
Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Confirmed Human BSE aka mad cow Variant CJD vCJD or nvCJD Case in Texas

yes, another foreigner comes to the USA and lives, and never eats anything, and contracts nvcjd. right. just like the last one in 2005. really? here are the facts of the TEXAS MAD COW, MAD COW FEED in Texas, CJD CLUSTER in Texas, CJD CASE IN 38 YEAR OLD WOMAN THAT APPARENTLY WORKED ON THE SLAUGHTER LINE FOR TYSON in Texas, AND OTHER STRANGE TSE PRION DISEASE IN VERY YOUNG VICTIMS HERE IN TEXAS with long duration of illness from onset of clinical symptoms to death, CALLED SPORADIC FFI (except it is not linked to any genetic make up of that family), another nvcjd victim back in 2005 in Texas, apparently another UK victim that had moved to Texas, and never ate anything. these are the facts as I have come to know them (official documents), since hvcjd took my mom in December of 1997. just made a promise to mom, never forget, and never let them forget, the rest of the story, the truth you don’t hear about. ...


Monday, June 02, 2014


Confirmed Human BSE aka mad cow Variant CJD vCJD or nvCJD Case in Texas