 1972); doi:10.1038/236073a0

Transmission of Scrapie to the Cynomolgus Monkey (Macaca fascicularis)


National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

SCRAPIE has been transmitted to the cynomolgus, or crab-eating, monkey (Macaca fascicularis) with an incubation period of more than 5 yr from the time of intracerebral inoculation of scrapie-infected mouse brain. The animal developed a chronic central nervous system degeneration, with ataxia, tremor and myoclonus with associated severe scrapie-like pathology of intensive astroglial hypertrophy and proliferation, neuronal vacuolation and status spongiosus of grey matter. The strain of scrapie virus used was the eighth passage in Swiss mice (NIH) of a Compton strain of scrapie obtained as ninth intracerebral passage of the agent in goat brain, from Dr R. L. Chandler (ARC, Compton, Berkshire).

Wednesday, February 16, 2011




A newly identified type of scrapie agent can naturally infect sheep with resistant PrP genotypes

Annick Le Dur*,?, Vincent Béringue*,?, Olivier Andréoletti?, Fabienne Reine*, Thanh Lan Laï*, Thierry Baron§, Bjørn Bratberg¶, Jean-Luc Vilotte?, Pierre Sarradin**, Sylvie L. Benestad¶, and Hubert Laude*,?? +Author Affiliations

*Virologie Immunologie Moléculaires and ?Génétique Biochimique et Cytogénétique, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, 78350 Jouy-en-Josas, France; ?Unité Mixte de Recherche, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique-Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, Interactions Hôte Agent Pathogène, 31066 Toulouse, France; §Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments, Unité Agents Transmissibles Non Conventionnels, 69364 Lyon, France; **Pathologie Infectieuse et Immunologie, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, 37380 Nouzilly, France; and ¶Department of Pathology, National Veterinary Institute, 0033 Oslo, Norway

***Edited by Stanley B. Prusiner, University of California, San Francisco, CA (received for review March 21, 2005)


Scrapie in small ruminants belongs to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), or prion diseases, a family of fatal neurodegenerative disorders that affect humans and animals and can transmit within and between species by ingestion or inoculation. Conversion of the host-encoded prion protein (PrP), normal cellular PrP (PrPc), into a misfolded form, abnormal PrP (PrPSc), plays a key role in TSE transmission and pathogenesis. The intensified surveillance of scrapie in the European Union, together with the improvement of PrPSc detection techniques, has led to the discovery of a growing number of so-called atypical scrapie cases. These include clinical Nor98 cases first identified in Norwegian sheep on the basis of unusual pathological and PrPSc molecular features and "cases" that produced discordant responses in the rapid tests currently applied to the large-scale random screening of slaughtered or fallen animals. Worryingly, a substantial proportion of such cases involved sheep with PrP genotypes known until now to confer natural resistance to conventional scrapie. Here we report that both Nor98 and discordant cases, including three sheep homozygous for the resistant PrPARR allele (A136R154R171), efficiently transmitted the disease to transgenic mice expressing ovine PrP, and that they shared unique biological and biochemical features upon propagation in mice.

*** These observations support the view that a truly infectious TSE agent, unrecognized until recently, infects sheep and goat flocks and may have important implications in terms of scrapie control and public health.


***The pathology features of Nor98 in the cerebellum of the affected sheep showed similarities with those of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans.


*** Intriguingly, these conclusions suggest that some pathological features of Nor98 are reminiscent of Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease.

OR here;

*** The discovery of previously unrecognized prion diseases in both humans and animals (i.e., Nor98 in small ruminants) demonstrates that the range of prion diseases might be wider than expected and raises crucial questions about the epidemiology and strain properties of these new forms. We are investigating this latter issue by molecular and biological comparison of VPSPr, GSS and Nor98.


OR-10: Variably protease-sensitive prionopathy is transmissible in bank voles

Romolo Nonno,1 Michele Di Bari,1 Laura Pirisinu,1 Claudia D’Agostino,1 Stefano Marcon,1 Geraldina Riccardi,1 Gabriele Vaccari,1 Piero Parchi,2 Wenquan Zou,3 Pierluigi Gambetti,3 Umberto Agrimi1 1Istituto Superiore di Sanità; Rome, Italy; 2Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche, Università di Bologna; Bologna, Italy; 3Case Western Reserve University; Cleveland, OH USA

Background. Variably protease-sensitive prionopathy (VPSPr) is a recently described “sporadic”neurodegenerative disease involving prion protein aggregation, which has clinical similarities with non-Alzheimer dementias, such as fronto-temporal dementia. Currently, 30 cases of VPSPr have been reported in Europe and USA, of which 19 cases were homozygous for valine at codon 129 of the prion protein (VV), 8 were MV and 3 were MM. A distinctive feature of VPSPr is the electrophoretic pattern of PrPSc after digestion with proteinase K (PK). After PK-treatment, PrP from VPSPr forms a ladder-like electrophoretic pattern similar to that described in GSS cases. The clinical and pathological features of VPSPr raised the question of the correct classification of VPSPr among prion diseases or other forms of neurodegenerative disorders. Here we report preliminary data on the transmissibility and pathological features of VPSPr cases in bank voles.

Materials and Methods. Seven VPSPr cases were inoculated in two genetic lines of bank voles, carrying either methionine or isoleucine at codon 109 of the prion protein (named BvM109 and BvI109, respectively). Among the VPSPr cases selected, 2 were VV at PrP codon 129, 3 were MV and 2 were MM. Clinical diagnosis in voles was confirmed by brain pathological assessment and western blot for PK-resistant PrPSc (PrPres) with mAbs SAF32, SAF84, 12B2 and 9A2.

Results. To date, 2 VPSPr cases (1 MV and 1 MM) gave positive transmission in BvM109. Overall, 3 voles were positive with survival time between 290 and 588 d post inoculation (d.p.i.). All positive voles accumulated PrPres in the form of the typical PrP27–30, which was indistinguishable to that previously observed in BvM109 inoculated with sCJDMM1 cases.

In BvI109, 3 VPSPr cases (2 VV and 1 MM) showed positive transmission until now. Overall, 5 voles were positive with survival time between 281 and 596 d.p.i.. In contrast to what observed in BvM109, all BvI109 showed a GSS-like PrPSc electrophoretic pattern, characterized by low molecular weight PrPres. These PrPres fragments were positive with mAb 9A2 and 12B2, while being negative with SAF32 and SAF84, suggesting that they are cleaved at both the C-terminus and the N-terminus. Second passages are in progress from these first successful transmissions.

Conclusions. Preliminary results from transmission studies in bank voles strongly support the notion that VPSPr is a transmissible prion disease. Interestingly, VPSPr undergoes divergent evolution in the two genetic lines of voles, with sCJD-like features in BvM109 and GSS-like properties in BvI109.

The discovery of previously unrecognized prion diseases in both humans and animals (i.e., Nor98 in small ruminants) demonstrates that the range of prion diseases might be wider than expected and raises crucial questions about the epidemiology and strain properties of these new forms. We are investigating this latter issue by molecular and biological comparison of VPSPr, GSS and Nor98.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 2019 

Incomplete inactivation of atypical scrapie following recommended autoclave decontamination procedures USDA HERE'S YOUR SIGN!

***> In conclusion, sensory symptoms and loss of reflexes in Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome can be explained by neuropathological changes in the spinal cord. We conclude that the sensory symptoms and loss of lower limb reflexes in Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome is due to pathology in the caudal spinal cord. <***

***> The clinical and pathological presentation in macaques was mostly atypical, with a strong emphasis on spinal cord pathology.<*** 

***> The notion that CWD can be transmitted orally into both new-world and old-world non-human primates asks for a careful reevaluation of the zoonotic risk of CWD. <***

***> All animals have variable signs of prion neuropathology in spinal cords and brains and by supersensitive IHC, reaction was detected in spinal cord segments of all animals.<*** 

***> In particular the US data do not clearly exclude the possibility of human (sporadic or familial) TSE development due to consumption of venison. The Working Group thus recognizes a potential risk to consumers if a TSE would be present in European cervids.'' Scientific opinion on chronic wasting disease (II) <***


Heidenhain Variant Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease hvCJD, sporadic spontaneous CJD and the TSE Prion December 14, 2019





Man died of CJD 30 years after brain surgery 36 years old DOD

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 38 years after diagnostic use of human growth hormone

E A Croes, G Roks, G H Jansen,PCG Nijssen, C M van Duijn ............................................................................................................................. 

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2002;72:792–793

A 47 year old man is described who developed pathology proven Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) 38 years after receiving a low dose of human derived growth hormone (hGH) as part of a diagnostic procedure. The patient presented with a cerebellar syndrome, which is compatible with iatrogenic CJD. This is the longest incubation period described so far for iatrogenic CJD. Furthermore, this is the first report of CJD after diagnostic use of hGH. Since the patient was one of the first in the world to receive hGH, other cases of iatrogenic CJD can be expected in the coming years.


An incubation period as long as 38 years had never been reported for iatrogenic CJD. Huillard d’Aignaux et al7 studied the incubation period in 55 patients with hGH related CJD in a cohort of 1361 French hGH recipients. The median incubation period was between 9 and 10 years. Under the most pessimistic model, the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval varied between 17 and 20 years. Although the infecting dose cannot be quantified, it can be speculated that the long incubation period in our patient is partly explained by the administration of a limited amount of hGH. This hypothesis is supported by experimental models, in which higher infecting doses usually produce shorter incubation periods.6 Since our patient was one of the first in the world to receive hGH, this case indicates that still more patients with iatrogenic CJD can be expected in the coming years. Another implication of our study is that CJD can develop even after a low dose of hGH. This case once more testifies that worldwide close monitoring of any form of iatrogenic CJD is mandatory.

Iatrogenic CJD due to pituitary-derived growth hormone with genetically determined incubation times of up to 40 years

Peter Rudge,1,2 Zane Jaunmuktane,3 Peter Adlard,4 Nina Bjurstrom,1 Diana Caine,1,5 Jessica Lowe,2 Penny Norsworthy,2 Holger Hummerich,2 Ron Druyeh,2 Jonathan D. F. Wadsworth,2 Sebastian Brandner,3 Harpreet Hyare,1,2 Simon Mead1,2 and John Collinge1,2

Patients with iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease due to administration of cadaver-sourced growth hormone during childhood are still being seen in the UK 30 years after cessation of this treatment. Of the 77 patients who have developed iatrogenic CreutzfeldtJakob disease, 56 have been genotyped. There has been a marked change in genotype profile at polymorphic codon 129 of the prion protein gene (PRNP) from predominantly valine homozygous to a mixed picture of methionine homozygous and methioninevaline heterozygous over time. The incubation period of iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is significantly different between all three genotypes. This experience is a striking contrast with that in France and the USA, which may relate to contamination of different growth hormone batches with different strains of human prions. We describe the clinical, imaging, molecular and autopsy features in 22 of 24 patients who have developed iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the UK since 2003. Mean age at onset of symptoms was 42.7 years. Gait ataxia and lower limb dysaesthesiae were the most frequent presenting symptoms. All had cerebellar signs, and the majority had myoclonus and lower limb pyramidal signs, with relatively preserved cognitive function, when first seen. There was a progressive decline in neurological and cognitive function leading to death after 5–32 (mean 14) months. Despite incubation periods approaching 40 years, the clinical duration in methionine homozygote patients appeared to be shorter than that seen in heterozygote patients. MRI showed restricted diffusion in the basal ganglia, thalamus, hippocampus, frontal and the paracentral motor cortex and cerebellar vermis. The electroencephalogram was abnormal in 15 patients and cerebrospinal fluid 14-3-3 protein was positive in half the patients. Neuropathological examination was conducted in nine patients. All but one showed synaptic prion deposition with numerous kuru type plaques in the basal ganglia, anterior frontal and parietal cortex, thalamus, basal ganglia and cerebellum. The patient with the shortest clinical duration had an atypical synaptic deposition of abnormal prion protein and no kuru plaques. Taken together, these data provide a remarkable example of the interplay between the strain of the pathogen and host prion protein genotype. Based on extensive modelling of human prion transmission barriers in transgenic mice expressing human prion protein on a mouse prion protein null background, the temporal distribution of codon 129 genotypes within the cohort of patients with iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the UK suggests that there was a point source of infecting prion contamination of growth hormone derived from a patient with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease expressing prion protein valine 129.


This study, covering the period from 2000–14, shows that iatrogenic CJD due to cadaver-sourced pituitary growth hormone, a treatment that was discontinued in 1985 in the UK, continues to occur in the UK at a frequency of 0–6 cases per annum. Incubation periods are now extraordinarily long, with estimates ranging from 18–40 years, the uncertainty based on clinical onsets and lengths of treatment with potentially infected batches. In this paper we have reviewed the clinical features, progression, imaging abnormalities, prion protein genotype, PrPSc type by western blot and preliminary neuropathology data.


A case of Iatrogenic Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (iCJD) in a patient who had received a German-manufactured human dura mater graft 23 years ago

Monday, February 01, 2010

Import Alert 57-20 and 84-03 Human Dura Mater and risk factors there from due to Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (CJD) 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011 

TSEAC Meeting August 1, 2011 donor deferral ... 

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Familial human prion diseases associated with prion protein mutations Y226X and G131V are transmissible to transgenic mice expressing human prion protein



***> Diagnosis of Methionine/Valine Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease by Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification 

Volume 24, Number 7—July 2018 Dispatch 


National Variability in Prion Disease–Related Safety Policies for Neurologic Procedures

Friday, September 27, 2019

Prion disease and recommended procedures for flexible endoscope reprocessing – a review of policies worldwide and proposal for a simplified approach


Disinfection of Multi-Use Ocular Equipment for Ophthalmological Procedures: A Review of Clinical Effectiveness, Cost-Effectiveness, and Guidelines

Sent: Wed, Nov 13, 2019 9:52 am
Subject: Moncton Hospital A third person who had cataract surgery has been diagnosed with the fatal Creuztfeld-Jakob disease

Woman is 3rd person this year diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease at the Moncton Hospital

Shepody woman is 3rd person diagnosed with fatal disease at the hospital this year

Tori Weldon · CBC News · Posted: Nov 12, 2019 5:00 AM AT | Last Updated: 7 hours ago

Diana Paterson first showed signs of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in April. Since her diagnosis in June, her husband Art Paterson has become her full-time caregiver. (Tori Weldon/CBC)

Diana Paterson is not sure how much longer she has to live.

In June, she was diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, known as CJD, after showing signs of the fatal illness for several months.

Art Paterson, speaking with his wife's permission, said Diana now suffers symptoms of dementia, which came on quickly.

"It's like all of a sudden you walked into a nursing home and you don't know the person you're with," Art said.

When the couple went to Toronto to see a baseball game in April, it was the first time he noticed something was off.

Art and Diana Paterson have been married for 29 years. Only a few months after her diagnosis of CJD, Diana uses a walker and can't be left alone. (Pierre Fournier/CBC) Diana became agitated and couldn't sit still, and they ended up leaving part way through the game, despite Diana's love of the Blue Jays.

Thirteen falls, a six-week hospital stay and numerous tests later, the couple received the diagnosis. Art can't pronounce Creutzfeldt-Jakob, but he knows its prognosis well.

"It's downhill and you're never going back up," he said.

In the seven months since she first started showing symptoms, Diana has lost her short-term memory and can no longer walk unassisted.

"I do everything for her that I can, get her mad, make her laugh, do all the laundry, cook all our meals, whatever," Art said. "That's what husbands and wives are about."

Information Morning - Moncton Another Creuztfeld-Jakob case diagnosed at Moncton Hospital 25:19

A third person who had cataract surgery has been diagnosed with the fatal Creuztfeld-Jakob disease. 25:19 'What the heck is going on?'

While CJD is said to occur at a rate of only one in a million people, Diana is the third person to be diagnosed with the deadly degenerative brain disease at the Moncton Hospital in less than a year.

"You just kind of throw your hands up in the air and say, 'What the heck is going on?'" said Art.

Dr. Gordon Dow is the division head of infectious diseases at the Moncton Hospital. (Pierre Fournier/CBC) After his wife's diagnosis, Art went online looking for more information. He found two other CJD cases had made the news earlier in the year.

Like Diana, both underwent cataract surgery at the Moncton Hospital before their diagnoses. She had her surgery in December 2016. The other two patients had their surgeries in December 2018 and January 2019.

2 cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease at Moncton Hospital not cause for concern, officials say Frustration mounts over Horizon's response to deadly disease But unlike Diana, both were already showing signs of the disease at the time of surgery.

Dr. Gordon Dow, division head of infectious diseases at the Moncton Hospital, said even he was shocked when another case of CJD was discovered.


"I was flabbergasted initially when I saw that we had three cases of this rare disease in a small city the size of Moncton," Dow said.

He immediately contacted the Public Health Agency of Canada, which runs a national surveillance system for the disease. He said the agency scrutinized each case, and he believes there is no need for people to panic.

Three years before showing signs of CJD, Diana Paterson went on a trip to Italy with her husband.(Submitted/Art Paterson) "I think even though there's the overwhelming weight of evidence suggesting that we've had a cluster of sporadic cases, there is no need for public alarm," Dow said.

"This is not an indication that there's been an outbreak of CJD."

Dow said he found several factors that could explain why Moncton is seeing an increase in CJD diagnoses.

Testing has improved

"Up until now, the only definitive diagnosis was [done through an] autopsy or brain biopsy," said Dow.

He said within the last two years a new method of testing for CJD has been making it much easier to diagnose living patients.

"It has literally revolutionized our ability to diagnose this disease, which is probably more common than we realized," said Dow.

He points to national numbers that show an increase in CJD cases in the last 21 years in Canada, with the mortality rate rising steadily from 0.79 in 1998 to 2.09 in 2018.

As well, Dow said, the city has the largest cohort of neurologists in the province at its two hospitals. With neurologists and geriatricians best equipped to diagnose the disease, a diagnosis that might be missed elsewhere would get picked up in Moncton, he said.

With all three CJD patients having had cataract surgery at Moncton Hospital, Dow said the first concern he had was whether there was any chance that could have caused CJD. He turned to Public Health for information and looked at studies done around the world. He found there is no evidence of a link.

"There's no scientific evidence that cataract surgery can cause CJD," he said.

CJD is most often found in older people, and the elderly receive most cataract surgeries, Dow said. A symptom of CJD is blurred vision and blindness, issues that lead to people receiving cataract surgery.

Types of CJD

According to Dow there are four kinds of CJD:

Iatrogenic (through hospital or medical procedures). Familial (through hereditary link). Sporadic (spontaneously occurring for no apparent reason). Variant CJD (BSE or "mad cow" disease). He said the two earlier cases of CJD were determined to be sporadic, and for confidentiality reasons he would not discuss Paterson's results.

Dow said he doesn't see a reason for the public to be concerned but, "if we keep seeing further rates of CJD rising in the Moncton area we're going to treat every case as a unique and important case," he said.

"There's going to be a lot of scrutiny."

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See history;

Statement on low risk of transmitting CJD through cataract surgery

(Moncton) April 8, 2019 - We would like to confirm Horizon's The Moncton Hospital has identified two separate cases where a patient with probable Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) had cataract surgery in our facility. After careful review it was determined that these two cases are totally unrelated. CJD is a rare degenerative brain disorder that leads to dementia.

Patients who received the same procedure in the following weeks have no significant risk of contracting the protein from the same medical instruments being used.

Horizon is confident the risk of transmitting CJD from using the same instruments is not significant. Horizon uses modern cleaning and sterilization processes that make the transmission nearly impossible.

Horizon notified 103 patients of the risk by letter upon discovering the first case of CJD on January 15, 2019. We notified an additional 601 patients on February 14,2019 following the discovery of the second probable case.

Patients were encouraged to call Horizon to speak with either their ophthalmologist or a member of Horizon's team. We can confirm that 43 patients contacted Horizon to learn more about their potential risk.

The transmission of CJD by surgical instruments has only been documented on seven occasions worldwide, occurring more than 20-40 years ago, and none of the CJD cases have been linked to cataract surgery.

Even though the risk of one of our patients contracting CJD is extremely low, Horizon is committed to being transparent and wanted to share this information with patients that received cataract surgery at Horizon's The Moncton Hospital.

We also shared this information with the family physicians for each patient.

Due to the rarity of having two separate CJD cases identified, we have disclosed this information to the Public Health Agency of Canada.

April 8, 2019 7:10 pm Updated: April 9, 2019 8:57 am

N.B. health authority contacts over 700 patients after detecting rare degenerative brain disease

 By Alexander Quon

File - The Horizon Health Network has notified more than 700 patients after two cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease were diagnosed. Both patients had undergone cataracts surgery before being diagnosed.

File - The Horizon Health Network has notified more than 700 patients after two cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease were diagnosed. Both patients had undergone cataracts surgery before being diagnosed.

New Brunswick’s Horizon Health Network has identified two separate cases in which a patient with a probable case of a degenerative brain disease had cataract surgery at the Moncton Hospital — spurring them to contact 700 patients who underwent similar procedures at the facility.

The health authority confirmed to Global News on Monday evening that two cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) were detected at the facility but are unrelated.

Horizon directed Global News to a video that they published on their YouTube channel earlier on Monday about CJD when asked for information on incidents. The video is narrated by Dr. Gordon Dow, the chief of infectious diseases at Moncton Hospital.

READ MORE: Young Edmonton mother with rare form of dementia passes away

In the video, Dow says that the first case of CJD was diagnosed after a patient was admitted to hospital in December. Six weeks later another man was diagnosed with the same degenerative brain disease.

Both of the patients had undergone surgery before being diagnosed with CJD.

“We could not find any reason for this but statistical probability. It just so happens that two rare events happened at once,” said Dow.

Dow stresses in the video that the risk of transmission of CJD is “very low.”

What is CJD

According to the Alzheimer Society of Canada, CJD is a rare and fatal brain disease that is caused by a protein in the brain called prion.

In its natural form, prion is harmless. But when it is abnormal it becomes toxic to brain cells.

The disease is difficult to diagnose and it can be several years before a person who is exposed to CJD has the abnormal prions form.

The society says CJD can affect everyone differently but that the disease progresses quickly once symptoms appear. People with CJD rarely live beyond a year.

CJD can be “accidentally transmitted during a medical procedure involving human tissues” but can also be transmitted from exposure to a cattle infected with a variant of CJD known as mad cow disease.

CJD can also happen sporadically, often in elderly people without warning, or be the result of a genetic mutation.

READ MORE: What is mad cow disease? Quick facts about BSE

Informing patients

Dow stresses in the video that the risk of transmission of CJD is “very low” during cataract surgeries because the protein that results in the disease is not significantly present in the area of the where the surgery is carried out.

The chief of infectious diseases also says that modern sterilization methods used on surgical tools reduce the likelihood of transmission.

In the video — which, as of 7:30 p.m. Monday, has not been shared on Horizon’s official social media accounts — Dow says that transparency is important in medicine, even when there is low to no risk.

As a result, Dow says after detecting the first case, the cataract surgeon notified “each and every one” of 103 patients by phone who had “potentially been exposed” to the medical instruments used during the surgery.

WATCH: Families continue to come forward after Moncton nurse fired for administering labour-inducing drugs

The patients also received a letter informing them of the low risk of transmission.

The second incident prompted Horizon to notify 601 patients who had been potentially exposed. Dow says they couldn’t call all of the patients but they were informed through a letter.

A note has also been placed on all of the patient’s charts in order to flag that they warrant extra attention.

“The risk looks like zero and if its not zero it’s too low to measure,” Dow said in the video.

“So wouldn’t it be appropriate to be vigilant with the patients who had been exposed to the instruments.”

Dow says that the incident has made the hospital stress the importance of keeping track of tools used during surgeries.

Any patient who has questions or concerns are urged to contact 1-844-225-0220

If you’ve received a letter as a result of the incident and are interested in talking to Global News please email us at

1: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1994 Jun;57(6):757-8 

*** Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease to a chimpanzee by electrodes contaminated during neurosurgery. ***

Gibbs CJ Jr, Asher DM, Kobrine A, Amyx HL, Sulima MP, Gajdusek DC. 

Laboratory of Central Nervous System Studies, National Institute of 

Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, 

Bethesda, MD 20892. 

Stereotactic multicontact electrodes used to probe the cerebral cortex of a middle aged woman with progressive dementia were previously implicated in the accidental transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) to two younger patients. The diagnoses of CJD have been confirmed for all three cases. More than two years after their last use in humans, after three cleanings and repeated sterilisation in ethanol and formaldehyde vapour, the electrodes were implanted in the cortex of a chimpanzee. Eighteen months later the animal became ill with CJD. This finding serves to re-emphasise the potential danger posed by reuse of instruments contaminated with the agents of spongiform encephalopathies, even after scrupulous attempts to clean them. 

PMID: 8006664 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 

O17 Evaluation of iatrogenic risk of CJD transmission associated with corneal transplantation 

Douet JY. (1), Cassard H. (1), Huor A. (1), Lacroux C. (1), Haïk S. (2), Lugan S. (1), Tillier C. (1), Aron N. (1), Ironside J.W. (3), Andreoletti O. (1) 

(1) UMR INRA-ENVT 1225, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, France.(2) Université Pierre et Marie Curie, UMR-S 1127, CNRS UMR 722, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière, G.H. PitiéSalpêtrière, Paris, France.(3) National CJD Research and Surveillance Unit Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh, UK. 

Sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (sCJD) has been documented to be accidentally transmitted by contaminated corneal transplants. To date, only one case is considered as definite, while 5 other suspect cases are classified as probable or possible. However, the specific transmission risk associated with this widely-performed transplantation procedure has never been studied. 

In this study, bioassays in transgenic mice expressing the human PrP confirmed the presence of infectivity in the cornea of 2 sCJD patients. Infectivity was also detected in other ocular tissues (optic nerve, retina, vitreous body, choroid and lacrymal gland) from one of these patients. 

Based on these results, we investigated the presence of infectivity in the cornea of different TSE animal models. In conventional mice (RML strain) as well as in sheep (PG127 scrapie), infectivity could only be detected in the corneas collected at the late stage of the disease incubation phase. 

In parallel to these experiments, corneas collected at different stages of the incubation period in infected mice and sheep were grafted into healthy recipients. 

Our results showed that corneas collected during the late asymptomatic phase or in affected animals were able to transmit TSE infectivity. Importantly, after the death of the recipients (up to 2.5 years after surgery) infectivity could still be detected in the grafted cornea. 

These data confirm the potential for sCJD transmission by corneal grafts. They also provide crucial data for the assessing the TSE transmission risk associated with various other ophthalmologic procedures. 



Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Eyes of CJD patients show evidence of prions Finding could help early diagnosis, raise concern for eye exams and transplants.

Singeltary 1999


i said that 20 years ago about this very thing. but did anyone!

prepare for the storm...terry

year 1999 to 2000

Subject: RE-The Eyes Have It (cjd) and they could be stealing them from your loved one... "pay back time" 

Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000 10:04:26 -0700 

From: "Terry S. Singeltary Sr." 

Reply-To: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 

######### Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy #########

Greetings List Members,

I hate to keep kicking a madcow, but this still is very disturbing to me. Not only for the recipient of the cornea's, but as well, for the people whom would be operated on, using the same tools that were used to put those stolen cornea's in the recipient with. No history of this donor or his family (re-ffi), or anything would be known, using stolen organs and or tissue's. I just think this is not only wrong, but very dangerous to a great many other people, as this is one of the most infectious tissues of TSE's. It seems that this practice of stealing organ/tissue happens more than we think. Anyway, the family of the victim which had their cornea's stolen, are now suing. In the example I used with my Mother, if 3 months before, she would have been in a catastrophic accident (car wreck, whatever), no autopsy (for whatever reason), no family (for whatever reason), she lay in the morgue, and after 4 hours, they come steal the cornea's, lot of people could have been infected, just because of lack of medical history of donor/family. It may be hypothetical, but very real. We need to stop the spread of this disease.

kind regards, Terry S. Singeltary Sr., Bacliff, Texas USA 


Previous story--

Cadaver corneal transplants -- without family permission...

Cadaver corneal transplants -- without family permission Houston, Texas channel 11 news 28 Nov 99

Reported by Terry S. Singeltary Sr.son of CJD victim

"It was a story about how the Lions eye bank were harvesting corneas from victims in the Morgue, without their consent. Under Texas law, this appears to be legal (remember Texas has the Veggie liable law). Even if Family says no, this appears to happen, from what the news story said.

They said the only way to prevent this, is to fill out a form, stating not to have this done. So if you don't fill out the form, they can do this. How many people don't know about the form? 

 This is not only disgusting and appalling, it could be highly infectious. Without proper background checking of the donors, on their physical history, checking on past dementia, and/or family history, some of these unfortunate victims, could be passing a human TSE. 

 Response Jill Spitler Clevelland Eye Bank: 

 "No, we are not stealing.........Yes, you do have such a law in the state of Texas, but not all your state Eye Banks utilize the law. The Eye Bank that you're speaking of is only one of 43 certified Eye Bank throughout the USA. 

 And there are measure taken per the Medical Standards of the Eye Bank Association of America, the certifying body for eye banks and per FDA regulations to address those concerns that you speak of. 

 I would suggest that those interested/concern with transplant contact their local agencies. The Eye Bank Association of America has a web. site . Further if anyone has problems contacting or finding out about their local organization(s), call me or e-mail me I would be glad to help. My e-mail address is

 Terry Singeltary responds: 

 "Explain this to the family in Houston who went to their loved ones funeral, only to find out that the loved one that was in the casket, had their corneas removed without their permission, without the consent of the victim or it's family. They would not have known it, only for the funny look the victim had. So, they questioned, only to find out, the corneas, had in fact, been removed without consent. 

 I call that stealing, regardless what the law states. This type of legal grave robbing is not a logical thing to do without knowing any type of background of the victims medical past, which really will not prove anything due to the incubation period. Eye tissue being potentially a highly infective source, there are risks here. 

 Should they not at least know of the potential ramifications of TSE's (the person receiving the corneas)? 

 Should there not be some sort of screening? 

 Should there be some sort of moral issue here? 

 If this is the case, and in fact, they can come take your corneas, without your consent, then what will they start taking next, without your consent? 

 Lets look at a hypothetical situation: 

 What would happen if my Mom (DOD 12-14-97 hvCJD) would have gotten into a car wreck and died, before the symptoms of CJD appeared. Not much money, so there was no autopsy. What would have happened to that recipient of those infecting corneas?" 

 Comment (webmaster): Actual transmission of CJD by means of corneal transplant may or may not be rare. The incidence of infectivity in older people could be fairly high; this is not to be confused with the lower incidence of symptomatic (clinical) CJD. It is very unlikely that familial CJD would have been diagnosed in earlier generations; however, without interviewing the family even known kindreds would not be excluded. 

 In blood donation, a much stricter policy is followed, even though corneal transplant may be far more dangerous (being a direct link to the brain and not going through purification steps). 

 Since highly sensitive tests for pre-clinical CJD are now available, it would make sense to screen corneas for CJD, just as they are screened for AIDS, hepatitus, and a host of other conditions. 

Eye procedure raises CJD concerns

BySTEVE MITCHELL, Medical Correspondent

WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 (UPI) -- A New York man who died from a rare brain disorder similar to mad cow disease in May underwent an eye procedure prior to his death that raises concerns about the possibility of transmitting the fatal disease to others, United Press International has learned.

The development comes on the heels of the announcement Thursday by U.S. Department of Agriculture officials of a possible second case of mad cow disease in U.S. herds.

Richard Da Silva, 58, of Orange County, N.Y., died from Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, an incurable brain-wasting illness that strikes about one person per million.

Richard's wife Ann Marie Da Silva told UPI he underwent a check for the eye disease glaucoma in 2003, approximately a year before his death. The procedure involves the use of a tonometer, which contacts the cornea -- an eye tissue that can contain prions, the infectious agent thought to cause CJD.

Ann Marie's concern is that others who had the tonometer used on them could have gotten infected.

A 2003 study by British researchers suggests her concerns may be justified. A team led by J.W. Ironside from the National Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Surveillance Unit at the University of Edinburgh examined tonometer heads and found they can retain cornea tissue that could infect other people -- even after cleaning and decontaminating the instrument.

"Retained corneal epithelial cells, following the standard decontamination routine of tonometer prisms, may represent potential prion infectivity," the researchers wrote in the British Journal of Ophthalmology last year. "Once the infectious agent is on the cornea, it could theoretically infect the brain."

Prions, misfolded proteins thought to be the cause of mad cow, CJD and similar diseases, are notoriously difficult to destroy and are capable of withstanding most sterilization procedures.

Laura Manuelidis, an expert on these diseases and section chief of surgery in the neuropathology department at Yale University, agreed with the British researchers that tonometers represent a potential risk of passing CJD to other people.

Manuelidis told UPI she has been voicing her concern about the risks of corneas since 1977 when her own study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, showed the eye tissue, if infected, could transmit CJD.

At the time the procedure was done on Richard Da Silva, about a year before he died, she said it was "absolutely" possible he was infectious.

The CJD Incidents Panel, a body of experts set up by the U.K. Department of Health, noted in a 2001 report that procedures involving the cornea are considered medium risk for transmitting CJD. The first two patients who have a contaminated eye instrument used on them have the highest risk of contracting the disease, the panel said.

In 1999, the U.K. Department of Health banned opticians from reusing equipment that came in contact with patients' eyes out of concern it could result in the transmission of variant CJD, the form of the disease humans can contract from consuming infected beef products.

Richard Da Silva was associated with a cluster of five other cases of CJD in southern New York that raised concerns about vCJD.

None of the cases have been determined to stem from mad cow disease, but concerns about the cattle illness in the United States could increase in light of the USDA announcement Thursday that a cow tested positive on initial tests for the disease. If confirmed, this would be the second U.S. case of the illness; the first was detected in a Washington cow last December. The USDA said the suspect animal disclosed Thursday did not enter the food chain. The USDA did not release further details about the cow, but said results from further lab tests to confirm the initial tests were expected within seven days.

Ann Marie Da Silva said she informed the New York Health Department and later the eye doctor who performed the procedure about her husband's illness and her concerns about the risk of transmitting CJD via the tonometer.

The optometrist -- whom she declined to name because she did not want to jeopardize his career -- "didn't even know what this disease was," she said.

"He said the health department never called him and I called them (the health department) back and they didn't seem concerned about it," she added. "I just kept getting angrier and angrier when I felt I was being dismissed."

She said the state health department "seems to have an attitude of don't ask, don't tell" about CJD.

"There's a stigma attached to it," she said. "Is it because they're so afraid the public will panic? I don't know, but I don't think that the answer is to push things under the rug."

New York State Department of Health spokeswoman Claire Pospisil told UPI she would look into whether the agency was concerned about the possibility of transmitting CJD via tonometers, but she had not called back prior to story publication.

Disposable tonometers are readily available and could avoid the risk of transmitting the disease, Ironside and colleagues noted in their study. Ann Marie Da Silva said she asked the optometrist whether he used disposable tonometers and "he said 'No, it's a reusable one.'"

Ironside's team also noted other ophthalmic instruments come into contact with the cornea and could represent a source of infection as they are either difficult to decontaminate or cannot withstand the harsh procedures necessary to inactivate prions. These include corneal burrs, diagnostic and therapeutic contact lenses and other coated lenses.

Terry Singletary, whose mother died from a type of CJD called Heidenhain Variant, told UPI health officials were not doing enough to prevent people from being infected by contaminated medical equipment.

"They've got to start taking this disease seriously and they simply aren't doing it," said Singletary, who is a member of CJD Watch and CJD Voice -- advocacy groups for CJD patients and their families.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spokeswoman Christine Pearson did not return a phone call from UPI seeking comment. The agency's Web site states the eye is one of three tissues, along with the brain and spinal cord, that are considered to have "high infectivity."

The Web site said more than 250 people worldwide have contracted CJD through contaminated surgical instruments and tissue transplants. This includes as many as four who were infected by corneal grafts. The agency noted no such cases have been reported since 1976, when sterilization procedures were instituted in healthcare facilities.

Ironside and colleagues noted in their study, however, many disinfection procedures used on optical instruments, such as tonometers, fail. They wrote their finding of cornea tissue on tonometers indicates that "no current cleaning and disinfection strategy is fully effective."

Singletary said CDC's assertion that no CJD cases from infected equipment or tissues have been detected since 1976 is misleading.

"They have absolutely no idea" whether any cases have occurred in this manner, he said, because CJD cases often aren't investigated and the agency has not required physicians nationwide report all cases of CJD.

"There's no national surveillance unit for CJD in the United States; people are dying who aren't autopsied, the CDC has no way of knowing" whether people have been infected via infected equipment or tissues, he said.

Ann Marie Da Silva said she has contacted several members of her state's congressional delegation about her concerns, including Rep. Sue Kelly, R-N.Y., and Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.

"Basically, what I want is to be a positive force in this, but I also want more of a dialogue going on with the public and the health department," she said.

Friday, December 04, 2009

New guidance on decontamination of trial contact lenses and other contact devices has been revealed for CJD AND vCJD


Of Grave Concern Heidenhain Variant Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease


CDC Eyes of CJD patients show evidence of prions concerns for iatrogenic transmission 


Heidenhain Variant Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease hvCJD, sporadic spontaneous CJD and the TSE Prion December 14, 2019

22 years, rip mom dod 12/14/97 confirmed hvcjd, just made a promise to mom, and you don't break those promises, never forget, and never let them forget, before we all do...this pearl's for you! love terry


Three Cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease with Visual Disturbances as Initial Manifestation


Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a systematic review of global incidence, prevalence, infectivity, and incubation

 We found that although CJD, particularly iatrogenic CJD, is rare, the incidence of sporadic CJD is increasing.

Saturday, November 23, 2019 

Prion disease incidence in the United States, 2003–2015

Thank you for your submission. Below is a copy of your comment as we received it. Your comment will soon be with the editor for review. If accepted, your comment will be posted online at the earliest opportunity. Please note that your Publishing Agreement, included within your submission below, will be removed by editorial staff before we publish your letter.

The Editorial Staff of NEUROLOGY


Article (citation):
Maddox RA, Person MK, Blevins JE, et alPrion disease incidence in the United States, 2003–2015. Neurology (2019)10.1212/WNL.0000000000008680

The comment "RE: Prion disease incidence in the United States, 2003–2015" was submitted on 23 11 2019:

Greetings Neurology et al, I still find this hard to believe, especially with the new sporadic cjd called vpspr in humans, and the other new tse prion disease popping up in humans, along with the poor surveillance we have from state to state for human tse prion. with this continued belief of the UK BSE nvCJD only theory, meaning only those few tied to the typical C-BSE strain in cattle as nvCJD in humans, or what they call today vCJD, and that no other human tse on the globe is from any other animal tse prion like cwd tse prion in cervid, scrapie in sheep and goats, or the other atypical bse tse in cattle, and what about the outbreak of a new tse prion in a new livestock species, the camel. i think this belief, and continued statements of such (without reading the full study, i have no access as a peon), i believe helps continue to spread the tse prion around the globe, by ignoring the fact that all iatrogenic CJD is, is sporadic CJD, until the iatrogenic event is discovered, proven, documented, put in to the academic domain, and finally in the public domain. now we know that cwd in cervid and scrapie can transmit to pigs by oral route, and we also know out mad cow feed ban was a colossal failure. i also remember what some of these same scientist said long ago on this topic and cwd being zoonosis or not, and this was 2002, since then much science has come forth showing that cwd to humans not only is very probable, it most likely has already happened. we have doctors and scientist still claiming that 85%+ all human tse prion disease i.e. the sporadic cjd is a spontaneous event from nothing, just a funked out protein that twist wrongly, and that no other reason exist, and this is a dangerous precedent to set, without proof, and will continue to help spread the tse prion imo... 


Saturday, November 23, 2019 Prion disease incidence in the United States, 2003–2015 

Terry S. Singeltary Sr. I am an Author of this Work, and the Work was prepared on my own time - not as part of my duties as an employee.



SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 2019 

National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center Cases Examined¹ Updated Feb 1, 2019 Variably protease-sensitive prionopathy VPSPr


Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease CJD, TSE, Prion, Surveillance Update August 2019


Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease surveillance in Australia: update to 31 December 2018


National Variability in Prion Disease–Related Safety Policies for Neurologic Procedures

Friday, September 27, 2019

Prion disease and recommended procedures for flexible endoscope reprocessing – a review of policies worldwide and proposal for a simplified approach


Disinfection of Multi-Use Ocular Equipment for Ophthalmological Procedures: A Review of Clinical Effectiveness, Cost-Effectiveness, and Guidelines


Veterinary Biologics Guideline 3.32E: Guideline for minimising the risk of introducing transmissible spongiform encephalopathy prions and other infectious agents through veterinary biologics

Wednesday, September 11, 2019 

Is the re-use of sterilized implant abutments safe enough? (Implant abutment safety) iatrogenic TSE Prion

TUESDAY, APRIL 09, 2019 

Horizon Health Network Moncton Hospital notified more than 700 patients after two cases of CJD were diagnosed both patients had undergone cataracts surgery before being diagnosed 

WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 2019 

Incomplete inactivation of atypical scrapie following recommended autoclave decontamination procedures USDA HERE'S YOUR SIGN!


vpspr, sgss, sffi, TSE, an iatrogenic by-product of gss, ffi, familial type prion disease, what it ???
Greetings Friends, Neighbors, and Colleagues,

vpspr, sgss, sffi, TSE, an iatrogenic by-product of gss, ffi, familial type prion disease, what it ???
Confucius is confused again.
I was just sitting and thinking about why there is no genetic link to some of these TSE prion sGSS, sFFi, and it’s really been working on my brain, and then it hit me today.

what if, vpspr, sgss, sffi, TSE prion disease, was a by-product from iatrogenic gss, ffi, familial type prion disease ???
it could explain the cases of no genetic link to the gss, ffi, familial type prion disease, to the family.

sporadic and familial is a red herring, in my opinion, and underestimation is spot on, due to the crude prehistoric diagnostic procedures and criteria and definition of a prion disease.

I say again, what if, iatrogenic, what if, with all these neurological disorders, with a common denominator that is increasingly showing up in the picture, called the prion.

I urge all scientist to come together here, with this as the utmost of importance about all these neurological disease that are increasingly showing up as a prion mechanism, to put on the front burners, the IATROGENIC aspect and the potential of transmission there from, with diseases/disease??? in question.

by definition, could they be a Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy TSE prion type disease, and if so, what are the iatrogenic chances of transmission?

this is very important, and should be at the forefront of research, and if proven, could be a monumental breakthrough in science and battle against the spreading of these disease/diseases.

sporadic CJD, along with new TSE prion disease in humans, of which the young are dying, of which long duration of illness from onset of symptoms to death have been documented, only to have a new name added to the pot of prion disease i.e. sporadic GSS, sporadic FFI, and or VPSPR. I only ponder how a familial type disease could be sporadic with no genetic link to any family member? when the USA is the only documented Country in the world to have documented two different cases of atypical H-type BSE, with one case being called atypical H-G BSE with the G meaning Genetic, with new science now showing that indeed atypical H-type BSE is very possible transmitted to cattle via oral transmission (Prion2014). sporadic CJD and VPSPR have been rising in Canada, USA, and the UK, with the same old excuse, better surveillance. You can only use that excuse for so many years, for so many decades, until one must conclude that CJD TSE prion cases are rising. a 48% incease in CJD in Canada is not just a blip or a reason of better surveillance, it is a mathematical rise in numbers. More and more we are seeing more humans exposed in various circumstance in the Hospital, Medical, Surgical arenas to the TSE Prion disease, and at the same time in North America, more and more humans are becoming exposed to the TSE prion disease via consumption of the TSE prion via deer and elk, cattle, sheep and goats, and for those that are exposed via or consumption, go on to further expose many others via the iatrogenic modes of transmission of the TSE prion disease i.e. friendly fire. I pondered this mode of transmission via the victims of sporadic FFI, sporadic GSS, could this be a iatrogenic event from someone sub-clinical with sFFI or sGSS ? what if?


Man died of CJD 30 years after brain surgery 36 years old DOD


The emergence of classical BSE from atypical/Nor98 scrapie


CJD...Straight talk with...James Ironside...and...Terry Singeltary... 2009


BSE-The Untold Story - joe gibbs and singeltary 1999 - 2009

Subject: Prion Scientific Advisors and Consultants Staff Meeting Singeltary Submission Freas Monday, January 08,2001 3:03 PM

PLEASE be aware, my submission here has now been removed from the www, or changed to a different url that no one knows now, and does not come up in search engines anymore, after 17 years...wonder why that could be, i guess the truth just hurt to much$$$ 

Freas, William

From: Terry S. Singeltary Sr. []

Sent: Monday, January 08,2001 3:03 PM

TO: freas@CBS5055530.CBER.FDA.GOV

Subject: CJD/BSE (aka madcow) Human/Animal TSE’s--U.S.--Submission To Scientific Advisors and Consultants Staff January 2001 Meeting (short version)

CJD/BSE (aka madcow) Human/Animal TSE’s--U.S.--Submission To Scientific Advisors and Consultants Staff January 2001 Meeting (short version)

Greetings again Dr. Freas and Committee Members,

I wish to submit the following information to the Scientific Advisors and Consultants Staff 2001 Advisory Committee (short version).

I understand the reason of having to shorten my submission, but only hope that you add it to a copy of the long version, for members to take and read at their pleasure, (if cost is problem, bill me, address below). So when they realize some time in the near future of the 'real' risks i speak of from human/animal TSEs and blood/surgical products. I cannot explain the 'real' risk of this in 5 or 10 minutes at some meeting, or on 2 or 3 pages, but will attempt here:

remember AIDS/HIV, 'no problem to heterosexuals in the U.S.? no need to go into that, you know of this blunder:

DO NOT make these same stupid mistakes again with human/animal TSE's aka MADCOW DISEASE. I lost my Mom to hvCJD, and my neighbor lost his Mother to sCJD as well (both cases confirmed). I have seen many deaths, from many diseases. I have never seen anything as CJD, I still see my Mom laying helpless, jerking tremendously, and screaming "God, what's wrong with me, why can't I stop this". I still see this, and will never forget. Approximately 10 weeks from 1st of symptoms to death. This is what drives me. I have learned more in 3 years about not only human/animal TSE's but the cattle/rendering/feeding industry/government than i ever wished to.

I think you are all aware of CJD vs vCJD, but i don't think you all know the facts of human/animal TSE's as a whole, they are all very very similar, and are all tied to the same thing, GREED and MAN.

I am beginning to think that the endless attempt to track down and ban, potential victims from known BSE Countries from giving blood will be futile. You would have to ban everyone on the Globe eventually? AS well, I think we MUST ACT SWIFTLY to find blood test for TSE's, whether it be blood test, urine test, .eyelid test, anything at whatever cost, we need a test FAST.

DO NOT let the incubation time period of these TSEs fool you.

To think of Scrapie as the prime agent to compare CJD, but yet overlook the Louping-ill vaccine event in 1930's of which 1000's of sheep where infected by scrapie from a vaccine made of scrapie infected sheep brains, would be foolish. I acquired this full text version of the event which was recorded in the Annual Congress of 1946 National Vet. Med. Ass. of Great Britain and Ireland. from the BVA and the URL is posted in my (long version).

U.S.A. should make all human/animal TSE's notifiable at all ages, with requirements for a thorough surveillance and post-mortem examinations free of charge, if you are serious about eradicating this horrible disease in man and animal.

There is histopathology reports describing o florid plaques" in CJD victims in the USA and some of these victims are getting younger. I have copies of such autopsies, there has to be more. PLUS, sub-clinical human TSE's will most definitely be a problem.

THEN think of vaccineCJD in children and the bovine tissues used in the manufacturing process, think of the FACT that this agent surviving 6OO*C. PNAS -- Brown et al. 97 (7): 3418 scrapie agent live at 600*C

Then think of the CONFIDENTIAL documents of what was known of human/animal TSE and vaccines in the mid to late 80s, it was all about depletion of stock, to hell with the kids, BUT yet they knew. To think of the recall and worry of TSE's from the polio vaccine, (one taken orally i think?), but yet neglect to act on the other potential TSE vaccines (inoculations, the most effective mode to transmit TSEs) of which thousands of doses were kept and used, to deplete stockpile, again would be foolish.

--Oral polio; up to 1988, foetal calf serum was used from UK and New Zealand (pooled); since 1988 foetal calf serum only from New Zealand. Large stocks are held.

--Rubella; bulk was made before 1979 from foetal calf serum from UK and New Zealand. None has been made as there are some 15 years stock.

--Diphtheria; UK bovine beef muscle and ox heart is used but since the end of 1988 this has been sourced from Eire. There are 1,250 litres of stock.

--Tetanus; this involves bovine material from the UK mainly Scottish. There are 21,000 litres of stock.

--Pertussis; uses bovine material from the UK. There are 63,000 litres of stock. --They consider that to switch to a non-UK source will take a minimum of 6-18 months and to switch to a non-bovine source will take a minimum of five years.

3. XXXXXXXXXXX have measles, mumps, MMR, rubella vaccines. These are sourced from the USA and the company believes that US material only is used.



BSE3/1 0251

4. XXXXXXXXXXX have a measles vaccine using bovine serum from the UK. there are 440,000 units of stock. They have also got MMR using bovine serum from the UK.

5. XXXXXXXXXXX have influenza, rubella, measles,' MMR vaccines likely to be used in children. Of those they think that only MMR contains bovine material which is probably a French origin.

6. XXXXXXXXXXX have diphtheria/tetanus and potasses on clinical trial. hese use veal material, some of which has come from the UK and has been ade by XXXXXXXXXXX (see above).

I have documents of imports from known BSE Countries, of ferments, whole blood, antiallergenic preparations,

human blood plasma, normal human blood sera, human immune blood sera, fetal bovine serum, and other blood fractions not elsewhere specified or included, imported glands, catgut, vaccines for both human/animal, as late as 1998. Let us not forget about PITUITARY EXTRACT. This was used to help COWS super ovulate. This tissue was considered to be of greatest risk of containing BSE and consequently transmitting the disease.



How much of this was used in the U.S.?

Please do not keep making the same mistakes; 'Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence'.

What are the U.S. rules for importing and manufacturing vaccines, medicines and medical devices?

Does the U.S.A. allow sourcing of raw material of ruminants from the U.S.A.?

U.S. cattle, what kind of guarantee can you give for serum or tissue donor herds? . The U.S. rendering system would easily amplify T.S.E.'s:

Have we increased the stability of the system (improved heat treatments) since the EU SSC report on the U.S.A. was published in july 2000?

What is done to avoid cross-contaminations in the U.S.A.?

How can the U.S. control absence of cross-contaminations of animal TSE's when pig and horse MBM and even deer and elk are allowed in ruminant feed, as well as bovine blood? I sadly think of the rendering and feeding policy before the Aug. 4, 1997 'partial' feed ban, where anything went, from the city police horse, to the circus elephant, i will not mention all the scrapie infected sheep. I am surprised that we have not included man 'aka soyent green'. It is a disgusting industry and nothing more than greed fuels it.

When will the U.S.. start real surveillance of the U.S. bovine population (not passive, this will not work)?

When will U.S. start removing SRMs?

Have they stopped the use of pneumatic stunners in the U.S.?

If so, will we stop it in all U.S. abattoirs or only in those abattoirs exporting to Europe?

If not, WHY NOT?

same questions for removal of SRM in the U.S.A., or just for export?

If not, WHY NOT?

How do we now sterilize surgical/dental instruments in the U.S.A.?

Where have we been sourcing surgical catgut?

(i have copies of imports to U.S., and it would floor you) hen will re-usable surgical instruments be banned?

'Unregulated "foods" such as 'nutritional supplements' containing various extracts from ruminants, whether imported or derived from

US cattle/sheep/cervids ("antler velvet" extracts!) should be forbidden or at least very seriously regulated. (neighbors Mom, whom also died from CJD, had been taking bovine based supplement, which contained brain, eye, and many other bovine/ovine tissues for years, 'IPLEX').

What is the use of banning blood or tissue donors from Germany, France, etc... when the U.S.A. continues exposing cattle, sheep and people to SRM, refuses to have a serious feed ban, refuses to do systematic BSE-surveillance?

The FDA should feel responsible for the safety of what people eat, prohibit the most dangerous foods, not only prohibit a few more donors - the FDA should be responsible for the safe sourcing of medical devices, not only rely on banning donors "from Europe", The 'real' risks are here in the U.S. as well, and nave been for some time.

We must not forget the studies that have proven infectivity in blood from TSE's.

The Lancet, November 9, 1985

Sir, --Professor Manuelidis and his colleagues (Oct 19, p896) report transmission to animals of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) from the buffy coat from two patients. We also transmitted the disease from, whole blood samples of a patient (and of mice) infected with CJD.l Brain, Cornea, and urine from this patient were also infectious, and the clinicopathological findings2 are summarised as follows.


Samples,were taken aseptically at necropsy. 10% crude homogenates of brain and cornea in saline, whole blood (after crushing a clot), and untreated CSF and urine were innoculated intracerebrally into CFl strain mice (20 ul per animal). Some mice showed emaciation, bradykinesia, rigidity of the body and tail, and sometimes tremor after long incubation periods. Tissues obtained after the animal died (or was killed) were studied histologically (table). Animals infected by various inocula showed common pathological changes, consisting of severe spongiform changes, glial proliferation, and a moderate loss of nerve cells. A few mice inoculated with brain tissue or urine had the same amyloid plaques found in patients and animals with CJD.3


Department of Neuropathology,. Neurological Institute, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University, Fukuoka812, Japan JUN TATEISHI

(full text-long version)


CWD and transmission to man will be no different than other TSE's.

"Clearly, it is premature to draw firm conclusions about CWD passing naturally into humans, cattle and sheep, but the present results suggest that CWD transmissions to humans would be as limited by PrP incompatibility as transmissions of BSE or sheep scrapie to humans. Although there is no evidence that sheep scrapie has affected humans, it is likely that BSE has


caused variant CJD in 74 people (definite and probable variant CJD cases to date according to the UK CJD Surveillance Unit). Given the presumably large number of people exposed to BSE infectivity, the susceptibility of humans may still be very low compared with cattle, which would be consistent with the relatively inefficient conversion of human PrP-sen by PrPBSE. Nonetheless, since humans have apparently been infected by BSE, it would seem prudent to take reasonable measures to limit exposure of humans (as well as sheep and cattle) to CWD infectivity as has been recommended for other animal TSEs,"

G.J. Raymond1, A. Bossers2, L.D. Raymond1, K.I. O'Rourke3, L.E. McHolland4, P.K. Bryant III4, M.W. Miller5, E.S. Williams6, M. Smits2 and B. Caughey1,7

or more recently transmission of BSE to sheep via whole blood Research letters Volume 356, Number 9234 16 September 2000

Transmission of BSE by blood transfusion in sheep

Lancet 2000; 356: 999 – 1000

F Houston, J D Foster, Angela Chong, N Hunter, C J Bostock

See Commentary

"We have shown that it is possible to transmit bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) to a sheep by transfusion with whole blood taken from another sheep during the symptom-free phase of an experimental BSE infection. BSE and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) in human beings are caused by the same infectious agent, and the sheep-BSE experimental model has a similar pathogenesis to that of human vCJD. Although UK blood transfusions are leucodepleted--a possible protective measure against any risk from blood transmission-- this report suggests that blood donated by symptom-free vCJD-infected human beings may represent a risk of spread of vCJD infection among the human population of the UK."

"The demonstration that the new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) is caused by the same agent that causes bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle1 has raised concerns that blood from human beings in the symptom-free stages of vCJD could transmit infection to recipients of blood transfusions (full text long version)"


"The large number of cases (1040), temporal clustering of the outbreaks (15 in the first 6 months of 1997), the high in-flock incidence, and the exceptional involvement of goats (390 cases), suggested an accidental infection. The source of the epidemic might have been TSE-contaminated meat and bonemeal, but eight flocks had never been fed any commercial feedstuff. Infection might have risen from the use of a formol-inactivated vaccine against contagious agalactia prepared by a single laboratory with brain and mammary gland homogenates of sheep infected with Mycoplasma agalactiae. Although clinical signs of TSE in the donor sheep have not been found, it is possible that one or more of them were harbouring the


infectious agent. Between 1995 and 1996, this vaccine was given subcutaneously to 15 of the affected flocks (to one flock in 1994) ; in these animals the disease appeared between 23 and 35 months after vaccination. No information is available for herd 13 because it was made up of stolen animals. Sheep from the remaining three flocks (1-3, figure) did not receive the vaccine, thus suggesting a naturally occurring disease.’’ (again, full text long version).

IN SHORT, please do under estimate this data and or human/animal TSE's including CWD in the U.S.A.

A few last words, please.

The cattle industry would love to have us turn our focus to CWD and forget about our own home grown TSE in Bovines. This would be easy to do. Marsh's work was from downer cattle feed, NOT downer deer/elk feed. This has been proven.


There should be NO LESS THAN 1,000,000 tests for BSE/TSE ' in 2001 for U.S.A. French are testing 20,000 a week. The tests are available. Why wait until we stumble across a case from passive surveillance, by then it is to late. IF we want the truth, this is a must???

United States Total ,Bovine Brain Submissions by State,

May 10 ,1990 thru October 31, 2000

Total 11,700

FROM 1.5 BILLION HEAD OF CATTLE since 1990 ???

with same feeding and rendering practices as that of U.K. for years and years, same scrapie infected sheep used in feed, for years and years, 950 scrapie infect FLOCKS in the U.S. and over 20 different strains of scrapie known to date. (hmmm, i am thinking why there is not a variant scrapie, that is totally different than all the rest)? just being sarcastic.

with only PARTIAL FEED BAN implemented on Aug. 4, 1997??? (you really need to reconsider that blood meal etc. 'TOTAL BAN'),ey.html#charts

AND PLEASE FOR GODS SAKE, STOP saying vCJD victims are the only ones tied to this environmental death sentence. "PROVE IT". It's just not true. The 'CHOSEN ONES' are not the only ones dying because of this man-made death sentence. When making regulations for human health from human/animal TSEs, you had better include ALL human TSE's, not just vCJD. Do NOT underestimate sporadic CJD with the 'prehistoric' testing available to date. This could be a deadly mistake. Remember, sCJD kills much faster from 1st onset of symptoms to death, and hvCJD is the fastest. Could it just be a higher titre of infectivity, or route or source, or all three?

Last, but not least. The illegal/legal harvesting of body parts and tissues will come back to haunt you. Maybe not morally, but due to NO background checks and human TSEs, again it will continue to spread.

Stupidity, Ignorance and Greed is what fuels this disease. You must stop all of this, and ACT AT ONCE...

Sent: Monday, January 08,2001 3:03 PM

TO: freas@CBS5055530.CBER.FDA.GOV

FDA CJD BSE TSE Prion Scientific Advisors and Consultants Staff January 2001 Meeting Singeltary Submission

2001 FDA CJD TSE Prion Singeltary Submission


Monday, January 08,2001 3:03 PM 

FDA Singeltary submission 2001 

Greetings again Dr. Freas and Committee Members, 

I wish to submit the following information to the Scientific Advisors and Consultants Staff 2001 Advisory Committee (short version). I understand the reason of having to shorten my submission, but only hope that you add it to a copy of the long version, for members to take and read at their pleasure, (if cost is problem, bill me, address below). So when they realize some time in the near future of the 'real' risks i speak of from human/animal TSEs and blood/surgical products. I cannot explain the 'real' risk of this in 5 or 10 minutes at some meeting, or on 2 or 3 pages, but will attempt here: 

fda link is dead in the water;

snip...see full text 

*** The potential impact of prion diseases on human health was greatly magnified by the recognition that interspecies transfer of BSE to humans by beef ingestion resulted in vCJD. While changes in animal feed constituents and slaughter practices appear to have curtailed vCJD, there is concern that CWD of free-ranging deer and elk in the U.S. might also cross the species barrier. Thus, consuming venison could be a source of human prion disease. Whether BSE and CWD represent interspecies scrapie transfer or are newly arisen prion diseases is unknown. Therefore, the possibility of transmission of prion disease through other food animals cannot be ruled out. There is evidence that vCJD can be transmitted through blood transfusion. There is likely a pool of unknown size of asymptomatic individuals infected with vCJD, and there may be asymptomatic individuals infected with the CWD equivalent. These circumstances represent a potential threat to blood, blood products, and plasma supplies.


Variant CJD 18 years of research and surveillance

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019 

Arguments for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases caused by prions Stanley B. Prusiner 

''From a large array of bioassays, we conclude that AD, PD, MSA, and the frontotemporal dementias, including PSP and CBD, are all prion diseases''


Revised Preventive Measures to Reduce the Possible Risk of Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease by Blood and Blood Products Guidance for Industry

Terry S. Singeltary Sr.
Bacliff, Texas USA 77518
Galveston Bay...on the bottom!